Reverend Rizzsanity

The First Tide

Lo Jik’s failure to advance to Rank 3 was a wake-up call for several Gu Masters who wished to grow in the chaos. Sure, many envied and jeered Lo Jik. However, only after his failure did they realize that Lo Jik became their pillar of aspiration and dream! He steadily climbed to become the top Rank 2 Gu Master of the clan with them as the witness! Lo Jik’s failure did not make him the Clan’s laughingstock. Instead, several veterans looked at Lo Jik with a new view once they saw him leave the Village with infallible determination.


Lo Jik extended his period of caution after receiving the Pink Muscles Gu. He is incredibly close to fulfilling almost all his objectives. Waiting another three months won’t hurt him. Since his Gu set is decent enough, more Bronze rewards only translate to Primeval Stones. Yes, the Rank 3 Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus’ production of primeval stones doesn’t compare to his Trait. However, his Trait’s rewards are wild cards! Lo Jik once possessed an additional 10-something Gu. However, he realizes that unloading them in the village is wishful thinking.

Lo Jik retained the few additional Gu easy to feed and let others starve. The exception to this is the Shadow Beast Gu. He wants to reciprocate Mo Yan’s dedication through this Gu if possible. Even if it takes time, the best way would be to gift it to her during their anniversary. They married in September.

Only a few months remain.

As for Lo Jik?

He doesn’t mind continuing his routine. Others may feel greedy for Bronze-tier rewards. However, Lo Jik believes he can create such a stream of resources wherever he goes. He’s already benefitted from the Bronze achievements. Meanwhile, the silver ones feel lacking lately. He wants to make a move once and swiftly gain his Golden-tier gifts before working down for the Silver ones from Shen Cui.

As for leaving Shen Cui for another three months?

Who cares!

He can’t get near her right now, anyway. Why risk everything for lust?

He regains his focus and targets a medium pack of crippled wolves. It won’t be long until the healthy Lightning Wolves ascend the mountain. They are currently busy mating during the spring. Those menaces will likely appear in a few weeks.

Lo Jik welcomes the challenge. He wants to see how his traps hold against the healthy wolves.

‘I should also focus on the Pink Muscles Gu. I already procured its food, and it’s ready for use.’



Cautious snarl fill the verdant pine forest as Lo Jik continues to aim the wolves with his arrow from a branch. As a Lightning Wolf jumped closer, a sharp moonblade split it in half, causing hot blood to splatter on the ground and making the other wolves step back.

Unlike the crippled wolves, these green-furred wolves are robust and powerful. They aren’t as cautious as their more experienced counterpart and chase after anything that moves.

‘Just a bit more,’ Lo Jik licks his lips, aiming at the wolves. The beasts surrounding the pine tree snarl in warning, no longer confident in being the predator since 11 wolf corpses lie on the ground, drenching the soil with blood.

Lo Jik suddenly changes his aim, shooting the flint arrow into a small rock. A spark catches massive flames, extending into a ring of fire that scares the wolves, causing them to retreat in panic.

‘Heh,’ he smirks before shaking his head. ‘It’s all fun and games before the hundred-beast king ascends the mountain. Those wolves are stronger and also have Gu on their bodies.’

He jumps down. A stream of white light emerges from his abdomen, covering the eleven corpses and splitting them into neat piles of organs, bones, pelt, and flesh. Lo Jik glances around. His left eye’s irides shimmer with a kaleidoscopic glint before he exhales and releases his Gu to feed on the Blood. Meanwhile, Lo Jik collects the eye, fangs, and pelts. The former two are on top of their respective mounds.

He promptly leaves as the fire slowly dies down around the wet grass. His return elicits a modest welcome.

Lo Jik didn’t continue ‘risking’ his life in dangerous spots to find rare materials and climb the ranks after his third failure. However, he did not fall off at once. Instead, Lo Jik maintains a steady spot in the top 30 since he only converts his merit points for Gu Food and materials for his traps.

It’s been a month since that point.

After completing his routine, Lo Jik returns home and freshens up before settling to cultivate. Since both his apertures are at the Rank 2 Peak Stage, Lo Jik doesn’t nurture his Aperture during his cultivation session.

Glancing within his Second Aperture, Lo Jik locates a cute pink earthworm—Rank 3 Pink Muscles Gu!

A snow-silver stream of essence rises from the Lotus bud, directly activating the Pink Muscles Gu. The pink earthworm’s body straightens as it shines a hazy pink glow. From outside, Lo Jik’s skin reddens at a breakneck pace. Sweat pours from his body as every muscle group, ligament, tendon, and other flesh aside from his organs feels a wave of itchiness stimulating their activation.

Lo Jik’s expression doesn’t shift for the first 5 minutes. He quietly grits his teeth for the next 5 minutes. His body then trembles, swaying at the spot in the next 5 minutes.

He stops after 15 minutes. His body is caked with sweat as he exhales sharply. His muscles continue trembling under his skin.

Rank 3 Pink Muscles belong to the category of Gu—Body Refinement. Like the Beast Strength Gu, this Rank 3 Gu permanently alters his body’s flesh underneath his skin. Although the name of the Gu only has ‘Muscles,’ it refines everything alongside his musculature. However, this process is painful and time-consuming.

‘I don’t have any healing Gu to directly target the spots under my skin. The Two Spider Gu cannot do that. Their Rank 3 variant can. If I had that Gu, I could lower the time needed to use this Gu to 3 months. However, I’ve attracted enough attention. I can’t refine the Rank 3 Gu yet.’

Lo Jik lies on his bed, resting. Heck! Even his dick hurt. However, he also becomes physically robust by the day.

‘Since my body is weird and can possess twice the ordinary man’s limit, I may just walk this path,’ Lo Jik reaffirms his ambitions. The crucial use of Body Refinement Gu is to ‘increase’ the body’s capacity aside from other benefits. For instance, the Pink Muscles Gu fuses the aspects of musculature’s endurance and explosiveness, allowing one’s body to meet its reactionary instincts! There’s also the benefit of the Gu allowing Lo Jik to use another Beast Strength Gu after completing its use. That’s because his muscles will be Pink Muscles—more enduring than before.

‘Truthfully, Pink Muscles Gu is too rare these days. Gu Masters would prefer steel tendons Gu instead. That Rank 3 Gu refines one’s flesh with a steel-like tenacity. However, the combination of Pink Muscles and Tough Bones is the best combination since the former aids in one’s martial arts with improved reaction timing and massively boosted physical endurance! The initial set will be completed once I find another Rank 3 Thick Skin Gu.’

That’s far in the future.

‘This path is rare and almost ancient. However, I should choose the best options given my Trait. Floundering and self-doubts won’t be suitable at this stage.’

He smiles with contentment.

‘An ordinary Gu master can only have two Rank 1 Beast Strength. After successfully refining the initial stage of the Body Refinement set—Skin, Bone, and Flesh—a Gu Master can possess eight Rank 3 Beast Strength. I should be able to acquire 9 or 10 instead.’

He isn’t naive enough to believe that his gains from the Body Refinement Gu will be twice as much as others. If that were the case, he would also have twice as much strength after using one Beast Strength Gu.

Life isn’t so colorful.

However, having the advantage of two Beast Strength over his enemy won’t be anything to scoff at either!

‘Also, the Body Refinement Gu permanently increases my body’s defenses. The negative consequences of Beast Strength will be less on me than others since Pink Muscles and Tough Bones are meant to be used with Beast Strength Gu. That’s another advantage!’ He thinks gleefully.


Time flies by as the summer peaks, inviting waves upon waves of wolf packs. The Wolf Kings have yet to appear.

It’s almost the end of July!

Lo Jik spent his day cultivating with a single-minded focus. At times, when he planned to stay inside the village, he would use the Pink Muscles Gu twice, bearing unimaginable pain and strain on his body to quicken its completion.


Lo Jik glances at the rapidly darkening sky. He stares at the small hill of flesh and organs, quickly collecting the Eyeballs for merit and his Eye Gu. He doesn’t forget the fangs and the uncut pelts.

He doesn’t stay to feed his Blood Gu due to the dark clouds shrouding the sun. It’s going to rain.

Lo Jik refuses to fight during the rain. Why?

Because his vision is compromised despite the Heaven Piercing Vision Gu. Meanwhile, the wolves will fight unchecked! How can Lo Jik willingly face such terrifying enemies with a handicap?

He’s about halfway near the village when Lo Jik hears a dignified howl!

His expression changes as he speeds up, only breathing a sigh of relief after entering the village. He doesn’t stop by the exchange board as usual.

*Pitter* *Pitter*


Droplets of rain gently drizzle as lightning crackles in the sky, momentarily illuminating the dark clouds as more dignified howls alert and surprise the Gu Yue’s higher-ups!

A Wolf Tide!

The Wolves want to use the rain and bad weather conditions to surprise attack the Clan.

It also means the arrival of Wolf Kings—Bold Lightning Wolves!

These wolves command packs of hundreds of beasts, increasing their potency against the enemy! Three teams of Gu master must face such beasts. There’s such a difference in capability due to teams assigning one role to everyone. Meanwhile, Gu Masters, like Lo Jik, are self-sufficient and capable of dealing with a hundred-beast king.

However, it’s raining. This weather condition increases the potency of the beast’s lightning attacks. After all, every Lightning Wolf’s bite is electrically charged. It will do more damage now, more than capable of seriously injuring a Gu Master.

‘And I’ll have to participate,’ he grits his teeth. ‘Fuck!’

That’s another cost of rising to prominence to nurture the Lotus Gu.

‘The Lotus Gu produced 5050 Primeval Stones since I healed. Heh,’ he smiles bitterly. ‘Such an amount is enough for other Gu Masters to risk their lives for.’ Since he used merit points to feed his Gu, he retained his previous wealth, raising his savings from 2910 to 7960 Primeval Stones.

Was it enough to risk his life?


Lo Jik snaps out of it and blinks.

‘That is dangerous. Did I almost fight to maintain a reputation I no longer need? Isn’t this the best way to ruin my name and return to the shadows?’ Lo Jik smiles heartily. ‘Pride and reputation is infectious. I almost let it control me when reputation should merely be a tool. Let’s stay inside.’

Lo Jik cleans his dagger before injuring himself and crudely bandaging it.

‘Hehe,’ Lo Jik lies on his bed, closing his eyes. ‘Work hard. If only I could influence Mo Yan in such a manner. While she is appropriately kinky, her devotion to the Clan is unwavering. She won’t willingly stand by and let it fall to ruins. Such shamelessness is a lonely road.’

He sighs.

As expected, Mo Yan arrived to check if Lo Jik stayed behind. However, she didn’t find anybody after a cursory glance, promptly leaving. Lo Jik’s figure appears with formless ripples around him,

Rank 2 Stealth Scales Gu.

Lo Jik yawns before returning to the bed again, a sharp wound on his right thigh. Just because he decided to stay back didn’t mean he would foolishly ruin his relationship with Mo Yan by showing cowardice.

He simply isn’t here. How will Mo Yan find him in the chaos outside the walls?

When she returns, she will meet an injured Lo Jik. Sure, the wound on his thigh is artificial. However, who can say he cannot wound himself during the chaos of thousands of wolves?

Lo Jik hears the distant beast roars and GU Master’s shouts. The rainstorm intensifies as his cabin’s window trembles, releasing a low ‘drrrrnoise. Thunder booms in the sky, flashing lightning. As the rainstorm persists, the wolves continue injuring and killing the Gu Masters.

‘The Wolf Tide this time is undoubtedly dangerous,’ Lo Jik muses idly. ‘It’s just the first proper tide. However, there ‘sounds’ to be several casualties. It shouldn’t hurt Mo Yan since there shouldn’t be any Frenzy Lightning Wolves.’


An almost desolate howl sends a chill down the listener’s heart as Lo Jik hums in surprise. ‘A Frenzy Lightning Wolf in first Tide? This year’s Wolf Tide is more dangerous than earlier predictions.’

Lo Jik’s resolve to stay here strengthens. He would rather wait things out and advance to Rank 3 to bully the beasts instead of putting his life on the line and fighting with his ‘comrades.’


Bai Clan.

Built near the back side of Qing Mao’s waterfall, the clan houses several ponds of varying sizes and shapes. Bamboo structures and paper boats crash in these ponds as the rain batters down on the entire clan. Some ponds overflow, prompting the Rank 1 Gu Masters to contain the water. The wolves’ loud howls frighten their hearts. They can only imagine the scene of carnage around the clan’s Northern Gate.

At the gates, the Gu Masters dressed in white and blue bravely tackle the beasts with their Stream Gu variants. Jets of pressurized water snipe several wolves, thinning the Beast Tide. However, the Bai Clansmen don’t feel easy. They can see the constantly booming lightning briefly illuminating a shadow the size of an Elephant. Its cold green eyes sparkle with electricity as it stares at thousands of wolves charging the gate.

A Frenzy Lightning Wolf!

This variant can effortlessly control thousands of wolves—a thousand-wolf King!

“A-Ahhhhh!” A Bai Clansman screams, falling off the walls when a formless suction force from a nearby Bold Lightning Wolf disrupts his balance. His gaze turns desperate when he sees hungry Lightning Wolves eyeing him from the ground.

“Ming’er!” a woman’s desperate scream fails to combat the howls and wolven snarls when a white shadow leaps from the walls!

The woman’s tearful eyes widen as she screams, “Lord Bai Ning Bing! Please save my husband!”

The fallen man’s hope reignites at the shout.

Ning Bing?

He’s saved!

As expected, an ethereal presence lands beside him. Bai Ning Bing’s drenched white hair sticks to her slim and comely body. The woman’s usually graceful robes now somehow distract the nearby men, who only assault the wolves after a moment’s break. After all, her white robes and fair skin create the illusion of a drenched, pure-white maiden bereft of any clothes.

The man’s breath hitches when Bai Ning Bing glances at him with pitch-black eyes. He sees nothing in them. The man recovers from his delusion as he feels something.

Bai Ning Bing suddenly removes her gaze and locates the Frenzy Lightning Wolf. Wolves, including two Bold Lightning Wolves, surround them as her pitch-black eyes quietly transition into crystal blue. The woman’s feet dig into the wet mud before dashing ahead! Wet hair flies back, leaving her sharp features uncovered as a burst of cold aura combats the rain, creating a visible mist around her.


Bai Ming’s expression changes when one of the Bold Lightning Wolves pounces at him as the other chases Ning Bing.

“No!” His wife screams in terror as the wolf tears his neck out.

Meanwhile, cold and ice materialize around Bai Ning Bing, shooting at the Bold Lightning Wolf and forcing it to dodge.

“I’m not here for you, Stupid Beast!” Bai Ning Bing’s lips curve, speaking for once. Her fickle heart pounds against her breast as she stares at the elephant-sized Lightning Wolf.

‘I could kill a Rank 3 Elder as a Rank 2 Gu Master but failed against a Frenzy Lightning Wolf. Let’s see if things are the same!’

She claps her head before parting them slowly, creating a long ice katana as she charges the Frenzy Lightning Wolf!


Legend says Ren Zu had obtained the Attitude Gu. Attitude Gu was like a mask he could not wear without a heart.

Before this, Ren Zu had given his heart to Hope Gu, and from then on, he never feared difficulty.

But if Ren Zu wanted to use the Attitude Gu, he needed a heart.

Ren Zu was troubled. He asked Attitude Gu; he said, "Oh Gu, sometimes attitude says it all. Now that I have encountered a problem, you know it. I’m here to seek advice."

Attitude Gu said, "This is not hard. Ren Zu, you lack a heart. You just have to find a new one."

Ren Zu was confused, asking again, "Then how can I find a new heart?"

Attitude Gu sighed, "Heart is nowhere and everywhere. Finding a heart is both easy and difficult. With your situation, you can obtain a heart now."

Ren Zu was overjoyed, "Quick, tell me, how?"

Attitude Gu warned him, "This heart is called loneliness. Human, are you sure you want it? Once you obtain it, you will face endless pain, loneliness, and even fear!"

Ren Zu did not listen to his warning as he continued asking.

Attitude Gu could not defy Ren Zu’s orders. He said, "You only have to stare at the sky on a starry night and say nothing. Once you reach daylight, you will obtain the heart of loneliness."

That night, it was a star-filled sky.

According to Attitude Gu’s instructions, Ren Zu sat alone at the mountain peak, staring at the night sky.

Before this, his life was harsh and challenging. He constantly struggled for survival and had no time to admire this beautiful yet mysterious sky.

But now, as he stared at the starry sky, his thoughts began floating. Constantly thinking about himself, such a meager and weak being like himself, living a life of constant fear and insecurity.

"Sigh, although I have Hope Gu, Strength Gu, Rules Gu, Regulations Gu, and Attitude Gu, it’s still hard to survive. Even if I die tomorrow, it is not shocking. If I die, will the world remember me? Will anyone rejoice over my existence and grieve over my death?"

Thinking of this, Ren Zu shook his head.

In this world, he was the only human. How can there be others?

Even with Gu accompanying him, he still felt a strong sense of —


Heart of loneliness!

At this moment, when Ren Zu felt lonely, his body suddenly had a brand new heart.

The sun rose from the horizon and shone on his face. But Ren Zu felt no happiness and instead felt endless pain, despair, confusion, and even fear.

He could not endure this loneliness and fear, for all he felt was the advent of darkness and apocalypse!

Thus, he painfully cried, stretching out his fingers and digging out his eyes.

His left eye fell onto the ground and transformed into a young man. He had golden hair and a strong body. Once he appeared, he kneeled at Ren Zu’s feet, saying: "Oh Ren Zu, my father, I am your eldest son, Verdant Great Sun."

At the same time, his right eye turned into a young girl, and she held Ren Zu’s hand, saying, "Oh Ren Zu, my father, I am your second daughter, Desolate Ancient Moon."

Ren Zu laughed loudly, tears flowing out of his empty sockets. He said ‘good’ three times and continued, "I have children now. I can finally endure the pain of the heart of loneliness. From now on, there will be people celebrating my existence and grieving for my death. Even if I die now, you will remember me."

"Only that..." Finally, he sighed, "I lost my eyes and can no longer see the light. From now on, you two shall observe this world for me."


Bathed in blood as the rainstorm passes, Bai Ning Bing slowly returns to her village. She’s indifferent to the beast’s blood marring her beauty and tears on her robes that expose her since-healed pale flesh.

Others surround her, cheering her name. She did it. She killed a Frenzy Lightning Wolf by limiting herself to a Rank 2 Gu Master’s means.

Yet, why can’t she smile?

She enjoyed the battle.

But why can’t she appreciate the result?

The cheering Gu Masters do not interest her as much as the grieving Gu Masters, mourning the loss of their loved ones. Bai Ning Bing identifies one of the women who asked her to save her husband.


Why should Bai Ning Bing kill something to save another? How is that fair?

However, Bai Ning Bing never cared about fairness.

To do so in an unfair world is the epitome of stupidity.

She did not save because the thought bored her.

Would saving that man bring any new color to her life? Would it help Bai Ning Bing overcome her fate? Would it make her less lonely? Would it make this mountain less boring?

It’s tedious.


The wolves continue to attack every few years, and the Clans will form an alliance. How boring! She won’t help anyone, but even Bai Ning Bing can see that the Wolf Lair is no threat if the Clan joins to eradicate them all at their source!

Yet, nobody does that. Nobody has the balls to trust each other or take exciting risks.

So, Bai Ning Bing’s pitch-black eyes look beyond the smiles and thankful words.

‘The wolf tide is tedious. Only fighting with other Gu Masters is remotely entertaining. I already defeated Xiong Li and Chi Shan. Hmm. There’s still Mo Yan, Qing Shu, and the newbie Fang Zheng.’

‘That’s my life, isn’t it? Chasing others for excitement. Oh, there’s another one from Gu Yue Clan. Lo Jik, right? I’ll find them all and see if they’re entertaining.’

She moves into her estate.

‘Or should I have a kid? If Ren Zu can do that because he felt lonely, why can’t I? I won’t even have to dig my eyes out since I have a womb. But finding an exciting man is difficult, too.’

She slumps in her bed without washing, ruining her bedroom with all the blood on her body. Bai Ning Bing doesn’t care. She knows the other ‘boring’ people will tidy things up. That’s their fate.


Alternate Title: The Spiritual Pillar for the Masses; Another Failure; Simmering Down; Top 30; Few More Months of Caution; Too Close To Scew Things Up; Benefits of Heavenly Treasure Essence Lotus; Benefits of Body Refinement; Deciding a Path; Confidence in Trait; Experiencing another Growth; Higher Limits; Pink Muscles-Tough Bones-Thick Skin—The Shameless Strength Path Way; A Wolf Tide; Many Wolves; Hiding; Almost Fighting For Reputation; Recovering; Infectious Reputation; Holed In; Self-Inflicted Injuries; A Lonely Road; Knowing What To Keep and Discard; The Bai Clan; Fallen Man; Ruthless Fairy; A Desirous Form; Wet and Lonely; Outperforming Herself; Indifferent; Babies Remove Loneliness?; Somebody Better Pop a Kid Inside Bai Ning Bing; A Bored Woman; Ignoring Joy for Sadness; Frenzy Lightning Wolf


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