Remnants anomaly

Plans and preparations

The only people in the world who had an idea of what level of power leon actually was on was ozpin , salem and himself. ozpin knew thanks to the small clues left behind when leon did all of these great feats of power and he need to cover them up. salem however got all of her information at a slight delay thanks to the time it took for the memories to be transferred through the grim population. there was of course her human agents living in vale as well but leon was a very private person most of the time so the information they could gather was spotty at best.

Still both of the ex's wanted to get leon on their sides and had plans set in motion to complete this even if the reasons for this was different for each. ozpin was hoping that if leon had enough time he could finally see salem sealed away. killing her was impossible but if leon was strong enough he could suppress her long enough for ozpin to trap both of them in an unbreakable box. yes ozpin wanted to sacrifice leon in order to get rid of salem and achieve world piece finally.

This was a "for the greater good" type of idea that he knew could have disastrously consequences if it failed. but it was completely worth it to betray leon in exchange for finally completing the mission the god of light gave him. in order to accomplish this goal of sealing salem away permanently ozpin knew he would need to sacrifice the entirety of his remaining magical ability as well as his current vessels remaining life force. a seal fueled by such as sacrifice would prove unbreakable by anything save godly intervention.

Salem on the other hand actually didn't have nefarious thoughts on leon ironically unlike ozpin who was on the side of "good". salem was more of the mindset that even if she couldn't be friends with leon she at the very least didn't want to be enemies. she was hopeful that she could have a friendly relationship with leon thanks to their shared corruption making them similar minded. but even if that wasn't enough she was certain she could at least reason with leon to stay out of the conflict between her and ozpin. had she known about his semblance her plans may have turned more possessive in nature but what if's didn't make the world work.

Meanwhile leon was preparing his next lesson in his cave abode entirely unaware of the spinning threads of fate circling around him as the two largest figures in the world made plans around him. the lesson leon had planned had to do with the vytal tournament at the end of the year , to be specific the change in the rules this year involving familiars. a change had been introduced to allow the participation of familiars in the tournament. the problem was that leon was required to allow the foreign students to summon familiars of their own in order for them to be allowed.

This was a sneaky political move by the council who had decided if they couldn't directly have his knowledge they could at least get a few people with familiars to balance things out. despite the headache this caused him leon couldn't just lash out at them since it was a perfectly valid concern. the familiars gave their owners an absolute edge in all things combat related thanks to their greater numbers as well as the familiars own power. leon had decided to present this opportunity to the foreign students simply so his own don't get superiority complex's.

The entire next three days would be devoted entirely to allowing the foreign students to summon familiars or at the very least attempt the summoning. leon had the sneaking suspicion that there was going to be a considerable amount of people triggering the evil safety measure and failing however which may prove problematic. atlas was in his opinion the most likely of all the foreigners to fail since the people sent were likely in line to join the military. of course this could also be entirely wrong since none of the kingdoms knew about the familiars two months ago when they sent the students out to vale.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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