Rising Shards

Interlude S2.5: “Movie Night”

“Nice to meet you, Marmalade,” Aira said.

“You too!” 

I sat with Aira, Marmalade, Kalei, and Roux, all of us gathered around a TV. Marmalade said she’d watch a Tower of Hate and Love episode if I watched a movie from another series she liked, and with the present party it was determined we’d watch her movie first. Everyone there outside of Kalei and I were huge fans of this series about robots. 

“I was a big blockhead for Blocktritus in my youth.” Roux said. “I still am, in fact. I was just reading exclusive intel on the summer wave.”

“No way the summer AB-816 leaks are out already,” Marmalade said. “Are they?”

“I don’t think they are,” Aira said. “The winter wave only just came out.”

“I have obtained a text based list with the names of the sets, and let’s just say things are getting interesting this summer.” Roux said.

“Roux’s probably lying.” Kalei said.

“Koridia, give me your spot.” Roux said, trying to shove Kalei out of her front and center spot.

“Why should I? Maybe I want the best seat to watch this block thing.” Kalei said. “Shouldn’t Zates and I be up front anyways since we’re the only ones that haven’t seen this?”

“I’m curious to see what you both think!” Marmalade said, looking more Kalei’s way than mine.

The movie was interesting, mainly focusing on some robot heroes traversing a fantasy land trying to get a magic sword. It was no Raina Starlight, but one of the robots kind of reminded me of her. Marmalade, Aira, and Roux gushed about all the apparently mega deep lore of Blocktritus the entire time, pointing out small references Kalei and I would have no way of knowing. 

“That was pretty cool!” I said as the credits rolled. 

“See, what I respect about Marmalade is that she doesn’t just pretend to like something just to make people feel better.”

“I’m not pretending, shut up!” I said. “I can definitely see how that’s transgender, though.” My favorite part was probably all the trans-adjacent themes, even if they weren’t intentional.

“Could you explain that to me?” Kalei asked.

“Sure!” Marmalade said. “It starts with the magic sword’s ability to make people into their destined form…”

Marmalade continued to excitedly talk about her series, with Aira and Roux chiming in. I felt a bit left out not growing up with this story, but I understood the appeal a lot more now.

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