Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 125: Dongfang Cheng’s Admonition

Thanks to Jonathon Cauble and Nyxtelios for joining the Patreon and showing your support.

After attacking the four separately and concentrating superior forces to eliminate one first, the rest was just repeating this process.

The various Zerg types worked together in unity, and quickly won this round.

In the final scoring, Xu Luo's performance was impeccable, and his score was terrifyingly high.

He applied alliance and counter-alliance tactics with extreme skill.

The performance of others, however, varied. They were given different scores based on their responses when encountering attacks.

Some people, even when attacked, responded calmly. Facing opponents stronger than themselves, they struggled under the existing circumstances. Even if they lost, their scores wouldn't be low. But there were also those who clearly had the ability to fight but due to poor command, led to complete defeat. Such scores naturally wouldn't be too high.

After securing one point, Xu Luo didn't relax, as there were still two more tests ahead!

Although time passed quickly in the Divine Domain, so the battles progressed rapidly, it still took some time for everyone to finish fighting.

After a short rest, the second round of possession battles began.

Possession battles mainly looked at one's strongest units, and only those with faith levels of fanatic or above could participate.

Some people had powerful units, but due to insufficient faith levels, they could only choose lower-level ones.

On the same void platform, seeing everyone looking at him, Xu Luo smiled lightly.

In unit battles, the combined forces of four people were no match for him, let alone in possession battles.

However, the others didn't think so. Compared to the ever-changing units, they felt that every time in possession battles, Xu Luo fought with difficulty. His strongest believer wasn't that powerful, so they thought the four of them working together had a chance.

They chose an arena, not giving the opportunity for picking off opponents one by one like on a battlefield. After everyone appeared, they all rushed towards Xu Luo at once.

They wanted to catch him off guard.

But they didn't know that Xu Luo had been fighting for so long before because he only used strength equal to his opponents, slowly honing his practical combat ability. He hadn't even used one percent of Vivi's abilities.

At Silver tier, there was a certain gap between each level, let alone Gold tier.

Between Silver and Gold, there was a vast chasm, like the difference between heaven and earth, not to mention Vivi was a Monarch-level creature.

Facing their joint attack, Vivi's power was like an adult fighting children.

Although Xu Luo didn't use full power, he still fought very easily.

With his great sword, he took them down one by one effortlessly, without even using Vivi's dream ability or any spells.

Hiding part of his strength at this time might give opponents an unexpected surprise in the future.

"Xu Luo, you're the best!"

"Xu Luo is so powerful!"

"Xu Luo, the Valkyrie is so beautiful!"

Cheers and encouragement came from the outside world. However, some strange voices seemed to have mixed in.

After Xu Luo won, his popularity on the rankings soared rapidly, even narrowing the gap with Fang Shuo.

Behind them were Qianqian and Zuo Jiaojiao.

Fang Shuo's popularity was due not only to his own strength and No. 1 High School's home advantage but also because of his continuous accumulation over more than two years.

Besides having fans in Tianhai, he also had some supporters online, after all, representing Tianhai in external battles twice in a row gave him unparalleled appeal.

Under such circumstances, for Xu Luo to be able to narrow the gap with him was already very impressive.

After winning the second round, Xu Luo had already secured advancement with his high score.

However, the third round still needed to be fought.

This was to observe the students' overall abilities.

Especially in Demi-God battles, the human side had been solely pursuing unit strength, resulting in neglecting their own power. In every battle against alien races, this aspect always put them at a great disadvantage.

Those alien races liked to run around with their avatars because they themselves were powerful combat forces.

If a person didn't have such strong combat power themselves, giving them a powerful avatar wouldn't help them display its full potential.

It's like if the Demi-God was a weakling, only able to exert Bronze tier 1 power, even if they had an avatar carrying faith power equivalent to Gold tier, their maximum attack power would still only be Bronze tier 1, just with more faith power to carry so they weren't afraid of consumption.

Xu Luo hadn't paid much attention to his own Demi-God strength before, but after the Ying Yinglo incident, he started intensive training, slowly improving himself.

However, when beginning the Demi-God battle, Xu Luo rarely made a choice.

"I choose the swamp scenario!"

This was the first time Xu Luo actively chose a battle scenario.

"Playing to his strengths and avoiding weaknesses, and not being influenced by the audience's preferences. Not bad!" Dongfang Cheng nodded.

No idol baggage, not thinking that with so many people supporting him, he should fight beautifully, be aloof and invincible.

Knowing where he fell short and choosing the most advantageous conditions for himself, this was what made a qualified God Fighter.

"As long as he doesn't fall, he will surely achieve great things in the future!"

This was already high praise.

As the principal of Tianhai No. 1 High School, Dongfang Cheng had seen many geniuses, some arrogant, some humble and low-key.

No matter what these people were like, if they thought too highly of themselves, they would eventually fall from the clouds.

Being a genius now was just starting at a higher point than others.

Only by being a genius continuously, until becoming a powerful expert, would one have some capital.

So-called geniuses, in the World of Gods, were nothing after their Divine Domains were destroyed.

How many people became famous in their youth, thought they were invincible, but after their Divine Domains were destroyed on the God's Continent, they faded into obscurity, leaving no trace behind.

And now Xu Luo had suddenly become famous, with supporters both in reality and online, but he didn't put on airs. This point was very good.

"Look whose student this is!" Zhong Tianyue smiled proudly beside him.

"You have the nerve." Dongfang Cheng looked him up and down, then spoke disdainfully.

As an old comrade-in-arms, he knew this old guy's nature too well.

"Looking down on me, eh? Want to try me?" Zhong Tianyue was displeased.

"Are you sure?" Dongfang Cheng's face bore a smile.

"Want to add a bet? If you win, I'll give you that set of independent battle rooms!"

"Hmm?" Zhong Tianyue looked at him vigilantly.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I just want a closed-door disciple. I feel Xu Luo and I have a connection. Why don't you let him come to me? He's promising material, it's really a waste at No. 6 High School."

Dongfang Cheng sighed.

This was his true thought.

He felt that No. 6 High School was misleading students. It wasn't that Zhong Tianyue wasn't strong, but that No. 6 High School lacked many things and couldn't provide support in terms of external conditions and resources.

"Bullshit! How am I wasting him!" Zhong Tianyue immediately became agitated when he heard this.

"Dongfang, you can't belittle people like this!"

"Old Zhong, you should understand, this student can't be taught much at No. 6 High School, and you can't provide enough help in terms of external conditions and resources. I can understand your desire to return to the Pioneer Corps, but you can't be so selfish."

Dongfang Cheng looked at him, his expression solemn.

"You're already 89. Do you think you're still young? The retirement age limit for the army is 90. Even if you go back, what can you do in another year? Be content with being a principal, cultivate more outstanding students. Isn't that more important than you personally going to the battlefield?"

Zhong Tianyue opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

"If not, let him help you qualify, that would satisfy your conditions for returning. Next year, let him officially transfer to No. 1 High School. How about that?"

Dongfang Cheng was very serious.

"Old Zhong, this student is extraordinary. I'm different from you. I don't have your blood and ambition. I'm already too weak to go to battle and kill enemies again. But I have my own dream, to cultivate many, many students, let them replace me on this battlefield of the World of Gods, galloping freely. In the future, there will always be a part of me in their medals of honor. It seems to have some effect now. I've personally cultivated over 300 Low Gods, 19 Intermediate Gods, and 2 High Gods. Isn't this more impressive than me going to kill enemies myself?"

"Dongfang, I'm different from you!" Zhong Tianyue's voice was hoarse.

"That incident, I can never forget. I always see that Divine Kingdom exploding before my eyes. It was the most brilliant firework I've seen in my life, unforgettable for a lifetime!"

"Then you should remember that lesson even more. It's because we humans are not strong enough that we're bullied like this. We need to cultivate more outstanding students."

Dongfang Cheng's voice was firm.

"This old bag of bones doesn't know how much longer it can live. We need to pass on our spirit and legacy to future generations, let them remember."

"I..." Zhong Tianyue opened his mouth, the scene from back then floating in his mind again.

Alien Divine Kingdoms filling the sky, humanity's first God King being surrounded and killed, the first Divine Kingdom about to become a Divine Realm collapsing before his eyes, and at the same moment, his connection in reality was permanently severed.

"Xu Luo is a student with extraordinary talent. He's different from us. In the future, he has a great chance of becoming a True God, and even in several decades or a hundred years, he might become a God King."

Dongfang Cheng looked at him.

"What can you teach him? Going to battle and killing enemies? What can you give him? No. 6 High School has nothing but basic facilities. You don't even have a teacher specializing in guiding students' personal cultivation. With such a genius, what can you teach him?"

Every sentence from Dongfang Cheng made Zhong Tianyue's face look ugly, but what his old comrade said was all true. No. 6 High School's performance had always been middling in Tianhai City, with not much resource tilt from the Education Department. Having complete basic facilities was already the result of Zhong Tianyue shamelessly running around soliciting sponsorships. The situation was even worse before he came.

Divine Domain high schools were very expensive, especially the construction of various venues. After construction, maintenance costs were also very high.

Some venues weren't just about facility and site issues.

Take the plane battlefield venue, for example. The school itself had many plane worlds, but the more plane worlds one possessed, the stronger the guarding force needed to be.

Plane world clusters easily attracted Divine Calamities, as well as void creatures, void turbulence, and so on. Without sufficient strength, these couldn't be defended against. It wasn't just about building the venue.

As for the competitive training ground, No. 6 High School simply didn't have one, they couldn't afford to build it at all.

Building venues wasn't difficult, but finding suitable training instructors was.

Seeing his old comrade's unpleasant expression, Dongfang Cheng didn't continue to criticize him.

"Think carefully about my suggestion. Let's watch the competition!"

At this moment, on the screen, the five people had taken their positions.

At this time, many people were curious about what cultivation path Xu Luo had chosen.

After choosing the swamp terrain, Xu Luo immediately hid his figure upon landing, then opened a mage's eye to check the positions of others.

He hadn't chosen a fixed cultivation path. As long as it could increase his combat power, he would learn it.

Whether he mastered it or not, such choices allowed him to achieve rapid results.

To possess certain combat power in the shortest time possible.

He originally had no foundation, so he could only choose this method at this time.

The other four people were also looking for the direction of others. Two of them were even luckier, landing very close to each other, thus completing their rendezvous.

Although the two were competitors, they didn't engage each other. Instead, they searched for Xu Luo's location together.

In reality, people supporting Xu Luo booed at this phenomenon, but they couldn't influence the competitors.

Compared to the two who had already met up, the other two were quite far from them.

Because it wasn't an arena but a battlefield map, the area wasn't small. It wasn't large relative to units, but throwing five people onto such a map made it seem very large.

At this time, Xu Luo had already scouted his first opponent, with no trace of others around.

After checking the terrain, he directly jumped into the water.

Breaking off a reed stem nearby as a breathing aid, he slowly began to approach his target.

With the mage's eye, he wasn't afraid of losing track of the target.

He had actually learned the underwater breathing spell, but at this time, without replenishment, saving a bit was saving a bit.

Not every place in the swamp was mud; some places were puddles or standing water.

Hiding a person in such a place was too simple. Without careful attention, you wouldn't notice someone approaching you at all.

Just like now.

The person closest to Xu Luo was still unaware, vigilantly watching every movement around, but without any discovery.

However, if he looked at the water surface not far away, he would see a thin reed stem slowly moving, ripples spreading on the water surface one by one.

Just as that student turned to check another direction, a figure suddenly leaped out of the water. Two figures entered the water simultaneously, splashing water. The water surface only rippled slightly before quickly calming down.

Only the reddening water surface told of what had happened earlier.

[06/21 - Chapters Released this week]

( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ Thanks for Reading. \(゚ー゚\)

Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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