Revenge Fantasy

#3 - Kuroiwa Sends His Regards

The evening of the presentation, the Ashfords returned to their hotel. A relatively modest one closest to the presentation hall, one that they were staying in for one night before going to a new one. Booking one king suite on an upper floor, coming with a single king sized bed, one couch facing a widescreen TV atop a fine drawer, and a balcony beyond a glass sliding door to truly enjoy the sights of New York.

It was possibly confining to only have one bed available, but having a separate suite for Chouko was out of the question. Charles did not want to leave Chouko alone in a hotel. This wasn't the most luxurious of establishments to stay in, but it was satisfactory for a single night's stay... with a view and everything.

"Wow... is that what this city looks like...?"

Charles watches as Chouko stares out the balcony with wonder, smiling warmly. "Indeed, Chouko. New York City does comes with a rather beautiful view at this hour. This room also comes with a telly." Reaching for a remote control in the suite, pointing it at the television and turning it on.

The current channel was the local news, which was covering the Vanilla presentation. The station's footage cuts between various angles and shots of Chouko speaking with that machine.

"Immediately following the presentation funded by British millionaire investor, Charles Ashford, investors all over the world are looking into the Vanilla Project. One of the most human AI to come out of this century, lines upon lines of people have crowded the android in conversation after this footage of it speaking with Ashford's child prodigy of a daughter."

There was something... a little weird to Charles about watching this, but- he cannot deny that this is good for Chouko's public image. "Child prodigy daughter", as the Americans put it... aspiring psychologist and future head of the Ashford Company and its subsidiary businesses, more like. Even the smallest of media appearances are essential to build up Chouko's credibility further... propelling her beyond the shadow of mere nepotism.

"O-Oh...! I-I'm on the news?"

"Indeed. Must be interesting to be famous, Chouko. One day in the future, you'll have countless reporters wishing to interview you for your accomplishments..."

"Huh...! That sounds quite fun..."

Charles took his attention off of the news for a moment, retrieving his bathrobe from the luggage case. It was time for him to take a shower, and - thus - Charles needed Chouko to be out of the room. "Alright, Chouko- you can watch TV later. For now, I suggest being out in the balcony with one of your novels. I would explain why, but... well, you are the psychology student, you understand the severity of seeing your father in a bathrobe."

"If you insist... how long will I be outside?"

"I estimate only about thirty minutes, or so. Time for my shower, as well as drying off and such. Afterwards, once the washroom is aired out, a bath will be run for you."

"Understood, Father..."

Chouko walks out of the room, holding that thick novel of hers. That black one with a sort of printed shine to it... her supposed favorite book.

"... e-even though I haven't read all of it, m... my favorite one is, uhm, The Count of Monte Cristo..." Chouko proceeds to say on the television.

That certainly- was her favorite, was it? Hm. What was the plot of it again? Ah, he never got around to reading the novel himself. But Chouko said it from her perspective. A complex classic, an entirely new book each time she tries to read it.

... hm. Maybe he should read it with her sometime.

Charles turned off the TV and pulls the curtains of the room over its windows. Isolating Chouko from the inside as he goes to shower. Afterwards, once the shower has concluded, Charles dons his bathrobe and departs from the bathroom. Letting out a content sigh as he fans his face, the steam of the hot water filling the suite.

Upon leaving, however, he took an immediate glance to the king's bed. Seeing white lights peering out and coming from under his bed, the beams of light split with a rectangular outline in the middle. As if it were a book in front of the lights...

A smile formed on Charles's face at these suspected antics. Charles put two and two together, finding himself chuckling with resigned amusement. "Is that you, Chouko?"

Immediately, the lights under the bed shut off.

It was, indeed, Chouko, who decided at some point to hide under the bed to read her book instead. She grew tired of the outside scenery and the sounds of the city, and - thus - took refuge under the bed.

Charles suspected she must have been relying on being able to hear him depart so that she could shut her reading light off. In fact, she also seemed to be planning for him to remain in the room, keeping the curtains closed the entire time. Then - once he leaves to dress in private - she would have slipped out from the bed and snuck out the patio door, pretending she was outside the whole time.

This elaborate plan... was not exactly becoming of a lady. In fact, he felt some disgust at the thoughts of the mess under the bed, one present even in a king suite. But Chouko's mannerisms were endearing. How she found her ideal reading environment under furniture, with the bed serving as the most compact. Maybe she accounted for taking a shower immediately after, to cleanse herself of all the dust and grime that could be under the bed...

Ah... Charles would have indulged in her whimsical quirk and joined her underneath, but he would not fit under the bed. Nor does he really... want... to go under there. He feigned ignorance, deciding to play along with Chouko and follow her little plan accordingly. "Oh, my mistake... I must have been seeing things. Well, then-"

Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupts him.

Charles raises an eyebrow. He wasn't expecting any sort of company, especially not at this hour. Did Chouko order some sort of room service? No, no, this hotel didn't come with any. It was all self service, with mere amenities on the ground floor...

Charles... cautiously approaches the door. "Yes? What business do you have?"

"Sir, we noticed a discrepancy with your booking," the voice on the other end speaks. Gruff, scratchy, one that was hard to discern through the wooden door... likely a random man not affiliated with the hotel. "It appears that your stay here is... unpaid for."

"T... That's preposterous, the booking has been paid for in advance... converted properly, even!" Charles exclaims in disbelief. The most preposterous of claims!

"Well, sir, it is no issue, we simply need an immediate signature to get this sorted out..."

Charles... sighs, at the possibility that this wasn't a sham... "Fair warning... I am currently in a bath robe. You have caught me at a most inopportune time, when I am not decent. I request that you allow me some time to get dressed, and-"

His eyes then widen as he heard the patio door slide open. Looking at a man in a ski-mask enter the suite, his eyes grow wider. Charles quickly moved to open the door, his hands shaking as he frantically acted. "I- I say, sir! Th- There's a thug in my room! Please, call for-!"

The door is then kicked open. A loud crash sounds out as the door slams against the wall. Charles is knocked backwards, collapsing against the ground in painful shock as his back hits against the floor. Surrounded from both sides by two complete strangers, two roughly and ruggedly dressed thugs...!

Unlike the one entering from the balcony, the man who knocked was unmasked. A man with a black crew cut. Dressed in inconspicuous, casual clothing, with a pair of sunglasses over his face, the most prominent feature of his is the stubble under his defined jawline. Likely had to show his face to get past reception...

"Thank you for opening up, sir..." the man thanks as he closes the suite door shut. Walking into the room and looking around, whistling. "Whew. Good lookin' place here... you seein' this place?"

"Yes, yes..." the ski masked man responds, idly looking around. "Nice place. Other suites are clear."

"Yep..." Tsking slightly as his eyes roll. "Makes our job harder..."

Charles feels his- back- aching against the suite carpet. His breath ragged and tense, his body- shaking and trembling. "P... Please, t... take whatever you're here for..."

The man shakes his head, a despicable look on his face as he glares down at Charles. "Not exactly here for any of that, Ashford..." His eyes glancing at the luggage cases against the couch. One red, one black, ripe for the taking. "... though it is a good bonus. Check their bags. Get 'em out."

A nod from the ski-masked individual. Rummaging through their belongings with gloved hands, unzipping them and tossing their clothes and belongings out.

Charles- stares and shakes as their luggage was searched. If these men weren't here for their belongings, then- the alternatives shake him at his core. "T... Then- why... why are you-"

"Simple." Drawing his gun and contently aiming down at Charles. "Kuroiwa sends his regards."

Charles- stares up at the gun, his eyes widening. Things were- rushing through his head. To his knowledge, they... they were definitely here for him, but- but he doesn't know anybody with anything against him! Let alone whoever this Kuroiwa was. The extent of which they would hire two thugs to break into his suite, to threaten his life. "K... Kuroi... who...?"

"Eh, don't know 'im, no point in telling ya..."

Charles- immediately makes an offer to try and get these thugs to spare his life. "F... Five- no, ten- ten million- pounds!"

"Hm! Ten million? Wow! ... and here I thought you to be 'wise', Ashford. Pity." A slow headshake as the finger slowly starts to pull the trigger...

"... d... don't- don't! P-Please!" Charles calls out, desperation behind his voice.

The unmasked man- stops, immediately. Staring down at Charles as- a look of realization appears. The gun having yet to fire, as the thug looks around idly. "So... got your brat here? Would be a shame if she weren't here for this..."

Charles's eyes widen at this, his... blood... boiling at this. It was good that he did not succumb to his first instinct, to shout to Chouko to flee and call for help. No, she's... still under the bed. Charles... Charles lies, to protect Chouko. "... she... she's not here. The chauffeur's taking her to Times Square."

Even if he had to make a choice between himself and Chouko... he feels no willingness to give them Chouko whatsoever. If- if they were here to kill him, they're not taking Chouko.

"Huh... interesting. would've passed her along on the way up here..." The unmasked man responds, tapping the gun against Charles's head.

"W... Well, I haven't the faintest, what to tell you gentlemen..." Charles responds, sweating nervously. "M... My daughter's long gone. It's just me."

The ski-masked thug takes out two passports, presenting Chouko's passport to the unmasked thug.

"Mm. Those'll fetch a pretty, pretty penny..." the unmasked thug delightfully guesses, looking down at Charles. "So, long gone, headed to Times? Alright, your word is good... we'll stop there along the way, unite father and daughter together and all, wherever you two are going."

"..." Charles tensely- swallows and gulps. His death is carved in stone at this point...

"Any last words, Ashford?"

"..." A slow headshake.

"A shame."

And then, a gunshot rings out, as Charles stares forward. As his words are cut off, as he feels his life flash before his very eyes with the ringing, piercing shot. Horror on his face as he stares at the bullet, his fate sealed in that moment.


Chouko's voice suddenly rings out, as Charles shakes in place. The sight before him disappearing in an instant, the sunlight blinding his eyes in an instant. His eyes flutter as he searches for his daughter, searches for Chouko- the sunlight blinding his eyes as he sits atop a seat. Confusion riddled on his face, he looks around to see that he was back at the Ashford Manor, back in Britain. The two thugs gone, no gun at his forehead.

Feeling the ringing dissipate as he looks around, searching for his daughter. His hand rubbing his forehead lightly, trying to- alleviate that pain, that aching pain he felt in his head.

It was- it was a dream? All of that was a dream?

N... No, that happened, did it not? It did... it happened. That dream, though, felt... lifelike. Extremely lifelike. Unsettlingly real.

And his back! His back, still having felt like he collapsed against a floor... when, when in truth, it... it was just comfortably lying against a well cushioned rustic chaise lounge chair. Made from the wood of the Indonesian teak tree, an endangered species of deciduous tree, Charles... vividly remembers its retail value being approximately twenty-one hundred pounds for a single chair, a value for its resilience to weather conditions and all...

... Charles- Charles continues to look around for a bit, getting a grasp on his surroundings, before he finds Chouko. The little girl walking closer to him, approaching the seat he rested in. Standing before him in some sort of black robe, with a cap on her head, too... formally dressed for a special occasion, and everything.

"A... Ah. Chouko... I..." Charles faintly calls out, before raising an eyebrow. Seeing this outfit, it... dawns on him, she's wearing a graduate's robe. A uniform for graduating students at Chouko's level, as they are awarded degrees and such! It was a sweet summer's day, with the sun shining down on this occasion...! "Wait... wait a moment...! Chouko- today, today's your graduation!" Glancing at his pocket watch, glancing at the time... staring in horror. "A-And it's already over?! Oh- oh dear...!"

"Father, it's okay... I had the, uhm, chauffeur drive me... I didn't miss it..."

"W-Well, I missed it!" Charles interjects, looking to Chouko with anguish on his face. Tension and worry plastered over it, staring at her with overwhelming concern and disappointment. "I- I fell asleep in this chair, and- and missed it! I missed one of your most crowning achievements! I should have been there..."

"It's okay, Father... people make mistakes..."

"I- I know, but..." Charles- lets out a sigh, taking a few deep breaths. Sitting back down in the lounge chair, just sighing. There was no use fretting about it... he's already missed the ceremony and everything. He glances up at the sky, staring at the clouds above. Seeing a thick cloud, drifting along in the air with a warm summer's breeze... sorrow on his face, feeling guilt for not having been there.

"... hm, hmmm~ hmmmmm...~"

"..." Charles watches as Chouko approaches the chair, staring at her as she hums the first three notes of Claire de Lune. Smiling warmly at her as she does this, starting to- feel better, immediately. As Chouko vocally performed for him his most favorite of songs. His nerves calmed, humming along with her. Both of them locked into the most comforting of melodies.

He takes a moment to adjust himself, to give Chouko room on the chair to sit with him. The two of them gazing up at the sky, seeing the clouds pass by. Almost practically able to hear the piano keys themselves, as they hum to their hearts' content.

Losing themselves in this peace, just enjoying the pleasant summer day with some cloud watching and music. Starting to relax and smile at the scenery above...

... but... Charles interrupts, stopping for a moment. Chouko's voice going silent at this pause.

"... sorry, Chouko..." Charles begins to explain. "I... I woke up in bad condition. I had the worst of dreams, a- a disorienting nightmare. A sort of- reliving of what happened in New York, months prior..."

Chouko- takes a moment to move herself to hug Charles the best she could, snuggling into him and trying to comfort him. Charles just watches, staring down as she does this, as she tries best to comfort him.

"... do... do you- want to talk about it, Father?"

"Yes... yes, I... I would like that," Charles speaks, wrapping an arm around Chouko and taking a deep sigh at the sky. "In this nightmare, after we arrived at the hotel..."

Hesitantly, Charles began to recount the events of this... nightmare, tip-toeing around some of the more gruesome details. But the main idea is conveyed. The thugs that broke into the room, threatened his life, and held him at gunpoint.

It felt as if he died, and... he hugs Chouko tighter in silence, tears trailing down his cheeks. "I was- terrified... the thought just- sends limitless chills down my spine..."

"... I... I think that dream... it... you're worried about letting me go."

Charles- stares at Chouko as she says this. As she blurts this out, understanding his... thoughts... after he simply explained the dream. Then he remembers. Right... right. Chouko was studying psychology. She knows about all this dream stuff, as dreams... peer into one's psychology.

Sure, he doesn't know any of this information, but... he trusts Chouko, and... and she's right. She's right about that. He is afraid of letting her go. He immediately brings Chouko into his arms, hugging her closely.

"C... Chouko... as smart as ever. You're growing up every single day, faster and faster. I've felt worried about it for ages. You've done nothing but succeed... a... and... and I'm proud of you. I'm so proud of you, my wonderful, beautiful daughter. But I want more time with the little girl I adopted, the little girl I've accepted into my heart... l... life is just too fast..."

The two remain in this hug, Chouko sobbing a little...

"I... I agree, Father. I- I don't want to let you go either... I want to stay with you forever..."

Sharing a mutual sorrow, worried about losing the other... Charles... just... smiles faintly.

But, after letting those words out... Charles lets out a sigh. He needed to be the strong one in this case, to... to accept the inevitable, that Chouko is to continue with her life. "... but... Chouko... I- I am an old man... I know, more than anyone, that my time will come. That you will have to stand on your own two feet as an Ashford, and that I won't be able to hold your hand and guide you anymore. We must be- strong, Chouko... strong for the future."

"... b... but-"

Charles hugs Chouko a little bit tighter, arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace, as he smiles through his tears. "But... nothing. That's- that is one of the greatest things an old fool like me can behold, knowing that his daughter is ready, is prepared. In fact- you're already someone I can be proud of! A beautiful, young lady who will take the reins and excel to success. You're an esteemed graduate with a degree in psychology, and everything... and... and I'm proud to call you my daughter. Now, and forever!"

They remain in this cozy hug for a long time... the world before them passing. Charles watches as the clouds go faster and faster, as if he was losing track of time itself. Charles considered this a surreal feeling, but... he also felt at peace. Charles was ready. Charles was ready for the future...

He- he holds his daughter, one last time, lifts her up into the air. Hands on her side, holding his little girl up and gazing up at her.

Right before his eyes, watching as she blocks out the sun and looks back at him with her innocent smile. His eyes blinking as the six year old before him appears once again, tears trailing from his eyes as nostalgia floods his view. Looking up at her in pride, his eyes watering from tears of joy.

"Chouko... I..." he calls out, as the sunlight envelops his eyes... as the sight of his little girl fades, and as her voice rings out once again... one last time...

"I love you too, Father..."


... and...

... Charles was gone.

Charles died immediately as the gunshot finishes him off. Piercing his head, bleeding out onto the suite carpet. All life in his body, gone, as his arms fall limp.

But in the span of a single second... Charles faced that gunshot. Faced the end of his existence with a cold stare. Eyes closed, albeit... wincing from the pain... but... he went out with eyes closed, rather than horrified.

"... huh," the unmasked thug speaks, sighing at the dead body with disappointment. "Well, then... job's done. Let's get out of here."

The two men begin leaving the king's suite, heading out the front door of the suite. The ski-masked thug dragging the luggage with him as they flee the scene with the Ashfords' belongings.

With Charles's dead body left behind, the sound of a gunshot alerting surrounding nearby guests, with hotel staff notified and police called...

... Chouko was left frozen underneath the bed, her eyes peeking out to see Charles's body.

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