Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 877: Returning to Korea

The Leader was quite the special man, he was where he was not only because he had the strength and power to shut everyone else down but he also had the brains to keep his position.

Furthermore, the longer he stood in his spot, the more important it became. It was a typical case of power corruption, as he was no longer the same young man that had promised her eternal love.

For that reason, while he felt a bit of pain in his heart receiving this news, there was no way he was going to take a step back just because of her.

Furthermore, he knew it better than anyone else that Master Kim would have already tortured her for a long time, and perhaps even killed her after learning of the truth.

The only thing that did sting a bit to him, was the fact that even his son had been captured and suffered the same fate as that woman.

But a son raised from those bastards wouldn't amount to much, and he knew that he was a typical good for nothing that only thought of fu*cking and throwing himself around.

Such a son was useless, especially for him who had more than a few through the years, sons that he had given birth to intentionally and unintentionally.

With these thoughts in mind, he gave the open to stop the assault to the direct teams but immediately ordered the secret services and orders to eradicate the enemy with all means necessary.

These orders of his started another wave of turmoil, as now the Kim family and the rest of the big families were at grave risk of eradication, as the power of the central Leader was growing by the day.

Tianlong Yun couldn't allow something like that to happen, because it would be much of a bother and danger for him to take control of the place later, even if he had the power to do it.

Of course, as long as he had the power to do so, Tianlong Yun would place it under his control even if he had to burn it down to ashes.

But a burned down country was of no use to him, and it would be just a too big waste of human resources, and strength.

For that reason, this was the perfect time for him to make a trip back to the country, and smoothly take control of the place.

Even without parting from Huaxia, Tianlong Yun had already ordered his shadows, and his Clan members and disciples to start wreaking havoc at any possible opportunity.

They could turn the place upside down for as much as he cared, as long as they were able to keep both sides in a constant equal conflict.

The keywords were constant and equal, as Tianlong Yun wanted them to do as much damage as they could to both sides, without either of them winning.

It was in such a situation that Tianlong Yun changed his look, and all his credentials to enter Korea as a merchant under the name Tongzhi Zhe.

Since his credentials were clear, despite his overbearing name he was able to easily pass the airport check in and entered the country.

The moment he step out of the airport he could feel the tense and bloody atmosphere around him, and in order to not attract attention, the first thing he did was hire some burly bodyguards.

Even though these guys weren't really useful against the real threats, at least they had the professional and scary looks to keep the crows away from him.

After the security hiring, he immediately made way for the hotel, as he wanted a 'rest' and to check all the latest information that his people had collected.

Arriving at the 5-star hotel that had been booked in advance, Tianlong Yun immediately went to the reception to take his key card to his room.

Of course, since he was a merchant it made sense to only book the best suite that the hotel had to offer, so arriving there he said with a haughty tone,

"Tongzhi Zhe, I think my secretary has already booked the presidential suite!"

"Yes, Mister Tongzhi everything is prepared according to your wishes and desires! This maid will take you to your room, and if you have any extra wishes don't hesitate to notify us, and we will take care of it for you!"

"How is the food at the restaurant of the hotel!?"

"While our kitchen has yet to take 5 stars we are not far from that, as we stand at 4.5!"

"Well, I guess I will give it a try, book a table for 7:30 and also find me a good sauna, and all the newspapers of the last 10 days!"

"Everything will be done as fast as possible Mister Tongzhi! We hope that you like your stay in our hotel!"

The receptionist was an old man with white hair, but a great conduct and professionalism. It looked like not all establishments would hire young girls as receptionists, and Tianlong Yun was impressed.

Well, that didn't matter much as it was just a momentary thought, as the real target of all his haughtiness and showing off was none other than a beautiful gold digger by the side.

While he called her gold digger, he didn't have much of an idea about her, and her background, as he could only sense the changes in her emotional stature while he talked to the receptionist.

Just as he expected, while the maid was actually showing him the way to his elevator, which was in fact a personal one for the presidential suite, the beauty appeared at the door, while saying,

"Please wait a moment, I don't want to lose my lift!"

The maid was ready to explain to her that it was the personal elevator of the presidential suite, but before she could, Tianlong Yun said with an understanding smile,

"I was thinking the same just now!"

"Hehe~! It seems that is a mutual feeling!"

The maid didn't need to be a scientist to understand what was going on, as she had seen this happen many times.

She did wonder why it never happened to her, but it was most probably because she never took the risk to act like this.

It didn't take long for the elevator to reach the top floor where the presidential suite was located, as the guards immediately took their place at the door, while Tianlong Yun and the beauty entered inside.

Before he disappeared behind the elevator door though, he looked at the maid and said,

"You can join us if you want!"

"What!? Me… Really!?"

"You should hurry or the door will close!"

The maid didn't know whether Tianlong Yun meant about her opportunity or about the elevator door, but she immediately came out and jumped in his arms.

It was clear what Tianlong Yun intended to do with her and the other beauty, so she didn't have any reason to hold back.

The 'gold digger' was a bit surprised at the entrance of the maid, and especially her position but Tianlong Yun didn't bother with that, as he took both of them to bed, giving them a night they never imagined.

When he was finally over, and the two beauties seemed to have passed out due to tiredness, he placed his hand on the gold-diggers forehead, passing a bit of Soul Power, and saying,

"Now tell me everything!"

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Apparently the 'gold digger' wasn't just an ordinary one, but it was his contact person with his Shadow Clan in this place.

The moment that she was awakened from her deep sleep after the good evening she had, the beauty started explaining everything to Tianlong Yun with a serious but satisfied face.

Just as Tianlong Yun had known and hoped, the situation seemed under control at the moment, with both sides at each other's throat, unable to take the last step.

But this was just like the peace before the calm, as there were rumors of the Leader preparing a big attack in the coming days.

He seemed to have grown tired of the situation, and he wanted to put a quick closure to it so he could concentrate on increasing his power and preparing for outside intervention.

It wouldn't be a wonder for him to think that Huaxia would start making a move soon, and either try to directly take control of the place or prepare some sort of conference with all the Asiatic Countries to participate.

Either way, whoever had the strength would have the right to decide and say his mind, so the Leader was going to make sure that his voice was one of the main ones.

Since he would have already joined and unified his country, it would be time to start looking toward the outside, and he intended to increase his borders.

Perhaps he might not be able to do this in a short time, but he still had quite some time left. The reason why the Shadow Clan knew so much about all these things, was because they had tapped onto one of the main advisors.

After all, the wish to grow bigger and prosper wasn't only of the Leader, but all the people following him. As they all wanted more than what they had, not caring from whom did they take it from.

Tianlong Yun heard all the reports without much of an expression on his face, as he finally looked towards the maid that was sleeping on the other side of his chest, with an angelic face, and said,

"You know…

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