Revolt against the Heavens

Chapter 571: Debating before the oasis

When Cao Yun could see the outskirts of the Oasis of Life, he asked Hongyu to land out of sight. The Oasis of Life was full of vegetation and color, golden buildings, bright red roofs, green and blue walls. Lost in the middle of the Desolate Dune Desert, this was a true gem. With his piercing eyes, Cao Yun could make out various architectural styles. Clearly, the buildings had been erected across a long period of time, by many great artists and builders. Unlike many cities that were squares or rectangles, this one almost formed a perfect circle, like a small island surrounded by an ocean of sand. Leading to it, there were three paths.

Those paths were not paved or anything, yet they were very easy to spot. Because of the large number of pilgrims throughout the years, the sand itself had been marked by their march. Thus, there were three trails left in the sand. The desert around almost formed walls, reaching to the knees of the few pilgrims going for the city right now.

By chance, Cao Yun had arrived on a side of the city without any path. Thus, it was much easier for him to hide. Like before, he decided to dig some form of cave in the sand, strengthening it with various array formations and a few tools from his spatial ring.

Despite her constitution, Hongyu was exhausted after so many travels. After all, they had barely rested since Cao Yun had woken up. After leaving for the Desolate Dune Desert to train, Cao Yun had come back to the Sand Wolves Tribe just to be chased immediately. Even in Ruohe, they had only stayed a couple days before hitting the road once more. Although Cao Yun had used his Qi and vitality to help her out, as well as a few pills, she was still in dire need of rest. So the young man decided to leave her behind to give her a breather.

Caressing her feathers, Cao Yun sent his Qi and spiritual senses through her flesh. As usual, she didn't object and let the warm sensation enter her body. With his knowledge, the young alchemist could tell that she was forming her sixth core. Guessing when it would be completely formed was almost impossible because it depended on many factors. Demonic beasts cultivated by absorbing the Qi from their environment and their prey, either cultivators' meat or other demonic beasts' flesh and cores. Since Cao Yun had given her pills and a bit of his own blood, her sixth core had formed rather fast in comparison to other demonic beasts. Still, there was a physiological limit to how much Qi could be absorbed. Everything left over would simply be rejected by the body.

It was very similar to how much a man could gain muscle. It was necessary to eat a lot, but past a certain threshold, the body could not build muscles anymore. The same principle applied to demonic beasts and Qi. In fact, it also applied to cultivators in general. The body needed to be properly trained to slowly adapt to those changes over time. Force feeding a demonic beast or a human, hoping for them to progress faster, was just fattening them up for no reason.

"Hongyu, I'll go alone."

Before he could finish his words, the fenghuang protested. She stood up and her small screeches filled the cave. No matter how much she was trying to hide it, Cao Yun could tell that she was exhausted. However, she didn't want to be left alone. After all, she was smart enough to understand that there was great danger in that nearby city. Her brother couldn't fly. As much as he was fast on his feet, Hongyu knew he needed her if he wanted to escape fast enough. Even tired, she was faster than he was. Besides, she could fly.

Unfortunately, Cao Yun knew that there were formidable Accomplished Demons among the Sisters of the Abyss. They were rare in the Desolate Sepulcher, but the Sisters were powerful and influential. It wouldn't be surprising if they had a few late Accomplished Demons. The High Mother was clearly one of them, but it was possible for others to exist within this religious order too. Considering Hongyu's condition, she couldn't fly away from them. In fact, even at her peak, she probably would have trouble flying away from any late Accomplished Demon or Spirit Warrior.

Cao Yun's mission rested entirely on stealth. Before doing anything too rash, he only wanted to explore the city and maybe pinpoint Xixue's location. In his heart, he still hoped that this was just him being paranoid. After all, there really was a chance that the Sisters had truly meant to reunite the two sisters. Hoping as much as he wanted, the young man couldn't quiet down the uneasiness in his heart.

"Little sister, I'm just going to find Xixue. I won't do anything risky. As soon as I feel any danger, I'll disappear and leave the city."

No matter what he said, Hongyu wasn't convinced. Thus, Cao Yun decided to give her a demonstration. Now that he had fully recovered and that his mind was even a bit sharper, he used the full version of 'Ashen Feather Seal'. 'New Life Through Ashes' manifested his Qi as a form of ash all throughout his body and mind. This time, he even used his Turbid Demons to create some kind of black cloud of dust within his very sea of consciousness. 'Covering the Mud with Cinders' sent those newly formed ashes to specific acupoints in his body. Adding to it his knowledge of 'Crimson Inferno Road', he also sent ashes to points within his bloodstream and deep into his bones. Some of those ashes even formed runes and seals.

Finally, 'Blood Withers While Life Flourishes' was the last chapter of Huang Liyue's stealth technique. That last part was still incomplete as Huang Liyue was still creating this technique. It consisted in using one's bloodline to strengthen the technique. By mastering it, it allowed someone to become perfectly invisible. Anyone around would simply fail to notice their existence. Huang Liyue could reach such a level thanks to her True Fiery Fenghuang's blood and the seven True Fiery Drops she had cultivated. For Cao Yun, there was an even more powerful bloodline he could draw upon, the Drop of Wrath that was now fully his. Explaining this last chapter was almost impossible as it was about sensations. Cao Yun mobilized his blood, helped by his blood cultivation, and moved it around while mixing it with the ashes. Some of his blood even manifested ashes itself through the Qi within.

Before long, even though Hongyu was staring at her brother, he simply disappeared. There was absolutely no indication he had ever been there. In truth, Cao Yun was still standing next to Hongyu, even touching her. But the demonic beast's mind could not register him at all. The more she tried to focus, the more her mind was playing tricks on her. Before she could really panic, Cao Yun reappeared.

"You see? You have nothing to fear. I'll go in, find where Xixue is and come back."

Just like Chieftain Sha Chai Ren, Cao Yun had a foreboding that things wouldn't go so smoothly. After spending some time calming Hongyu, he knew he had to warn her without upsetting her.

"However, if I don't come back, I forbid you from entering the city. In fact, I forbid you from entering any city! You must go into hiding and avoid any demon. Promise me."

Sensing that Cao Yun was seriously thinking he could die during this mission, Hongyu was indeed upset. That being said, she could see in his eyes that he wouldn't change his mind. Despite her strength and stature, Hongyu was still very young. She didn't understand everything that was going on, but her instincts were extremely sharp. After some hesitation, she accepted. Then, Cao Yun gave her a spatial ring, attached to a thread around her neck. The thread was made of Golden Unearthed Silk, a metal that could be braided into a fine fiber. As a 2-star Heaven material, it was extremely durable and wouldn't break easily.

"I've put my most precious belongings in here. I'll just take what's necessary with me. Even if I don't come back right away, I will leave that city alive, do not doubt me on that point. And when I do, this spatial ring will help me find you. There are many seals within so no one else can open it and so that I can track it without any problem. You could hide in the most remote area of the Desolate Dune Desert, I could still find you. No matter what happens, do not fear for me. If things go bad and I can't join you right away, I'll still find a way to get out of it alive. Do not despair of. Never!"

Cao Yun wasn't sure he believed all those words. And yet, he felt like he had to say them. Truly, he had a terrible sensation about this Oasis of Life. He couldn't exactly tell what it was. But at the same time, he felt attracted to it, like a moth attracted to a flame. It wasn't just for Xixue. Now, Cao Yun felt like he needed to go in that Oasis of Life. The closer he was, the stronger this feeling was. Finally, he put his finger on it. This was the same sensation he had felt within the sand of the Desolate Dune Desert, only much stronger. Clearly, it was related to the Weaver of Souls, the demon god the Sisters of the Abyss worshiped.

Once Hongyu was calm and Cao Yun prepared, he left the cave and completely disappeared. Even his feet didn't leave any trace on the sand. This was an improved use of the 'Locking the Seven and Stopping the Waves', the very first stealth technique he had learned, mixed with his 'Ashen Feather Seal'.

Before he could even reach the city, he heard the voice of Dian Mo deep within his sea of consciousness.

"Boy, you're really going to risk your life for this little girl?! She left of her own accord. There is absolutely no sign that she was taken by force. Maybe she had been lured into a trap, but if that's the case, the trap is clearly meant for you. In that case, she's just the bait and you're simply going to take it?!"

"Right now, there are only two things I'm sure about. The first one is that I will save my sister. And the other one is that I must make sure Xixue is safe."

"Is it because she was also looking for her own sister? Do you somehow feel closer to her because of that? Yes she helped you, but it was only to forward her own goals. From the beginning, she used you as much as you made use of her for your business and some info. You have no allegiance toward her. However, you promised to keep me safe and to find me another body. If you die, I'll die too, brat."

Dian Mo's tone changed a little at the end. Once again, Cao Yun had a terrible feeling when it came to the Palace Spirit. Dian Mo had changed too much too fast.

"Are you still affected by Demon King Mo Wang?"

"What?! Boy, I'm trying to help you here. And you repay me by insulting me?! I took care of that old geezer. Yes, it wasn't easy, but I did it. Maybe I've not felt too good for a while, but I'm recovering fast enough. Hell, I helped you hide your human cultivation only recently, didn't I?! Speaking of which, the one who killed Xin Zhe was probably part of the Sisters of the Abyss. If they found Xixue so easily, that means that they had been keeping tabs on you and her. In an instant, she was able to crush an enemy who could kill you without too much problem. And you want to sneak into their very home... Think about it, brat, think!"

Dian Mo put on airs, taking on an affected voice as though he was being slandered in the worst possible manner. But then, he quickly shifted to a more accusatory tone. And finally, he changed the subject.

"Oh, I did think about it!"

Obviously, Cao Yun wasn't duped by Dian Mo's words. Unfortunately, he had made a deal with him, swearing on his Dao Heart. Breaking such an oath could damage his mind so much that it would form inner demons even he couldn't contain. Besides, he had to admit that Dian Mo had indeed concealed his meridians and Dantian. Without him, the entire Sand Wolves Tribe would have been made aware that he was a human. And with the recent developments, things would have been much worse...

"I have many doubts, but being indecisive won't help me at all. Like you, I have no desire to die, not until I've saved my sister. In fact, even after that, I do not intend to die either. So instead of trying to change my mind, think of ways to help me. Right now, you're just creating more doubts in me, that won't be helpful at all. In fact, it could even hinder me, couldn't it?"

"Tss! Fine... But I have nothing for you, kid. Your stealth is as good as it gets. But I can't tell what ways those Sisters have."

"Shouldn't you know more about demons than I do?"

"Of course I know more. But those Sisters didn't exist when Demon God Da Mo made me. In fact, this entire place didn't exist, not in this form at least, before the Great War."

"And you know nothing of this Weaver of Souls?"

"I only know what you do. He was an underling of Da Mo. There really is nothing much to say about him apart from that."

Although he wasn't fully convinced, Cao Yun couldn't detect any falsehood from Dian Mo. However, that didn't mean he was telling the truth. He could simply be that good with lies. Besides, Dian Mo was quite literally within Cao Yun's sea of consciousness so he had probably gotten used to his mind. In other words, he should be better than most when it came to duping the young human.

Anyway, now that Cao Yun was so close to the Oasis of Life, he wasn't going to leave with nothing. Hopefully, he could salvage parts of his plan with Boss Gui and the Blazing Swallow. At the end of the day, he simply wanted to leave the Desolate Sepulcher to save his sister. Even though he had wanted to get rid of, or at least diminish, the slave trade, he was painfully aware that he was insignificant for the moment. Without enough strength, he had to resort to petty plots.

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