Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 126: To Do or Not to Do!

"Did I lose just like that?"

Crawling out of the game pod, this student was still a bit dazed, not knowing what had happened.

He felt he had lost unfairly, only feeling someone pull him into the water, and then he knew nothing.

Seeing his performance, a group of principals shook their heads.

"His vigilance was a bit lacking, and he didn't observe his surroundings carefully enough. In a swamp, he actually ignored the threat from underwater."

In contrast, the evaluation of Xu Luo was much higher.

Playing to his strengths and avoiding weaknesses, knowing that the others might unite, choosing terrain favorable to himself, and being able to reasonably utilize his surrounding environment. Regardless of how he did it, looking at the results, his gains were good.

At this time, the other three people still didn't know what had happened.

Because if someone was eliminated, it wouldn't be reported to the others. Only when the final results came out would the battle end.

After resolving one opponent, Xu Luo continued to move stealthily, slowly approaching the next opponent.

The second opponent wasn't far from him, but the water surface where he was now and where the opponent was weren't completely connected. It was impossible to sneak over silently.

"Where did they go?"

At this time, unable to find traces of others, the second person seemed a bit anxious.

He didn't know what had happened. Not only could he not find traces of Xu Luo, but the other three people also hadn't come to meet up with him.

He looked very miserable now. Earlier, he had carelessly stepped into a swamp mud pit. Although he quickly climbed out, he was now covered in mud.

He had thought about going into the water to wash off.

But this was a battlefield, everything simulated the actual environment, and the water wasn't that safe.

When he went into the water earlier, he was almost bitten by an alligator and never dared to approach the water's edge again.

Mainly, he didn't expect what looked like a rock to actually be an alligator's head sunbathing.

He wouldn't care about one alligator, but alligators live in groups. Provoking one meant provoking a whole nest.

So for safety's sake, it was better to hide.

He couldn't expose himself because of the battle.

The swamp wasn't safe.

In the water were predators; alligators and giant anacondas were common here, and there might even be various piranhas.

Moreover, in the swamp, not only were animals dangerous, but various plants might not be safe either.

For students, the swamp map was definitely the scenario they least wanted to experience.

Not only was the environment harsh, but it was also much more dangerous than other places.

In the middle of the water, Xu Luo's head emerged, took a breath, then plunged back in.

As long as he could persist on his own, he wouldn't use a spell.

However, at this time, he also somewhat regretted choosing the swamp terrain.

At first, he just thought about choosing a terrain favorable to himself, but forgot that while it was advantageous for him, there were predators here more formidable than him.

He had encountered swamps before, but at that time, he wasn't the main fighter. Even when encountering swamp creatures, with the Zerg's dominance, they directly crushed them.

But now without the Zerg, facing these natives alone wasn't so easy.

Earlier, after resolving one opponent, he successfully dealt with him in the water, but unexpectedly, the blood attracted a large group of piranhas. Fortunately, he ran fast; otherwise, being bitten and bleeding would have been very uncomfortable.

Once bleeding, it would lead to piranhas constantly following him, and even attract creatures like alligators and giant snakes.

Now lurking in the water, Xu Luo tried his best to eliminate his aura. When encountering other creatures, they would either ignore him or treat him as one of their own.


Crawling out of the water, Xu Luo took a deep breath.

He didn't linger long, using magic to dry his clothes, ensuring he wouldn't leave traces when walking. He began to search for his opponent's whereabouts following the mage's eye's guidance.

At the same time, he put a refraction shadow on himself so that the opponent couldn't observe him through a mage's eye.

However, after tracking for a while, he lost trace of the opponent, obviously, that person had realized his movements might be halfway and used methods to counter the mage's eye.

Losing track of the opponent, Xu Luo wasn't discouraged. He couldn't use the mage's eye to observe the opponent's movements, but there were traces left on the ground.

This was something that couldn't be hidden.

Following these traces, he quickly found the opponent's figure.

At this time, that student was unaware, leaning against a tree resting quietly.

However, looking at the tree the student was leaning against, Xu Luo's mouth twitched involuntarily.

That wasn't a tree at all, but a giant snake coiled up there. Having not moved for a long time, wind-blown and sun-baked, it was covered with dust and seeds blown from elsewhere, flowering and fruiting, looking like a big tree.

But now, due to the appearance of an outsider, it had been awakened.

Xu Luo now saw the giant snake's tongue constantly flicking in and out of its huge head.

Seeing this, Xu Luo hesitated.

If he did nothing, that guy would be resolved by the giant snake. He wouldn't have to lift a finger to eliminate an opponent.

But first of all, so many people were watching outside. Doing this would be very bad for his reputation.

And if he tried to stop it, he would face off against the giant snake and help his competitor, which would be a deduction in scoring.

"Dongfang, that's a bit too much!" Zhong Tianyue frowned, watching this scene.

The giant snake wouldn't have awakened originally, but Dongfang Cheng wanted to test Xu Luo, so he woke it up.

This was a test map, controlled by No. 1 High School. Whether to wake the giant snake or not was just a matter of Dongfang Cheng's word.

"Let's see his nature. I'm curious how he'll choose when faced with a decision."

"What can you see from doing this? This is just a test map, not real. All his choices might not necessarily be his true intentions. There are too many external influencing factors!"

Zhong Tianyue didn't agree with this approach.

"We can still see some things from it!"

Dongfang Cheng smiled faintly.

At this time, for Xu Luo, this was a dilemma.

Helping the other would lead to his own points being deducted, affecting his score.

Not helping the other, watching his own kind be eaten by a giant snake, would indeed win this battle, easily resolving an opponent, and his score wouldn't decrease.

But how would others view him in the future? A selfish person who ignores others in danger, who would trust him?

Although this was in a test and not a real map, if he did this during a test, what about in reality?

When faced with choices of interest again, would he only care about what's beneficial to himself?

This was very fatal.

From the moment the giant snake awoke, no matter how Xu Luo chose, he would lose.

This was a test of human nature.

Dongfang Cheng wanted to see how this youth would choose.

This related to his attitude towards him later.

He really wanted this student, but if his choice didn't satisfy him, he would give up.

There were many students with high talent, but those with character problems absolutely couldn't be accepted.

"Ah!" Xu Luo sighed inwardly.

"This is troublesome!"

If it were somewhere else, he could do whatever he wanted. But now with so many spectators outside, he was a bit hesitant.

He could be a bit cold-blooded, but the future verbal and written condemnation would be innumerable.

Thinking this, he walked straight over.

Now the giant snake had its eyes on him. If he turned to flee, the giant snake would immediately pounce and swallow him whole.

It was better to face it calmly.

He walked straight towards the giant snake. If that person was eaten by the giant snake, it was his own problem. He didn't wait for his rescue. If not, he would still die later.

"It seems he has made his choice," Zhong Tianyue was also curious about how he would choose.

This kind of test of human nature, happening unexpectedly, no one knows what problems they might face.

Of course, it's impossible to test a person's human nature with such a choice, because this is a test map and not real, but you can always see something from it.

Xu Luo didn't hide his traces, walking on the ground, directly making noise.

"Who's there?" The resting student heard the noise and quickly turned his head.

Seeing Xu Luo, his first reaction was a bit stunned, seemingly not expecting him to have sneaked to his side.

After reacting, he hurriedly got up, preparing to fight.

At this time, the giant snake's massive body shook, shaking off the accumulated dust, revealing its enormous figure.

The snake's head opened wide, revealing four sharp fangs inside.

That student still didn't know the situation behind him. Seeing Xu Luo, after standing up, his first reaction wasn't to fight or flee, but seemed hesitant.

Xu Luo was speechless. With this reaction, who else would die if not you?

With his arrival, the giant snake's cold pupils suddenly opened wide, seeming ready to pounce at any movement.

After hesitating, that student still chose to fight.

So many people were watching outside. If he chose to flee now, he would be cursed to death afterward and only be ridiculed when he returned to school.

He rushed towards Xu Luo without hesitation.

Seeing Xu Luo also coming towards him, he thought he was surely done for. Xu Luo was so powerful, he would definitely be eliminated this time.

But unexpectedly, Xu Luo's speed wasn't fast, and he only felt his body lift into the air, then a sharp pain came.

He was dumbfounded.

When he turned his head, he finally saw the giant behemoth behind him.

"Oh my god!"

He almost went weak at the knees seeing it, but at this moment, the sharp pain made his nerves fail, and the next moment he was swallowed whole.

This giant snake was really too big!

Even coiled up, it looked over two meters tall. If its body were fully stretched out, who knows how long it would be.

"Ah, what a pity!" Xu Luo raised an eyebrow, looking at this scene.

This wasn't him ignoring someone in danger. It really was too late, he had already met with misfortune!

"Are you satisfied now?" Seeing Xu Luo's choice, Zhong Tianyue smiled contentedly.

"As expected!" Dongfang Cheng wasn't too surprised.

But seeing this result, he was still very satisfied.

He didn't directly turn and leave without caring, which would have been too cold-blooded.

Now, although he only made a rescue gesture without any substantial action, at least he made this gesture.

Of course, because the scene was in a competition, it couldn't be used to judge and conclude that Xu Luo disregarded the lives of his own kind.

But Dongfang Cheng felt that under public scrutiny, he chose grades. Then in the future when encountering similar situations, he would also sacrifice his companions for benefits.

This was quite good now. Although he actually didn't do anything, it looked like he did something.

At this point, with the opponent dead, Xu Luo had to consider how to deal with this big fellow.

Drawing his weapon and slashing at the giant snake's body, he couldn't even break through its scales, only leaving a white mark on the scale surface.

This level of defense made Xu Luo speechless.

With such a huge gap, it must be at least Gold tier, right?

He wasn't strong now, but he shouldn't be unable to break through Silver-tier defense.

Having resolved one in one encounter, the giant snake turned its head, focusing on dealing with the remaining one.

Seeing the giant snake, Xu Luo had a thought. His Demi-God strength wasn't very strong originally, and might not be able to persist to the end under the siege of several people. This was actually an opportunity for him now.

Directly letting the giant snake kill him, anyway his points were already enough for him to advance, and he had killed another opponent in this round, so there was no possibility of being eliminated.

Falling out like this now, others wouldn't know how strong his Demi-God was, allowing him to hide more information about himself, making it difficult for others to gauge his situation.

Therefore, after resisting for a while, Xu Luo let the giant snake kill him.

No one expected this final result, that Xu Luo would actually be killed by the map boss.

This scene was really too unexpected.

Some people speculated that Xu Luo's Demi-God strength wasn't strong and would be eliminated quickly, while others guessed his strength was amazing and he would crush his opponents all the way.

No one thought Xu Luo would be eliminated, but not by other competitors.

However, although he lost, many people still comforted him, feeling that Xu Luo was just unlucky to encounter a big creature, otherwise it wouldn't have been like this.

Some people also felt that Xu Luo acted too fake. When he saw the giant snake, he didn't run away but foolishly went towards it himself, yet watched his own kind be killed by the giant snake with his own eyes.

Such a person was too cold-blooded.

But this kind of opinion was directly rebuffed.

The giant snake was so powerful, and had already awakened. Where could he run to if he turned to flee? As for rescue? What could he use to rescue? The person was swallowed in one bite, could he snatch food from its mouth?

Having eliminated three people in one go, the remaining two staying together didn't know that their opponents had all been eliminated, and now only they were left.

A group of people unscrupulously speculated when these two would realize that only they were left, and whether the now intimate allies would stab each other in the back once they knew only the two of them remained.

[06/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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