Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 69: Assassins

Don knew If he wanted to develop his empire, he would have to put down roots on the world out there. Fortunately, he found the kingdom for his liking to conquer.

"Joel, what do you think about returning to Emir?" Don asked Joel and when the blonde heard Don he was shocked as he nearly jumped back.

"Don't worry we are not asking you to meet the king, just do a little intel gathering" Standing beside Don Knight said.

Joel knew his master bondholder Arrora standing behind Don and he doesn't have a chance of disagreeing with Don and Knight. After a few breaths of time, Joel nodded his head but his heart was pounding his chest in fear as he couldn't forget the torture session he had in Emir and the woman who betrayed him.

Seeing Joel's reaction, Don knew what things could be running inside Joel's mind as he flicked his wrist and took out a Khal and sent it flying towards Joel.

"Take this, you can contact Cat through this if you meet with any problems you couldn't overcome and she will teleport you right away to here"

The fear and doubts he had until this moment reduced a bit when he took the device on his hand and heard Don.

"My lord, what do you have in particular you wished to know about?"

"Everything about the King of Emir, what time he will wake up? whats will he have for breakfast even what color underwear he has"

Arrora wanted to leap at Knight and smack him on the head when she saw the evil grin on his face while he talked about the king's underwear shamelessly.

"I was kidding about the underwear relax"

Seeing the gaped mouth Joel Knight let out a laugh and ruffled his mane.

"When do I need to depart my lord?"

"As soon as you can, and just like Knight said collect everything about the kings especially what he likes what his activities are but don't get too close or get caught"

"Yes my lord "

As he said Joel bowed towards the three of them and started to walk away but before he reaches the door Knight's voice stopped him

"And don't do anything foolish like finding your lover "

"Ye...Yes my lord"

Joel's voice stuttered as he turned and replied to Knight.

"Don't we need to know about his army and defenses Don?"

Arrora asked Don seeing Joel's figure disappear as Don sat on the throne

"Why? did you think we were gonna wage a war with our little army?"

Until this moment Arrora thought when Don said he's going after Emir that he's going to wage war on the kingdom however now hearing his tone she realized she was wrong

"Yes " Arrora said doubtfully.

"There are too many uncertainties in war especially we are in a separate plane from the outside world"

"So we are going to blackmail the king or something?" Arrora still couldn't get what this two are planning as she tilted her head and asked Don

"No, we are going to use him you will see" Knight didn't want to reveal their plan to Arrora yet and wanted the half-elf to ponder and guess what they are planning for a bit

"Cat how's the work going outside?"

Seeing Catalie's projection appearing Don asked the little girl

"Good brother the dwarves are very talented as they almost finished building a hundred houses with just a little resource and you should see the farming land I can already see the tiny little leaves coming out from the soil "

Compared to yesterday when she had a gloomy face now Catalie seemed very happy and Don could see her usual lively nature returning

"Knight what about the hybrids and training?" Don turned his gaze at Knight

"It's going well we now have almost four hundred soldiers including sixty hybrids and I'm guessing we will turn our first hundred fighters into hybrids within next three weeks"

"What about the newcomers?"

"They really surprise me Don, I think they have this fire within them " Knight clenched his paw and tried to find the correct words to describe them but couldn't

"Particularly the beast-men they are training like hell you know how I train them right even I'm impressed by their hard work I bet we will have an unstoppable army if we continue training them"

Hearing Knight, Don was really surprised he knew if Knight was impressed by them they were really doing great in training and Don wanted to check them out himself.

"The soon they take the oath the soon we can turn them into hybrids I will leave that matter to you Knight and use everything you want, all I want is a deadly force in the battlefield "

"Cat ask Commander Ken to come here" Don said as the little girl nodded her head and disappeared.

While waiting for Ken to come Don had plans for Arrora

"Arrora I need you to pick a few candidates and train them by yourself"

Arrora was surprised a bit because she knew that she was far from being a teacher like Don.

Seeing the half-elf looking at him without blinking Don decided to explain what he has in mind

"I and Knight can't do all the grunt work by ourself at least not in the future so I decided to let you lead a group to do just that"

"What grunt work?" Arrora wanted to lead a team deep in her heart ever since she attacked the slave trader shop

"You know just assassination blackmail the things that nobles do often"

Knight rolled his eyes and said when he saw the confused face of Arrora

"I need a team to work in the shadow Arrora and you are the perfect person to lead them"

"But why not choose Arwen?"

Although Arrora knew she was the third powerful person in the kingdom next to Don and Knight she wanted to know the reason why Don chose her instead of Arwen, the man followed Don longer than she.

"He will lead his own team in the future but now I want you to train a group of people and turn them into assassins of course me and Knight help you along the way"

"And don't say you didn't want to lead your own team woman I can read you like an open book" Arrora was taken back by surprise when Knight said exactly what was in her mind and tried to hide her embarrassed face with a gentle smile

" you are a great master now Arrora and a hybrid, besides you train hard and have a ruthless personality when comes to dealing with enemies you will be an excellent assassin, just don't be arrogant" even though Don said all this the main reason he chose Arrora was that he trusted her to be his left hand.

Don was never going to tell her that because he didn't want her to be cocky.

"When you choose your team take Elrond with you I have a feeling he will make a fine assassin" Don saw Elrond's training and the skill he had in archery because of the Asura Archer book Knight gave. Thanks to the bound energy now Elrond had the chance to cultivate Asura Archer book to the highest and be a deadly long-ranged fighter this world has never seen.

"I will start the recruiting right away"

Don and Knight could see Arrora trying her best to hide her excitement just by looking at her face and Don couldn't help but remember the time he saw her in a cage crying afraid of him like a cat when he first met her but now the woman before him is a ruthless killer and simply put she's now turning into a female version of him and Knight.

"My King"

While the three of them talking about the plans Ken entered the hall with Catalie leading him

"Commander Ken I presume you had these where you came from"

Don took out a magical mask from his pace ring and threw it towards Ken

When Ken caught the mask he had no surprise because in Everlight they had bunch of magical masks the better ones at that

"Yes my King but put it bluntly these are considered to be old in my time"


Don considered these masks as one of his best items but hearing the old man saying these are considered old he was very surprised and shocked

"I can tweak these a little with the materials we have here my King"

Ken said after looking at the mask up and down as he wanted to impress Don with his ability

"What can these tweaks do?" Knight also very much intrigued to hear the old man as he wanted to know what this old man is capable of

"As you know Protector this mask can only change the face but with a few works I can make the mask to change the wearer's body shape too, of course it won't be perfect with current materials we have"

"I'm impressed Commander Ken " Don clapped as he retrieved a couple of more masks and gave it to Ken.

"Thank you my King" Ken couldn't keep his face from showing an ear to ear grin when he heard Don.

"Now the only thing we need is Joel's information about the King of Emir"

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