Remnants anomaly

The end of the semester

The atlas council member was the first to send a squad after leon but thought to use the family of one of leons students to keep leon from killing them all. weiss's sister , winter schnee was sent on this mission as a result but the atlas council member was horribly underestimating just how much leon was willing to be cruel to make his point. as ozpin expected leon captured the whole squad with only a small amount of difficulty. for the unimportant members of the squad leon ruthlessly cut off all of their limbs and plucked out their eyes and tongues while removing their ears as well.

Leon was more merciful to winter however since leon was friends with weiss and simply bound her aura with an infernal script seal directly on her heart. this effectively made winter into a normal person unable to use her aura in any capacity. the woman was horrified when she discovered what leon had done however , likely because she knew her father would basically own her if she was retired from the military. she had even tried to seduce leon in order to get him to remove the seal but leon simply ignored her.

The only comfort allowed to winter was that leon had told weiss of her sisters imprisonment and allowed her to visit her sister. weiss had tried to convince leon to remove the seal on so he showed her the other atlas prisoners and told her that was the alternative. she threw up when she saw the hellish state the of members of the squad were in and decided to drop the subject. she no longer looked at leon in a barely concealed admiration after that however as she had seen a glimpse of the dark part of him and it was sickening.

The vacuo council member was the next as well as the last to send several squads to capture leon but was also sent ransoms for each of the hostages instead of reports of success. mistral was more cautious than the other two and had prevented itself from sending out people to capture leon thus letting it save itself a loss. the only kingdoms not really affected by the actions of the council members were vale and menagerie that had effectively just sat back and watched the chaos. ozpin was on leons side to begin with so it wasn't a issue there from the start.

Leon's relationship with menagerie was complicated however as he had made huge strides in advancing the faunus race. at the same time however he had close to three hundred white fang members put to death. the normal members of menagerie had a love-hate relationship with the white fang but the last time so many faunus had been killed at once was during the war. leon's slaughter had ruffled the feathers of most of the race giving him a similar love-hate relationship with the peoples of menagerie. it was public knowledge why the slaughter had happened in menagerie which was the only reason leon wasn't completely hated but not loved either.

Half a month into the last month before the end of the semester the council final couldn't take the public rioting against them and waved the white flag. leon had reinforced his position of not allowing a double cross from any of them by having them make a deal with him over it. the atlas council member winced at this condition as he indeed had the intention of double crossing leon secretly. as if to prove how worthless the councils attempts were leon had titan corp up and running like normal a mere hour after the deals were struck.

All of leon's lessons after his classes had summoned familiars had been focused on teaching each individual how to best use their familiar or what they needed to fix in it's diet. the last two weeks of the semester was no different in this regard. the teams had come a long way since they first summoned their familiars as each team now had their familiars at least working together. those who had summoned infant monsters from the monster hunter world had seen their familiar rapidly grow up.

This wasn't to say the monsters weren't still considered very young or weak but simply that they were now as big as they would get without time and effort on their part. genesis was very different compared to the other monsters however as he was leon's familiar and leon summoned extremely high quality food for him. this was a privilege that only leon had as the only person who knew the infernal script. a constant diet of bio energy rich elder dragon flesh from birth had already shown it's effects as genesis was much larger than he normally would have been as was as his spikes and hide turning almost black in color , he was transitioning to a ravager nergigante already and he had only just reach physical maturity.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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