Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 68: The Past, Present, and the Future.

Ken stood without saying a word when he heard Stodemar's question as he first thought the dwarf's being funny but seeing the genuine look on his face Ken realized Stodemar is really asking that question.

However, Ken couldn't answer Stodemar's question because he knew the rules about time travel well the first one was, not to mess up the timeline too much. Simply his existence in this time period is a huge ripple in the time river and he didn't want to cause more by telling the protectors their future.

"Please forgive me, Protector Stodemar I can't answer your question" Ken slightly bowed his head and said.

"why? dinna ye tell that ye come from tha future old ma"

Hearing Stodemar Ken shook his head

"I can tell some small I mean small things Protector but the thing you have asked is something that's going to influence your future and if it doesn't happen naturally but influenced by me, it might cause very disastrous outcomes "

"Ah?" Stodemar couldn't understand what the old man trying to say as he tilted his head a bit and looked at the old man

"Let's just say Protector Stodemar normally you would hunt and eat the meat for breakfast but if I tell you that you would definitely eat meat tomorrow you might think you'll get meat without hunting and obviously you won't without hunting and then in the same day, you might meet a bunch of bandits but you might not have the strength to fight them because you didn't eat any breakfast and you might get defeated and the bandits might kill you and that might make your friends seek revenge and that might cause a battle between them and the bandits and in the battle, your friends might get injured or killed and that might cau "

"Hell stop it old man" Stodemar couldn't hear more of this old man's weird example as Ken let out a small smile

"See Protector if I didn't tell you what will happen tomorrow those things couldn't have happened"

Even though Don didn't completely understand Ken's reasoning and theories of time traveling, he knew if Ken started to tell their future they might take it easy in the present and that could ruin the future they are going to face.

However, Don had other ideas about utilizing the time traveler's expertise

"Ken, how did you come here from the future? Did you use any spells?"

Don wanted to know whether Ken used a spell or a device like an energy convertor that Benedict and Arya invented. Although Don guessed the probability of time travel is very low by using a spell because if a spell-like that existed somebody would have used it or at least the world would have known about its existence.

" I used a time machine my King even in our time we don't...didn't have a spell to time travel"

As he was saying that Ken couldn't help but remember his granddaughter Maya who helped him and supported him all the way in the creation of the time machine.

"Did you have an oathtaking mirror or…"

"I will be honored if you take my oath my King"

Before Don could finish Ken knelt where he stood and placed his hand on his right chest. The moment Don started to talk about the oathtaking mirror KEn realized where he is getting at and for Ken serving under the greatest King and help him create the Everlight again was like a dream come true.

While Ken was growing up in the Everlight, he heard the stories about the Protectors who created the empire with their blood and sweat from the stories and history book especially the first Emperor Don.

In the Everlight everyone devoted him like he was a god, Ken saw many parents name their kids 'Don' and tell stories about him, worship him. Even Ken himself wanted to name his kid 'Don' but unfortunately, he had only daughters. Ken never even thought he would actually meet the Don, let alone serve him under his banner so when the moment Don asked him about the oath-taking mirror he couldn't help but kneel down and show his enthusiasm and loyalty towards Don as hoped he would accept his loyalty.

Seeing Ken kneeling without even blinking an eye before him to take the oath made Don believe the old man even more.No one in the hall was able to find any doubt or unwillingness or acting in Ken's face but only full of devotion and loyalty towards Don. Even Arrora started to believe the old man when she saw his eyes which had no trace of lying or wickedness.

"Good" as he said, Don took out the oath-taking mirror from his chest and sent it floating towards Ken.


After taking Ken's oath Don led him towards the energy converter hall to meet Reghys, Benedict and Arya. Even though Ken looked surprised all the way from the throne hall to the convertor hall. Don could see he obviously knew the way very well just by looking at his body language. While Don was walking towards the convertor hall he couldn't help but think why the trio didn't come to the throne hall like everybody else.

"Wow so this is how the first Apex looked like huh "

Ken's eyes sparkled when he saw the energy convertor as Arya and Benedict walked towards them.

"Sir Benedict Lady Arya" Ken couldn't believe he's actually meeting the famous people who created the Apex. Seeing the old man looking at them with a wide open mouth Arya and Benedict didn't get who he is or where he came from.

"Sir Benedict Lady Arya it's an honor to meet you in person" Arya and Benedict almost jumped back when they saw the old man suddenly kneeling before them and calling them as Sir and Lady.

"Ah have we met before?" Benedict asked.

"This is Ken he came from the future" Don calmly asked and saw Benedict and Arya looking at him like he was being funny.

"Wait what! Are you serious" At first Arya thought Don was joking but looking at his face and the Old man she realized Don was telling the truth.

"Ken you should tell your story" Don turned his gaze towards the kneeling Ken and said.

"I am Ken…..."

After a long explanation and answer to both of their questions, Ken saw the two geniuses of this time period started to believe him.

"So the shaking and energy beam appeared earlier were you stepping out of the time barrier huh" Benedict said after a long pause.

"What were you two doing?" Don couldn't help but ask as Arya pointed her fingers at the energy convertor.

"We were modifying and doing some improvements to the convertor and thought someone activated the teleporting array"

"You three should work together from now on the man who built the time machine will certainly be a help for you" At first when Benedict heard Don he wanted to disagree but the moment he heard the time machine part Benedict nodded his head without any disagreement.

However, Don could see Ken is trying to disagree but couldn't speak before him.

"Ken I know you have some theories and rules about revealing our futures and I agree with that"

Don knew for example if Ken would have said Amaryll will be a heavenly level magi in the future the Elf wouldn't even take a step into the training hall thinking she will get to the heavenly level anyway and ultimately fail.

"But other than that we must use your skills and what you know to our advantage, think about it just your existence in this present have already affected the future"

Even though Don was not an expert in time-traveling Ken understood the logic behind his words.

"I will do my best to help you, my King" as he said he tried to kneel again before Don but stopped by Don in a middle way

"You don't have to always kneel Ken, keep your respect and loyalty in your heart and show them through your works" Don patted the old man's shoulder and turned to walk away

"Where's Reghys by the way?"

"Probably roaming around the forest" Arya said as Ken's eyes again opened wide thinking he's about to meet the first Protector of Dragons in real life.

"So the convertor's name is Apex huh?" Seeing Don's figure disappearing Arya asked Ken.

"Yes yes Lady Arya but you can name whatever you want if you didn't like it" Ken awkwardly said as he didn't know whether to kneel or stand straight and seeing this made Arya giggle a little

"Just call me Arya no offense but you should be my grandpa's age and you are calling me lady making me feel old and weird" Ken couldn't help but seeing his granddaughter Maya's resemblance in Arya as he let out a small happy smile

"And you agreed with him to not tell us about our futures?"

Hearing everything happened when he met Arya and Benedict with Ken, Knight questioned Don.

"At least let me ask him what happened to us in the future Don"

Don knew the real meaning of Knight's question by looking at his face. When they were in the divine continent Knight always dreamed and talked about reaching the highest level in cultivation and turn into an immortal or even enter the godhood but after hearing Ken's story Knight seemed a little disappointed and a little sad.

"Don't worry my brother what matters is the future, the future now we are going to build not the future Ken came from and what's the matter? if we die we die that's it what's matter is what we leave behind hearing Ken I say we left behind a legacy and an empire"

As Don said Knight gave him a wry smile

"Yeah also an incompetent Decedent can you believe your descended was huh will be a peace-loving guy I mean how much chaos we created in the divine continent back in the day"

Even Don sighed when he heard his descendent was turned out to be a peace-loving guy who almost destroyed everything he and his bloodline built

"This time I will make sure this kingdom will be always ruled by someone worthy but enough of this future talks, Cat" as Don said Catalie's projection appeared before him but her usual smile was replaced by a gloomy sad expression

"Cat are you worried about what Ken said?" Don asked and saw Catalie slowly nodding her little head

"Remember one thing Cat, if you worry about the day of death the days to live will turn into hell"

Hearing Don Catalie tried to hide her worry and let out a small smile

"And besides I'm right here aren't I? I'll make sure that clown calling herself queen regret crossing my path "

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