Remnants anomaly

Don’t steal from the devil

Ghira , who was the official leader of the faunus was the first to notice that leon was poised to make their lives miserable and backed out of the planning against leon. none of the other world council members noticed this and merely thought he didn't want to persecute a faunus who was innocent. every single one of the council members knew that leon was in the absolute right in this scenario but the power that his language guaranteed blinded them with greed. it was only after they tried to take everything from leon a few days later that they learned why ghira backed out so early.

Leon's plan was a ruthless bloodletting on their reputations as he dismantled the titan corp in an instant while releasing every dirty secret they had thought they had hidden to the public. the final nail in the coffin however was when leon publicly announced that thanks to their actions all of the titan corp products would now be sold individually and at a twenty times price mark up. leon vanished from the public eye minus the recordings of his lessons training the new hunters with their familiars , leaving the only target for the public's anger the council members.

"You know this will cause serious problems if it continues right?" ozpin asked leon who was sipping his own mug of hot chocolate. "first they will get desperate and start taking drastic measures to capture me so they win without losing more than they already have but we both know how that's going to go." leon said with a wicked grin and ozpin nodded. "they will fail and you will kill whoever they send correct?" he said calmly. leon shook his head "i am going to capture and cripple whoever they send while secretly giving them high ransoms." he said and ozpin shivered as he figured out leons plan.

It was brilliant really as the more people they send the more public leverage leon has available against them forcing them to redeem the captives who are now worthless since they are cripples. no matter how the council try's to play this scenario to the public they are the only ones set to lose anything they actually value. leon had effectively set himself in an untouchable position with a blade against each of their throats while he was completely relaxed , it was honestly terrifying to ozpin.

Ozpin knew for a fact that while he was technically in charge of vale he was much less powerful then leon in the kingdom. it was to such a degree that if you were to remove ozpin from his spot as ruler and place leon there it would change nothing fundamental. in fact the kingdom would likely grow explosively if this were to happen with all of leon's vast resources actually directed towards vale. at the moment those resources were free to be used however leon's whims decided at any given time. if leon decided to go to war with the other kingdoms he could do so easily and not feel much of a pinch.

Leon could realistically take over the world with his resources and most of the people alive would support him in this endeavor since he guaranteed a better future. why didn't leon do this then you may be asking , the answer is he didn't feel like it. it was such a cliché thing to do and was simply not worth the effort as far as leon was concerned. ozpin thought it was rather ironic that despite the countless people with that ambition the one who could actually do it was too lazy to try.

It was reassuring to a degree knowing that leon wouldn't go to extreme lengths for his ambition or at least for the ambition ozpin knew of anyways. leon's ambition had to do with his falna after all and no one was even aware of it's existence other than him. to those not aware of it's placement on someone's back the falna is unnoticeable without status thief potions that reveal the originally invisible script. since that potion didn't exist in this world no one was even capable of learning about it's presence on leons body without capturing him first.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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