Reverend Rizzsanity

Barbaric Rise!

As Lo Jik promised, he stayed put. He would spend his time nurturing the Lotus, careful enough to not let it revert to its exhaustive state since it would mean the ruin of his previous efforts. More than curious about the other rewards he’d gain from Shen Cui, he visited their spot but didn’t find her for days.

It’s not strange.

Fang Zheng is now an Elder. Lo Jik also heard that the Clan Leader gifted Fang Zheng a new property. Fang Zheng wants to settle in. Besides, he will stay inside the village since he’s an Elder. That’s the price of Lo Jik touching his nerves one too many times. Shen Cui cannot move freely and meet him. Sometimes, she would wait at their spot, and Lo Jik wouldn’t have the time. Conversely, Lo Jik could have been on the spot during the appointed time and failed to meet Shen Cui.

He’ll have to be patient when it comes to gaining more rewards from Shen Cui since he doesn’t want to screw things up until earning the Golden Achievements.

But that’s not the only potential sacrifice he’s making.

After a while, Lo Jik planned action regarding the Lotus Gu.


3 Months Later, April.

Spring winds blow over the mountain as flowers and grass alike dance. Sweet sunny afternoon alleviates the gloom in the Gu Master’s hearts. Dragonpill crickets chirp in the Bamboo groves while colorful rainbow parrots return. Their playful dance in the sky rouses one’s mind and spirit.

Qing Mao Mountain’s situation slowly stabilized in the last 2 months, with excited Gu Masters doing everything to hunt the wolves and extract their eyes. Some Gu Masters lost their lives in pursuit of wealth and glory, while others rose to prominence. Such Gu Masters, laughing and praising each other’s bravery while leaving the East Gate, freeze in their tracks. Their expression changes when they see a Gu Master in rags enter the village.

Tears and small holes litter his blood-drenched uniform. His brown hair slicks back under caked blood. His chiseled features are barely visible as he carries a massive leather sack atop his shoulder. The sack on his back trembles, releasing the sick, squelching noise of multiple wet items squishing together as he moves. However, his eerie and quiet gaze makes others look away with a slight chill seizing their hearts.

Lo Jik’s appearance attracts everyone’s attention.

“He’s back…”

“This Lo Jik cannot be understood by common sense!”

“Too powerful. Alas, Lo Jik only has a C-grade Aptitude.”

“I think he snapped. Didn’t he start this madness once Elder Fang reached Rank 3?”

“Hmph, you useless idiot! Lo Jik is Elder Mo Yan’s husband. Look at everything he’s done in the last two months. He obviously wants to maximize his strength using the Wolf Tide.”

“It’s actually clever. Things will get more dangerous in the coming months.”

Lo Jik’s appearance causes other Gu Master to whisper amongst others. Nobody could have expected Lo Jik’s rise after his pathetic display within the merit board. He eventually steps on the stage and gently places the large sac for the Rank 1 Gu Master to count. Several other Gu Masters watch with interest as the Rank 1 Gu Master starts storing wolf eye after other.

“Hiss,” one of the current batch’s Gu Master inhales coldly.

“What was Lo Jik’s record?”

“Hmm? 270 wolves, right? He returned two days later that time. We all thought he died, and Elder Mo Yan left to investigate.”

“Oh. It stopped. 120 wolves!”

“That’s Gu Yue Clan’s Gu Master!”

Lo Jik ignores the crowd’s praises and their barely-veiled envy. Instead, he carefully unwraps the sac around his waist. It’s half the size of the previous sack. The crowd goes silent as the Rank 1 Gu Master starts counting the wolf fangs and pelts before gasping, “A—”

He stops, fright stemming in his gaze as he dips his head. “Sorry, Lord Lo Jik. Please don’t hit me.”

Lo Jik’s expression softens as he nods. “Hurry up.” He commands.

Others cannot help but click their tongues.

Lo Jik has built a reputation for himself. It started about two months ago—from his plan. Unable to use Mo Yan or advance to Rank 3, Lo Jik considered several options. He also organized his thoughts using the Lightning Thoughts Gu. Eventually, he realized that the best way to earn Primeval Stones for the Lotus Gu is through his combat potential. However, he had to incur some losses for that. First, he needed to set a foundation for his strength in the public’s view. After all, how can he suddenly get stronger without explanation?

So, he had Mo Yan buy a White Jade Gu from the backdoors. Lo Jik destroyed it, of course. He didn’t need to feed two same Gu at once. He also didn’t have any recipe requiring two White Jade Gu. He wouldn’t have destroyed it if it wasn’t so expensive to nurture.

Things snowballed from that point. Lo Jik left the village for half a day before returning with 70 wolf eyeballs, shocking the crowd. After all, he’s a loner! He shouldn’t be able to possess such might. However, the Elders, already aware of his martial talent and a boar’s strength, understood the benefit of a White Jade Gu. They also didn’t forget Lo Jik possessed a rare Blood Gu—Blood Rousing Incense. On the second day, Lo Jik’s productivity dropped. It was because of him extracting the Cold Ice Heart Crystal from a distant frozen spring. He was horribly injured that day, with several claw marks on his body.

Worried, Elder Mo Yan called an expert from the Medicine Hall to heal Lo Jik.

Still, the youth earned enough merit points to enter the top 50 at once! You see—the merit points rise and fall as the teams exchange merits for different things. The only difference was that Lo Jik used those points for himself alone. There was no one to share his gains. He instantly consumed all of it for several materials. Others realized that it was a recipe for Rank 2 Dismemberment Gu. The fact that Lo Jik purchased the remaining three Rank 1 Cut Gu as one of the refining materials showed he was going for the broke.

Envious of his gains, others scoffed at him. Calling him a fool for refining such a useless material. Lo Jik only destroyed one portion of the Gu recipe this time, leaving the other two intact. Things changed from that point. After three days, Lo Jik shocked the Gu Masters near the Battle Exchange Board with hundreds of wolf eyes, fangs, and pelt! He rose from the last spot again. On the second day, Lo Jik brought even more wolf materials. He used some merit points to purchase mortal materials, incurring other’s suspicion. On the fifth day, when Lo Jik found another rare mineral, using his merit points to buy a Blood Stream Gu, others could not hold their curiosity and secretly followed the next day.

Lo Jik planned this all, secretly using his Heaven Piercing Eye to keep track of the followers. He revealed his secret.

Traps and Dismemberment!

Lo Jik would set traps early dawn, using a wolf lure that’s sensed even by the Lightning Wolves, who have a weak sense of smell. Others speechlessly watched Lo Jik rain a fiery hell of arrows and spiked bamboo before boldly jumping amongst dozens of wolves. The spectators paled! However, a few remembered that Lo Jik had a White Jade Gu. He should use that, right?


Lo Jik used Battle Instinct Gu, decimating the small wolf pack using a sharp dagger and other wolves’ bodies. It took him 80 seconds to do that. Others didn’t have a chance to offer him any help. They watched Lo Jik peacefully use his Dismemberment Gu. A stream of white light emerged from Lo Jik, covering the wolf corpses before neatly splitting them. He stored the Eyes, fangs, and pelts before leaving.

The popularity of Dismemberment Gu was short-lived. Others wanted to emulate Lo Jik’s success. They soon found two issues. First, they could never battle like Lo Jik or even dare use a wolf lure to attract wolves. That’s suicidal! Second, the materials for refining the Dismemberment Gu were out of stock!

Lo Jik purchased all of it before, unscrupulously selling these materials at four times the usual price! This angered others. However, the two teams chose to swallow their pride and purchase it. After all, Lo Jik wasn’t the first to exploit his Clansmen. That’s right! Fang Yuan did it before it became popular. The man raked in neat profit by selling his Vitality Leaves at an extravagant price.

Fang Yuan’s circumstances didn’t matter to Lo Jik. The latter only cared about himself. The Heavenly Essence Treasure Gu may as well be considered a fake aperture for Rank 3 Gu Masters due to its benefits. Due to the increased attention on himself and to prevent any issues, Lo Jik temporarily cut off any contact with Shen Cui. He also stopped summoning Bronze-tier rewards altogether, incurring opportunity losses.


Because detection methods in this world are too weird. Lo Jik cannot be seen shoveling shit or dirt from his house before using an Earth Hole Gu. Due to such sacrifices, Lo Jik steadily sold the rare material in his stock. In only two months, he raised merits worth 30000 Primeval Stones. Naturally, he needed to appease the crowd’s greed. He entered closed-door cultivation lasting 6 days at the start of the second month, revealing his peak stage cultivation. Such a speed would be shocking for others. However, others felt it was normal. They were only shocked when Lo Jik entered another session of closed-door cultivation, arrogantly proclaiming he would also advance into Rank 3.

The fool!

Was it so easy to reach Rank 3?

He ‘failed.’ Of course, he will. Lo Jik used all those stones to nurture the Lotus Gu! As for reaching the Peak Stage? Lo Jik used the Red Steel Relic Gu in his aperture.

His callous routine of never using his Trait in capacity proved correct as Mo Yan revealed the ‘truth’ to him last week.

She was secretly following him to make sure he didn’t get killed. He rightfully spooked his wife when he didn’t return one night. However, his combat talents even made Mo Yan slightly embarrassed. It also tickled her horny bone as she ‘showed’ how sorry she was. Unfortunately, Lo Jik refused to change his routine for now.

As for the Rank 1 Gu Master fearing he would hit him?

These Gu Masters used their ‘shock’ to loudly announce his gains. It only attracted more greed from his surroundings, something he promptly shook by publicly beating such Gu Masters till they coughed blood. Things settled after the third time.

Of course, he was only so quick in his means because of Mo Yan’s backing. He’s an Elder’s spouse. Why would he let such a backing go to waste?

Things like reputation and name must be used for benefits!

‘I also used my newly built reputation to gain one final burst of Primeval Stones,’ Lo Jik recalls what he asked Mo Yan to do last night. Staring at his name rising through the ranks, Lo Jik smirks proudly, laughing, “Hehe! I failed last time. I will surely succeed this time. If that punk Fang Zheng can, so can I!”

He exchanges his merit points into Primeval Stones before leaving. He’s almost sold all his materials in the last two months, save for pits of mud and shit. He uses the latter to feed his Smell Lock Gu.

Lo Jik’s words make others scowl. It’s the third time he’s saying this. Other Gu Masters tried advising him against the foolish act of attacking another Major realm. They even invited Lo Jik into their teams out of the ‘kindness’ of their hearts. However, he spat at their kindness! Now, everyone wants to see him fail and waste his gains.

Lo Jik returns home, finding a complicated Mo Yan waiting for him.

“Are you sure?” She whispers. The woman points at the wooden chest beside their bed. Lo Jik’s expression reveals his sadness as he nods. “I’m sorry, Yan. I made you—”

“That’s not what I’m worried about, you fool! We are married. Didn’t you risk your life to help me find some material for my Gu? How can I not do the same for you? Just lowering my head and asking Grandfather’s help was nothing. It’s just 10000 Primeval Stones. I would have forced him to fork out 50000 if you wanted. But…”

She hesitates.

“I don’t have the talent,” Lo Jik sighs. She quickly embraces him, consoling him. “Don’t worry. We’ll find a way.”

“I’m sorry, Yan. I wish I wasn’t so stubborn. I promise to take things slowly and assume less danger if I fail this time,” Lo Jik whispers as Mo Yan nods.

“Hmm. Don’t worry. I should also thank you. Living with you has been so great that I didn’t even feel angry with Grandfather. We chatted for hours, and Grandfather appreciates your talent a lot. He also apologized in his way and gifted us the Primeval Stones. He said he regretted how he acted during our wedding.”

Lo Jik nods. That’s what he wanted. He entered the fray using Fang Zheng and his ‘envy’ as an excuse. Now, he will use his ‘failure’ as an excuse to return to being lowkey. Of course, things will never get normal. He was too bright! What he didn’t expect was Mo Chen and Mo Yan making things up. It must be because of their familial emotions and his display of might, eliciting Mo Chen to accept Lo Jik.

“What about your brother?” Lo Jik snarks. “I don’t want you to—”

“He can kiss Cao’s maggot-riddled ass,” Mo Yan snorts. “That little bastard had the cheek of demanding you beg to Grandfather. Grandfather threw him out of the study.”

Lo Jik laughs as Mo Yan looks at him. “I’ll leave you to cultivate.”

“So eager to leave our poor house for your estate?” Lo Jik teases as she rolls her eyes.

“I love our bedroom more than any part of Grandfather’s estate,” she winks. “I trust you, Jik. I’m sure you will advance! If not now, then someday in the future. Besides, I can cheer you up if you feel down.”

She plants a peck on his lips before giggling.

“I will try my best to feel down even if I succeed,” Lo Jik vows as she laughs aloud.

‘It’s done,’ Lo Jik sighs.

He closes the door behind him. Lo Jik lets out the Blood Stream Python to quietly guard him under the bed before he begins refining the Primeval Stones to nurture an almost complete Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus!

He effortlessly sacrificed nearly 70000-80000 Primeval Stones' worth of rewards AND used an almost similar amount to nurture the Gu.

But how can Bronze rewards compare to Rank 3 Heavenly Treasure Lotus?

It’s an unbelievably rare commodity, even amongst Rank 3 Gu Masters.

Besides, Lo Jik wanted to tip the RNG in his favor.

‘I got the Gu from Shen Cui. The chances of me getting a recipe for the Gu from Shen Cui are slim but viable. Didn’t I get the Blood Qi recipe from Mo Yan? These odds may increase if I possess a healthy Lotus instead of an injured one. This and Fang Zheng’s stay in the village made me postpone any further meetings with Shen Cui.’

‘I need to be more vigilant, too. I will summon stored Silver Rewards from Mo Yan’s side to see what I can get. Shadow Gu are incredible for sneaking around. They will be useful now.’


“Grandfather!” Mo Bei scowls. “Why did you hand Mo Yan—”

“If you refuse to think of her as your sister, you will show her an Elder’s respect and call her ELDER Mo Yan!” Mo Chen snaps at his grandson. The youth freezes in shock as Mo Chen sighs. “You’ve gotten sensible, Bei. But you let past and anger cloud your judgment. Think! Lo Jik used his resources two times. He surpasses Fang Zheng and Qing Shu in combat as a Peak Stage Rank 2 Gu Master. However, the former two cultivated beyond him and are both Initial Stage Rank 3 Gu Master. Your Sister is an Elder, too. Learn to see things logically, Grandson. 10000 Primeval Stones is nothing to earn your Sister’s forgiveness and his talented husband. His ambitions will take a hit when he fails to reach Rank 3. He will learn to work under our system.”

Mo Chen doesn’t elaborate that he also wanted his family to unite before his death. No Grandfather wants to die while still being on bad terms with his Grandchildren. However, Mo Chen knows what to reveal and what to hide. Mo Bei might see Mo Chen’s emotion threatening his inheritance, so the Elder wisely spoke half-truth.


“Hmph! That Lo Jik is too arrogant. I still remember how he brutally abused those poor Rank 1 Gu Master!” Gu Yue Yao Le snorts while eating her food. She isn’t alone as Gu Yue Yao Ji, Zie Qi, Shen Cui, and Fang Zheng sit around the table. Fang Zheng’s house servant serves the food as Fang Zheng sighs.

“You must understand Lo Jik, Junior Sister Yao. He’s an unbelievable fighter. How can he not want more?”

Shen Cui doesn’t participate in the conversation and eats quietly.

“Reaching Rank 3 isn’t easy,” Gu Yue Yao Ji sighs. “His frustrations are justified.”

“But he was wrong to beat others,” Yao Le pouts.

“Let’s not talk about him,” Zie Qi offers with a smile.

The Medicine Faction was always under Gu Yue Bo’s control. The incidental absorption of Zie Qi through Fang Zheng instead of Yao Ji gave Gu Yue Bo the needed power to suppress the growing Medicine Faction. Also, Zie Qi’s and Yao Le’s friendly relationship eased the tensions between the two groups.

“Right!” Yao Le puckers her pillowy lips. “Heaven is fair. Gu Yue Lo Jik is too brutal. A man like him shouldn’t wield more power.”

Others don’t verbally antagonize Lo Jik. However, there is a silent agreement in their gazes.

At this moment, Shen Cui cannot help but feel slightly repulsed by a beauty like Yao Le.

‘What is surprising about talents realizing their potential? Isn’t Lo Jik more admirable? He is working and bleeding to surpass his limits! Besides, how can this Yao Le be so blind? Those Gu Masters asked for a beating by inciting trouble for Master!’ Her heart throbs for the man. They didn’t meet for a few months. But Shen Cui persevered by her promise and managed to relieve Fang Zheng through other means. She was also careful about adding a few medicines that made him less aroused.

She didn’t dare go overboard with it.


‘I want him,’ she squeezes her thighs together while eating. ‘I heard how serious his injuries are. Good Heavens! I want a disgruntled, frustrated Lo Jik bleeding from his injuries to take me.’ Her lips purse slightly while a slight flush reddens her cheeks. She cannot help but desire an animalistic Lo Jik to ravish her before embracing her lovingly and letting her sleep in his arms.


‘I did it, baby! With 2910 stones to spare!’

Lo Jik would do a backflip if his legs weren’t asleep.

He stares at the ethereal blue-white lotus floating in his Primeval Sea.

The Rank 3 Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus Gu!

‘It’s healed after almost 3 months. Truly! It’s troubling and nerve-wracking to do things in the open. I’m almost willing to advance to Rank 3. If I do that, I’ll stop getting the rewards from Mo Yan and Shen Cui. Our status will be equal. Shen Cui’s status might also be beneath mine. I should use this Wolf Tide to fully acclimate my gains. Even if a steady stream of Bronze rewards is enticing, I will advance to Rank 3 after attaining Golden Achievements. After all, I already have several Gu. Even if I fail to refine a few Gu, my combat strength only rises by advancing to Rank 3.’

‘Only combat strength matters the most in this world. Others may be suspicious of me. However, I don’t intend to stick around in Qing Mao Mountain after reaching Rank 3. I’ll go to Bai Gu Mountain.’

He steadily understood more about the Bai Gu inheritance. One must have a partner and act righteously to attain the entire benefit of that inheritance site! Mo Yan fits the bill.

He planned to fill his storage Gu with essential items and leave for Bai Gu after reaching Rank 3 using the excuse of experiencing the world. He can also use his Feathered Boots without limitations as a Rank 3 Gu Master. He could escape at any time.

Speaking of rewards—


He has 5 Silver Rewards stored.

Light flashes ahead before revealing a Steel Relic Gu.

‘Well, that sucks.’

He speechlessly stores the Gu in his aperture, willing to sell it to the Mo Faction using Mo Yan.

Lo Jik summons the second reward. A round silhouette appears in the flashing light. It’s different from the relic Gu.

Lo Jik watches an obsidian crystal with a Rank 2 aura settle on his lap. He picks up the orb, observing it for a while. Within the crystal is a constantly roiling shadowy fog. It twists and turns, forming different living animals and insects.

‘A Shadow Beast Gu,’ Lo Jik almost whistles. This is tailored for Scout Gu Masters under the Shadow Path! A Gu Master can use this Gu and convert it into a shadow beast of their choice. This Shadow Beast can merge with the shadows and share its senses—sight, hearing, smell, and even touch, with the user. The best thing about this Gu is that one can create an Eagle to have better vision, a hound for a better sense of smell, and the like!

But this is a Rank 2 Gu and possesses strict limitations. First, it’s only controllable within 100 meters of radius. This distance is smaller than ordinary Rank 2 recon Gu. Second, the sharing of senses exhausts mental stamina. Third, the Gu can be attacked and killed outside the Gu Master. So, the Gu Masters use this Gu to hide a ‘scout’ in nearby shadows for immediate investigation. Only Gu Masters with extensive knowledge of various beasts can use this Gu to its complete potential.

Use, Nurture, and Refine.

These are the three aspects of Gu Master’s cultivation. Lo Jik admits that while an outstanding Rank 2 Gu, it won’t reveal its entire potential in his hand. Also, Lo Jik’s Heaven Piercing Eye is geared toward his needs.

He quietly stores the Gu. If possible, he will gift the Gu to Mo Yan. She’s been unimaginably helpful to him. However, he won’t give the Gu without finding the right moment.

‘Like other Shadow gu, it’s a hassle to feed. It would be too much of a pity to let it ruin in my hands. It’s a silver reward, after all. Sigh, that’s why it’s so troublesome. Others can go decades without finding this Gu.’

He summons the third reward.

Lo Jik’s eyes widen as a strange Rank 1 fist-shaped Gu falls on Lo Jik’s lap. Strangely, he feels a pinch of pain once the fist lands atop his lap. He instantly identifies the Gu as a part of an inheritance.

Precisely, he understands that the ‘storage’ Gu isn’t the actual reward.

Yes, the Rank 1 stone-like enclosed fist is a Storage Gu meant to store another Gu inside its fist for future generations.

Lo Jik quietly admires the Rank 1 Determined Fist Gu before gently peeling its fingers. The stone Gu disintegrates into ashes once Lo Jik successfully opens its index finger, revealing a pink earthworm. The Rank 3 Gu reveals a weak aura and is severely hungry. It slowly wakes and curls into a spiral on Lo Jik’s palm.

‘Fuck me,’ Lo Jik blinks. ‘It’s the Pink Muscles Gu!’

Lo Jik carefully stores the Gu inside his aperture. This Gu’s value might only be lower than the Heaven Piercing Eye Gu for Lo Jik.

‘But if I use this Gu…’ He shakes his head. It will be like narrowing his future growth onto one path. There are benefits and drawbacks to such an act. So, a Gu Master must consider their options carefully. Still, Lo Jik must feed and nurture the Gu. It’s unlike the injured True Mind’s Eye Gu.

Emboldened by the most recent reward, Lo Jik summons the fourth one!

It was a rare material useable by Shadow Gu users.

And the fifth?

‘What’s with this luck?’

Lo Jik stares at the Red Steel Relic Gu.

Where is he going to unload two of these?

Lo Jik can’t even destroy them since they will effortlessly sell for 11000-13000 in the current economy. Everyone wants to get stronger to survive the Wolf Tide. Also, other Elders don’t want such Gu to circulate in the market and might purchase it for themselves.

There are also the Elders willing to stock this for their future offspring. Isn’t Gu Yue Yao Ji doting of Gu Yue Yao Le?

The issue is that Lo Jik will almost certainly face the Elder’s suppression if he tries selling them now!

Wait until becoming an Elder.


Alternate Title: 3 Months; Healing The Heavenly Lotus; Painful Sacrifices For The Legendary Gu; Planning His Rise; Risk Worth Taking; Developing a Reputation; Dismemberment’s Advantages; Cautious Planning; Letting Go of Bronze Rewards; The Third Fake Aperture; Massive Gains; Making Up; Acting Somber; The Determined Couple; Mo Yan Cares; Mo Bei Cursed to a Corpse’s Asshole; Planning Failure; Wishful Thoughts; Shen Cui’s Disgust; The Face of Naive Righteousness; Others Notice a Threat Contained; Hints of Bai Gu Inheritance; Summon!; More Red Steel Relic Gu?; Another One?; The Determined Fist Gu; A Path Ahead; One’s Risk and Rewards; The Shadow Gu; A Scout’s Bestfriend; A Shadow Beast Gu; More Than Willing To Help The Devoted Mo Yan; Using an Elder’s Backing; Beating Useless Rank 1 Gu Masters; Reducing Other’s Envy Through Failure

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