Revolt against the Heavens

Chapter 572: Entering the Monastery of Bliss and Repose

As much as he sincerely wanted to help Xixue, Cao Yun knew he had also chosen this course because the Sisters of the Abyss might hold the key for him to get more strength. Indeed, the Weaver of Souls was most likely the one who had written the 'Sealing the Seven Demons in the Nine Peaks' manual he had found. This manual had given him so much that the Weaver of Souls could be considered is grandmaster. But he might be able to get even more from him through the Sisters of the Abyss.

Although he had still some attachments to the Desolate Sepulcher, they were few. Apart from Xixue and those working for his Blazing Swallow, he had no real reason to care. Yes, he wanted to halt the slave trade because as a descendant of the human enslaved by Demon God Da Mo, he was repulsed by such a barbaric practice. But he also knew that he wouldn't be able to change everything with his meager strength, he could only help them a little. Hell, he had even allied himself with a slaver, Boss Gui. Both his Unclean Evil and Stinking Lungs had grown stronger through the shame and feeling of moral corruption he had been filled with. Even if he slowed down or even ended the slave trad with the Empyrean Asura Theocracy, demons would probably still resort to slavery as a form of punishment, or a way to pay off debts or simply earn money by selling one's children or relatives.

Besides, Cao Yun's goal wasn't to help these demons. He wanted to go home, to see his sister again, and to strike down the traitor of the entire human race, Emperor Weide.

After his failure among the Sand Wolves Tribe, Cao Yun knew that his best way to get back to the main continent and the Hongchen Kingdom was to fully commit with Boss Gui. He should help her to snuff out City Lord Sihe and become the most influential city lord in the Nalupu Kingdom. With her as an ally, it would be easy for him to arrange for a boat in order to cross the Divine Blood Ocean. From what he had heard, this Divine Blood Ocean was full of dangerous demonic beasts. Although they were not necessarily as strong as those one could find in the Desolate Dune Desert, they were much more dangerous. Indeed, they could sink a boat. In fact, even flying boats or demonic beasts could be attacked by those monsters. And in the ocean, they had an unfair advantage.

Only the Nalupu Kingdom's navy had the necessary knowledge and competence to cross this ocean. Even them could not ensure that every boat would reach God's Land. Many boats, and with them many lives, had been lost already. However, the trade was simply too lucrative for anyone to stop it.

Thinking about that, Cao Yun already felt ill helping Boss Gui who was torturing her slaves in order to make them more compliant before rewarding them with strength through poison to make them grateful and obedient. And he should help her even more. He should let go of all his disgust and corrupt himself even more. No, he didn't want that. Even if he found his sister, he wouldn't be able to sustain her gaze. How would he be any different from Emperor Weide or any common demonic cultivator? He wouldn't be. Using others, even demons, for one's personal gain as though they were mere objects, simple commodities, cattle, was the Evil path. Considering his plight, he could accept to negotiate with his conscience a little, but he had red lines he would never cross. Although he couldn't define them clearly, he was feeling as though he was sailing dangerous close to them.

Strangely enough, Cao Yun even welcomed this new adventure. Hopefully, Xixue was safe and the Sisters of the Abyss were not a threat. But he wasn't too optimistic. After all, they often bought slaves, mostly young girls or women with good bloodlines. Even if no one knew precisely what they were doing with them, many were never seen again. Some undoubtedly became Sisters of the Abyss themselves. The others were said to serve the Sisters even in death. Although nothing was confirmed, Cao Yun could imagine that they were not buying slaves just to free them, as he had done several times.

Finally, after walking through the desert without leaving any trace behind him, Cao Yun reached the outskirt of the Oasis of Life. Using his entire cultivation to back up his stealth technique, he entered the sacred city. Even from afar, he could see the Monastery of Bliss and Repose where the Sisters of the Abyss were. It was almost certain that Xixue and her sister Yinlü were there. However, Cao Yun was cautious and didn't get too close to the monastery just yet. Instead, he walked all over the place, staying in the outer ring of the Oasis of Life.

Since the city itself was forming an almost perfect circle, it was divided in several rings with the Monastery of Bliss and Repose at its very center. It was as though life had been gushed forth from the monastery itself.

Walking around for several hours, Cao Yun had a thorough map of the place. His goal was simply to secure several roads out of this place in case of emergency. Although he didn't intend to grab Xixue and run just yet, he was erring on the cautious side. For the time being, he merely wanted to get as much information as he could. Only later would he try to formulate a plan to get Xixue out, if need be. In fact, Cao Yun even set up a few array formation flags. For the moment, they were not forming any array formations, but he got ready. With one more flag at the right position, he could suddenly form a few array formations. Until this time, no one would be able to sense them at all since they weren't there.

Apart from those flags, he also set up runes. This time, Dian Mo was a bit more useful than usual. After all, his life was also on the line. Since he had given up on convincing Cao Yun to cease his foolishness, he decided to help him in order to increase his chances of survival.

Once everything was ready, the young human made his way toward the Monastery of Bliss and Repose.


Within the monastery, the High Mother suddenly called Sister Lisha in. The woman knew that this moment would soon come. So she had been waiting and preparing herself. In less than ten seconds, she was in front of the High Mother. This time, they weren't in the Motherly Hall where all official matters where handled. No, they were both in the personal quarters of the High Mother. Thus, they could let go of pretenses and decorum.

High Mother Qin Xue wasn't wearing her ceremonial clothes but a much more plain robe with a few red patterns reminiscent of very stylized bloodstains. Despite the more relaxed atmosphere, there was still an almost suffocating aura around Qin Xue. When she was in the Monastery of Bliss and Repose, she was always surrounded by a thick odor of blood. The younger Sisters always needed a lot of time to get used to it. Sister Lisha didn't even notice it.

In her room, there were many paintings and calligraphy masterpieces. In fact, her quarters almost looked like the hall of an art exhibition. Women were dancing in various strange postures on engravings with a few characters that were clearly not written in Moshenhua. If Cao Yun had been there, he would have been shocked to recognize Antique Sixian. Eons had slightly changed the script but there was no mistaking Cleansed Asura's language.

"Sister Lisha, how is Xixue doing?"

"Her sister did a very good job. Xixue has already advanced to 'Weaving of the Scarlet Thread'. In two to three years, she should be ready for the Blood Abyss. However, it might be wise to keep her as a Sister. Are you sure that she should follow the 'Devouring Abyssal Embrace' path? She seems to be as talented as her sister..."

Since they were in private, Sister Lisha had no problem questioning High Mother Qin Xue's orders, something she would never do in the Motherly Hall. And High Mother Qin Xue didn't seem to mind either. In fact, this was why she had chosen to have this conversation here, among other reasons.

"Would Junior Sister Yinlü betray us otherwise?"

"No! Junior Sister Yinlü is absolutely loyal to the Weaver of Souls and to our Monastery of Bliss and Repose. Even if we were to ask her to lay down her own life, she would deem it a great honor and do so without any complaint. But this is undeniable that Xixue's presence is pushing her to perform even better. I don't necessarily see the benefit in sending her to the Blood Abyss. I do believe that she should follow her sister's example and practice the 'Crimson Pact of Subjugation'."

"Lisha, I spared Junior Sister Yinlü's life, not because of her talent which can be found in many other girls, or her bloodline which is tainted, but because you petitioned for it so intently. You took a liking to this little girl and I indulged you. However, the Blood Abyss needs sustenance. We can't let down the Weaver of Souls. He might rise yet again if we nourish his blood with enough care. Since you claim that this Xixue is as talented as her sister, I will let you choose. Either Junior Sister Yinlü or this Xixue, which one should follow the 'Devouring Abyssal Embrace' path? I think I know your answer already..."

Indeed, in front of such a choice, Sister Lisha had no doubt. Honestly, she had sacrificed many young girls, some with much more potential than those two sisters together. That being said, she had indeed taken a liking to Junior Sister Yinlü and she was trying to find a way to spare her some pain. Reuniting her with her sister just to have her sacrificed a few years later seemed unnecessarily cruel.

"But, High Mother, wouldn't Mo Yun be a good enough offering?"

"Yes, he will be. But no matter what his mysterious bloodline is, it won't be enough. Prepare Xixue well, but also prepare her sister. Junior Sister Yinlü will be the one who offers her to the Blood Abyss."

Hearing those last words, even Sister Lisha was shocked. This time, High Mother Qin Xue's tone was different. Sister Lisha knew her enough to understand that there was no discussing this final order. Besides, no matter her personal doubts, she had blind faith in her High Mother.

"I understand, High Mother. You intend to test her devotion to our order... She will not disappoint, I can swear to that. What about Mo Yun though? According to my calculations, he should soon arrive."

High Mother let out a small laugh. The tattoo on her head shined with a bright red hue.

"He's entered our monastery a few moments ago. I have to admit that his stealth is extremely impressive. If I wasn't waiting for him, I might really have missed him. Unfortunately for the fool, you gave me a glimpse at his bloodline. It is indeed extraordinary. It's really a pity he's a male... Otherwise, I would have trained him in the 'Abyssal Blood Veil Art'. He could have become such a powerful sacrifice... Truly a shame..."

Hearing that Cao Yun had entered the Monastery of Bliss and Repose without her knowing about it, Sister Lisha was once more shocked.

"High Mother, pardon my incompetence. I will alert the guards right away!"

"Stop! Everything is fine. His journey should lead him straight to the Blood Abyss. Once he's there, I will deal with him personally. There is no need for you or anyone else to be involved in this mess. Although he lacks the preparation and the proper training, his bloodline should still be enough to satiate the Waver of Souls for some time. In fact, it should nourish it more than a thousand demons. Maybe this Xixue could live for a few decades if everything's going well. For the next week, no one is to be allowed within the Blood Abyss under penalty of death."

"Yes, High Mother."


During this time, Cao Yun was indeed walking through the corridors of the Monastery of Bliss and Repose. There were only women, of all ages. Even the servants were women too. No man was allowed in the monastery. The only notable exception had been Lord Wanghuo. Otherwise, if males were to visit the Sisters of the Abyss, they always met outside of the Monastery of Bliss and Repose. Even High Mother Qin Xue had a residence specially made for such a purpose.

Among the vast and splendid gardens, many girls were performing a form of dance. One older woman was leading them. Clearly, they were learning some form of martial art. The technique appeared quite bizarre to Cao Yun. One instant, they were moving so slow that they seemed perfectly immobile. The next instant, they were moving with incredible speed and strength. Such a way of alternating slow and fast movements was having an effect on their blood. During the training, a couple girls collapsed. No one seemed to care about them at all. After a few minutes, they finally stood up once more and simply resumed their training.

Cao Yun realized that the youngest girls had their heads shaven. Other women had also the same "hair style". Thus, he wasn't too sure what the significance of this was. However, the older women with shaven head also had a few tattoos on their head. Maybe they were meant to represent some kind of achievement or rank.

Anyway, Cao Yun wasn't too interested in this right now. But he still observed them for a long time in order to get as much information as he could. Given what he had seen, it was possible that Xixue would be shaven as well. But this wouldn't confuse Cao Yun at all.

Soon, the young man heard some of the women talk about a newcomer. Listening intently, he understood that they were indeed talking about Xixue as they mentioned her sister Yinlü, calling her 'Junior Sister'. So Yinlü had really become a full-fledged member of the Sisters of the Abyss.

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