Remnants anomaly

Arming the competition

What none of the students who currently had familiars had figured out however was that nearly every single familiar was vastly stronger than most hunters. ozpin and the other higher government officials had figured it out however after genesis killed several goliaths. leon's familiar was just as exceptional as he was and that meant that the other summoned familiars likely were the same. if even a single familiar got even close to the level of power shown by genesis was summoned by each of the kingdom's students they would be happy.

The biggest thing leon had to overcome was the off chance that one of the foreign students had a photographic memory. this wasn't an issue when it came to the beacon students since leon could simply check their file for such a thing before hand. the other kingdoms however had only provided the bare minimum amount of information in regards to the students they sent. as a result leon didn't know if any of them had the rare photographic memory and needed to plan around this. the solution he came up with was to place an extra circle around the summoning circle that made the circle inside it unreadable.

No matter how good someone's memory was if they simply couldn't see the summoning circle they couldn't try and steal it. the reason leon insisted that the summoning circle not be made public was three fold. first , if someone summoned an eldritch anything and didn't know to banish it before it caused problems it would be a pain in the ass for leon to get rid of it. second , despite what he had told yang and the others he may actually eventually take over the world as a feat to level up in the future.

If there were whole armies of people with familiars then the process of taking over would become far far harder. finally , the bad eggs of the world getting a hold of the summoning circle could end very badly since leon knew it was possible for someone's personality to change based on their experiences. if someone like that had summoned a familiar before hand they now have a far greater power on hand for any evil plans they made. these reasons meant that leon was not going to allow any slip ups when it came to the summoning circle.

Creating the protective circles in the ground around where the summoning circle was going to be set was easy for leon. he didn't remove the obscuring dome circle so that no one gets suspicious when he had the foreigners do their summonings. literally all of leons students showed up to see what the foreigners got for familiars and even set up a large group picnic while they watched. if there was ever a way to make people nervous this certainly the most hilarious method leon had ever seen. having such an audience watch as they summoned their familiars made the foreigners a good deal flustered.

The biggest reason for their nervousness was that this was a show that had nothing to do with their own skills. the most hilarious scene however was cardin who's proud stare was ruined by the adorable brown creature getting a belly rub on his lap. the dude had been spoiling the little fox pokemon rotten since he summoned it with top quality food and grooming session along with careful training to improve it's strength. despite the initial weakness that the eevee had when it was summoned leon was surprised to see that under that well taken care of fur was densely packed muscles and fairly strong energy currents.

Leon was relieved to see that cardin actually treated his familiar properly and had even turned it into a powerful aid to his own strength. the rest of the students couldn't really bring their familiars along with them everywhere since they were rather large but yang didn't have this problem. seeing that little demon made leon shiver even though a lot of the female students were fawning over it's cute appearance. in leons opinion that thing was by far the most dangerous familiar ever summoned completely by virtue of the fact it could theoretically kill gods if it could pop it's unique ability.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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