Revenge Fantasy

#2 - Presenting Vanilla

Four years later, on business during the early month of April, Charles Ashford was sent overseas to the Americas. As an investor in a developing technology, he sought to attend the crucial presentation where the world would be exposed to this advanced innovation: an artificial intelligence, designed to be a virtual assistant. Developed by a young college student that received a scholarship from the Ashford Revolutionary Corporation.

Who was Charles to disappoint an aspiring young inventor? One who has set up a vigorous advertising campaign putting Charles's name on the cover, gathering mass public attention on this invention to the point where the media covered the technology solely and exclusively for the Ashford name rather than the innovation itself?

... in truth, Charles did not care much for it, and was practically obligated to attend.

As he sat to the side of the stage, watching the young man rehearse the presentation with cue cards, he couldn't focus on any of it. This was a waste of time for the man, other than making sure to keep public face. Absolutely disinterested in the creation, with other more important things on his mind.

Firstly, it was a pin drop in the water of technology. One single inventor utilizing his life savings to develop this technology - conceptualized several decades ago, by the way, before this inventor's time - paled in comparison to other companies already years into development. And secondly, Charles was a traditional man who valued authentic human life, and found it unnecessary to integrate something fake and artificial into human society. There was no purpose to these creatures, nothing that really draws his attention as to why these things should exist.

Altogether, Charles sat in a chair and thought of other topics. Other things worth his attention and focus, and he certainly had plenty to focus on after these eventful four years.

The Ashford name remains as successful as ever, with its countless business ventures continuing to grow. Other investments, more... local... investments are becoming more and more successful than this specific investment. Deals were made, and partnerships were fostered. Society just grew more and more, with each passing month and year, and other technological ventures and generally more interesting topics simply took priority in the center of his mind.

... and the most important thing that takes his attention away from this show? His heir, his daughter, the girl that sat right next to him. This heir of his showing more of an interest in the project than he did. This child was the most important thing in his life, far beyond any mechanical machine.

Chouko Ashford. Ten years old, proudly dressed in a black cardigan and a finely woven dress skirt. Her white button shirt tailored by the finest of tailors, with a cravat sewn into the collar of it. A fine, modest outfit for a young lady to wear, especially in front of an audience.

Charles had requested several outfits to be personally tailored for Chouko over the years. This one in particular was her newest outfit, one associated as a reward for her academic excellence. Especially given the fact she was going to graduate this year from higher education... a majoring degree in psychology, and everything.

By some miracle, Chouko breezed through her education in a short amount of time. With proper education, she graduated secondary school at the age of seven, her eventual graduation early by about 11 years.

It was one thing to be gifted, it was another to be gifted early. Chouko was regarded as a genius child prodigy across the world, a rare occurrence. Artistically gifted, musically gifted, and academically gifted. Throughout her school years, she was given the title of the "Apple-Eyed Genius" as a reference to her eyes matching the color of red apples given to teachers. She has aced countless tests, taking an aptitude test that puts her on the same levels as top scientists and tacticians. Her memorization skills legendary, putting her above others in her class and the country.

Charles was... amazed, in absolute disbelief throughout these years. Looking back on how hard Chouko worked, how much she wanted to excel and be the heir he could be proud of. He holds nothing but pride for his daughter, very well considering her a pure Ashford years ago. This was a promising girl that Charles knew, in his heart, was destined for greatness from day one.

Chouko deserved everything that he could ever give her within these four years. A loving home, the finest of foods, the highest quality clothes, freedom to explore her passions for reading and drawing... a luxurious life filled with nothing but the very best.

Oh, the fond memories coming to him in waves of nostalgia. Resounding memories he treasures deeply.

The hours spent personally teaching Chouko the piano. Many works filled the walls of the bedroom, Charles witnessing a firsthand account of Chouko's growth as she plays several historical classics. Her passion, he dare say, outrivals his after some time. Her small fingers superior to his old, frail hands. But they always found themselves sharing common ground with Claire de Lune.

Their shared time spent reading. How she would enjoy her free time reading novels in their library, huddled underneath a large table with a fine cloth draped over it. A comfy, cozy fort for her to hide away with a lamp, one he was often invited into when he sought to do some reading himself. One would think of a child falling asleep in her parent's arms, but he found himself lulled into slumber first every time, and Chouko would call servants to help him to his true bed.

Chouko accompanied her father on many, if not most, of Charles's ventures. Each formal gala hosted by business partners and acquaintances, Chouko was brought along. Leisurely walks whilst conducting errands, Chouko followed with him. Conferences, tours, vacations. When Chouko was available, she found herself inseparable from Charles, even going as far as following him to an overseas flight to New York City for Easter break.

"Chouko. Are you excited to come to the States?"

"Y-Yes, indeed. I'm looking forward to experiencing American life, Father."

"Yes, America is quite interesting indeed. I much prefer our homeland, but - after the presentation - there will be plenty of sights to see. A month's worth of activities, before your proper graduation."

"Sounds overwhelming... but, it also sounds quite amusing!"

That conversation replayed itself as Charles sat in his chair, remembering the joy on full display. Charles's heart melted as he saw how much his daughter has grown. She still held some of her timid mannerisms, yet there was truly authentic energy to her voice. If given the opportunity, she could - with this newfound energy - make quite the plentiful amount of business partners and acquaintances...

Of course, Chouko was not permitted to bring classmates over. She was still a child learning amongst teenagers and young adults. No, Charles often welcomed and invited families of all classes to bring their kids over for play dates with Chouko. Lower, middle, upper- he welcomed any fine, upstanding families to give Chouko a social life.

"Father, Leo has brought over a d-dog! H-His name is Spot, and we had such fun playing together! Can he come over more often?"

"I'll see if his father is open to it. Leo's father is a common worker for one of my businesses, after all, I'm sure he would very much enjoy the visits."

There were times when he had to protect Chouko, the most notable being when a mutual business partner brought his son over and unexpectedly harmed Chouko during business negotiations.

"F-Father! I- I'm scared... J-Jack got upset w-whilst we were reading, a-and he- he-"

"H-He hit you...?! Oh, good heavens, your eye- servants! Escort Mr. Sutton and his son out of this manor! Sullivan, we will speak about our deal at a later date! For now, you are not welcome on these premises!"

Charles knew he had to raise Chouko to be a powerful heir, but... this girl brought up his overwhelmingly awakened fatherly instincts. Every time he looked at his daughter, he felt a need to preserve her joy. To the best of his ability, driving to make sure she was safe and happy at all times.

With every accomplishment she achieves, Charles felt that he was not ready to see this girl grow up into a fine woman. He wanted to spend more time with this beloved child, make the most out of the years they had left. It all was gone in a flash to him. His only regret was that he did not enjoy his time with Chouko as much as he wanted to.

One day, Chouko will take the lead to run the Ashford family's businesses. She will take charge as an investor, a philanthropist, a psychologist. Her dreams fulfilled, meeting a fine suitor who will escort her to a villa in the tropics. Their remaining time limited until Charles has to say goodbye to his little girl.

Nothing in this presentation whatsoever held Charles's attention beyond this girl.

"... please give a round of applause, everyone!" the inventor, on stage, exclaimed to the hall. "A hand to our primary investor, the esteemed Charles Ashford! Responsible for funding groundbreaking android technology!"

Charles walked in front of an audience of thousands, looked out to a sea of Americans cheering for him. Many of which he recognized as other businessmen, likely present at the presentation to meet him afterwards. With all the applause given, he didn't feel anything from their praise. All he did was take some portions of money and donate them to promising companies and businesses. The audience was applauding him for his name alone.

"Now, everyone," the inventor told the audience. "Please give a warm welcome, to... Vanilla!" Proceeding to reveal the invention as he yanked the curtain off, showing nothing more than a messy cluster of metal and wires.

The applause for Vanilla was non-existent. Complete and utter silence.

Nothing about Vanilla impressed people. In theory, this project was for an "android", a robot that appears human. This was just a travesty to look at, an unprofessional heap of moving scrap metal and wires that pretended to be a fake human and everything. This so called android was completely work in progress and was unfit for a presentation of this scale, very ominous and creepy to Charles.

However, here it was. Amidst a quiet audience, the inventor began to explain a bunch of nonsense about how the innovation was not its body, it was the technology inside. Some intricate technological system with a custom AI built into it, its features more centered around speaking and responding.

The presenter flips a switch, and the invention turns on. A brief period of start up, with faint and artificial applause filling the room. Its voice stutters faintly, but... it manages to utter some words, looking to the inventor and speaking. "Hello. I am Vanilla. Pleased to meet you, everyone."

For the next few minutes, the invention was "showcased". Charles sat back down in his seat, and witnessed this travesty further unfold. The inventor did nothing new with this supposed assistant, asking it basic questions that obsolete technology already mastered.

"Vanilla, can you tell me what time it is right now?" the inventor asks.

"Of course. It is four thirteen, in the afternoon," Vanilla responds.

"Vanilla, have you heard of the latest news happening in town?"

"Yes. This presentation," Vanilla responds. "But afterwards, there is another showcase scheduled here at five, where a new soda product to promote fat loss will be presented."

"Vanilla, what do you think I should have for dinner today?"

"Given your budgetary constraints, I recommend a chicken salad from the local grocery store. If you would like, I can order one for you if you wish."

Nothing about this presentation was demonstrating anything worthwhile.

To the audience of people expecting some advanced intelligence, "Vanilla" was nothing more than a primitive and glorified rotating shopping machine with a clock and a todo list for those five minutes. It was no fault of its own, however. The inventor responsible for her was awkwardly fumbling on stage with the conversational grace of a dry cement block, giving Vanilla nothing whatsoever to work with. A good majority of the presentation a disaster, with various attendees starting to leave out of disinterest.

"U... Uhm..." the inventor audibly stuttered, not helping his case whatsoever. "V... Vanilla here isn't just- limited to conversation! She, uh... she can..." Rummaging through his note cards and panicking, nervously sweating as crickets chirped in the audience.

While the inventor was commencing with more of his uninteresting, boring show of disappointment, the android noticeably turned and interrupted him completely. Focusing on a different subject entirely: a new person.

"Ah. Hello. Lady Ashford, yes?" the android prototype's voice asks, looking to an approaching Chouko. Seeing the girl simply walking up to her, an inquisitive look on the girl's red-eyed face, the android responding with curiosity. "Is something the matter? There is a presentation going on..."

"Uhm... hello, V-Vanilla... nothing is the matter. But, I, uh, I just- I wished to a-ask you something... something on my mind."

Audiences watched as Chouko approached the prototype, seeing the child speak with her eyes looking up at it calmly. Charles, even, showed an interest as Chouko did this, tuned back into the presentation, and watched his daughter speak to Vanilla.

"Certainly. Ask away... Chouko," Vanilla requests, a hint of casual friendliness in its generated voice, adjusting itself to fully face Chouko. "I will answer to the best of my ability."

"W... well, uhm, I was wondering, do you, uh, do you like... do you like books...?"

The robot hmmed and whirred, pondering. Tilting itself left and right, more of its artificial humanity coming to light in that moment. The people in that room found the invention more endearing now that it wasn't a grown man talking to an android, but a little child. After all, the Ashford name was what carried this presentation to begin with, and Chouko was next to do a bit of heavy lifting.

"... I have not read a lot of books, unfortunately. I do not have the eyes to really enjoy it, you see," the android joked, beeping a couple of times and wiggling noticeably. This gained some chuckles from the audience, the movements of the parts amusing. "But I do see their value. They are quite educational."

"I see... well, uhm, I'd like to read some to you... I don't have any on me right now, but, uhm... oh, uh, are you familiar with, uhm, Grimms' Cinderella?"

Vanilla leaned slightly forward at this, looking closer at Chouko. "My programming is familiar with Disney's version of it. However, I am slightly familiar with descriptions of the original version, the one Disney adapted from... are you familiar with it?"

"Y... Yes, I, uhm... there was a novel I happened to read that had it. I- I am well familiar with the tale, so..."

"Well, that's fascinating!" Vanilla responded, her voice beaming with intrigue and fascination. "I would be lying if I pretended not to be aware of your memorization! Please, I would love for you to read some to me, if you can!"

"O... Oh, well, uhm... sure... uh..."

Audiences watched as Chouko started to read the entire beginning of the Grimm version from memory, locking her attention on Vanilla to ease her nerves as the words flew out of her mouth. Beginning with the death of Cinderella's mother and her dad's remarriage, continuing on with the vileness of her new stepsisters.

"They took her beautiful clothes away from her, dressed her in an old gray smock, and gave her wooden shoes. 'Just look at the proud princess! How decked out she is!' they shouted and laughed, as they led her into the kitchen..."

"Wow..." Vanilla noised, politely listening to Chouko. "There's a bit more detail to this version..."

"M... Mhmm, when adapted, some details were written out to appeal better to a children's audience... the tales start out rather- well... Grimm."

Vanilla chuckled and giggled at that joke! "Ah, I see. So the films receive more attention from adults and children alike, while also attracting movie patrons well familiar with the tale! That is a smart decision..." Then the robot cleared its throat, its voice softening. "Please, continue. I am very much having fun, being told this story."

Now that Vanilla was actually engaging in true conversation, people started seeing more merit in this invention. Everyone, even... Charles... was astonished, as this unfolded. Most technology designed to replicate human conversation typically fell flat, with priorities on having moving and functioning bodies rather than humanizing their technology. Vanilla was currently... proving itself uncontested, exhibiting more personality than other conversation models.

Single handedly, Chouko turned the presentation about a generic and disappointing technology into a captivating show of a child bonding with a prototype.

Minutes upon minutes of her reading the story passing, taking up more and more of the presentation with this near impressive and heartwarming sight. Chouko manages to reach the part of the story where the prince was investigating with a gold slipper rather than glass, and the stepmother was handing knives to her daughters to fit into the shoes.

Vanilla interrupted before Chouko could... describe... any of what happened next. "... Chouko, if I may interrupt for a brief moment. I must ask you something that is making me curious. The fact you are able to memorize all of this story on a whim, your passion for literature astounds me. But there is something that they - the news, the stories and all - neglect to include: do you possess a favorite book, out of all the novels you've read?"

"... oh! Uhm, yes, actually... everyone has to have a favorite... and, e-even though I haven't read all of it, m... my favorite one is, uhm, The Count of Monte Cristo..."

"... r... really?! By Alexandre Dumas?" Vanilla commented, its voice exhibiting shock and surprise. Catching the audience by surprise at this shift, even the- inventor himself shocked. Almost- eerily unsettled at how spontaneously human Vanilla was, the inventor watched as Vanilla continued. "I truly am speaking to a prodigy. That is an outstandingly long and intricate read for a child! Over a thousand pages in some publications! I've barely even scratched the surface of it!"

"W-Well, yeah... i... It's actually the one book I find hard to read. It's... complex, classic, and it feels like an entirely new book every time I try to read it... so..."

"Oh! That's why?" Vanilla asked, letting out numerous robotic laughs. Finding a lot of amusement at Chouko's response, exhibiting great amounts of delight. "So you find it to be your favorite because it's the one book that gives you a challenge. That surely is literature worth reading, then!"

"Y-Yeah, it's really good... the way that the characters are written are quite compelling, at least... I- I found Edmond Dantès to be especially well written, as the main character and all... how he, uhm, how he-"

The inventor promptly interrupted Chouko- clearing his throat and addressing the engaged audience. "Uhm- I'm sorry, everyone, but we are running out of time... we will have to cut this short, now..."


With time coming to a close, people started- exhibiting disappointment that they couldn't see more. After the presentation, the media ate this presentation up, with the capabilities of the Vanilla prototype now clear. How child friendly it was, how it adapted to personalities between the presenter and Chouko, the way it presented itself with liveliness and humanity. They wanted more, and this presenter was depriving them of this gold.

But rather than show disappointment, Vanilla showed joy as she spoke to Chouko. "No worries, Chouko. When I am fully developed, I will ask my creator to visit you sometime. We may continue our conversation about the novel later. Or, well, any other novel you happen to be reading by then!"

"O... okay! I- I'm looking forward to it!"

The hall cleared out, and... surprisingly, Charles had no one approach him. Eyes were on the inventor, giving him ample opportunity to slip out of the hall and depart. He sat in the car with Chouko, driven away from the presentation hall, discussing... that entire presentation.

"So, Chouko. Do you think those androids are worth the investment so far?"

"Mmm... yeah... I- I could tell the, uhm, inventor was having a hard time... s... so I started to deviate a little from the formula... and, and Vanilla became quite nice... I like her..."

"Ah...! That is a surprise, Chouko! You approached it to- wow. Well, then, after your little show, I guess we will have to follow the career of this inventor, so that you may speak with this Vanilla once more."

"T-That'd be wonderful, Father... a-and, uhm, w-when we get the opportunity, I would like to invite Vanilla- or, or visit whilst bringing some of our books over... is- is that okay? Or..."

Charles just- smiled warmly in that instant. "Yes... yes, we shall. We will simply have to see what happens, but I promise to bring you to Vanilla again once it has progressed far enough."

Saying this, Charles gets a delighted reaction from Chouko, watching as the girl excitedly fidgets with anticipation. There was something- authentic to these things, and he was looking forward to inviting this- Vanilla to further interact with Chouko.

But, as things played out... Charles will never be able to fulfill his promise.

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