Remnants anomaly

Hellish week

The rest of the lesson was dedicated to the students meditating and leon and his assistants randomly hitting them with bloodlust. by the end of the lesson each of the students had roughly familiarized themselves with the warning that their aura gave when subjected to bloodlust. the next class followed the same track as the first only this time a few of the more studious of the foreign students showed up to participate in the lesson. leon wasn't even surprised that the atlas students didn't need the lesson as they looked for an ambush the moment they noticed something wrong.

Leon flat out told them this too which they could only shrug and leave after since it was true. atlas was highly militaristic and as a result it trained it's huntsmen in the art of warfare of which ambushes are part. the rest of the lesson after that was mostly the same with the exception of a girl fainting from stress after the meditation bloodlust waves started. leon had expected such a thing might happen as there were a few anxious natured people in his students. the rabbit girl herself was one such person but leon knew that had a lot to do with her faunus features since rabbits spooked easy.

For the students the next week was hell on earth as when leon said random him meant it and some people got hit with bloodlust while sleeping at odd hours of the night. meanwhile leon had a small problem that showed up in his less legal business. someone had been hit the recovered warehouse of dust and vanished into the wind with it. leon was sure it had nothing to do with the white claw as they were still too wary of him to try his patience like this.

This left the three people who had been working with torchwick or some unknown player looking to make a sudden splash. the most irritating thing was that whoever had done this made sure to keep everything much more secretive unlike the previous thefts. the true culprit was indeed the three people who had slipped through the net during the pest control operation. unlike before however the actions taken this time did not have salem's blessing as she had cut contact with these three entirely. unfortunately they had mistaken this as a sign to figure it out on their own as she was disappointed in them.

"You really think we can sneak into this years vytal fest without familiars?" a dark skinned girl with green hair asked the pale brunette looking over a set of plans. "i admit that man's purge was unexpected but you know who is behind us emerald. failure simply isn't an option , besides we don't need to participate in the tournament ourselves merely wait in the wings for the perfect moment to strike." the girl said smoothly. "why do i get the distinct impression you are underestimating that man with your plan cinder?" a lean man with silver hair asked from a nearby wall he was leaning on.

Cinder frowned at the question. "i know that man's setups increase the difficulty of the mission , but that doesn't matter if we blend into the crowd. we can rely on emeralds illusions to sneak past the guards and plant the rest of the bombs so we can draw the grim over." she said calmly.  "let's just hope nothing pops up to put a hinder on this plan like last time , we got lucky to be away when the purge happened and i would rather not needlessly die." the man said before going quiet.

Meanwhile leon was still trying to figure out where the thieves went since they seemed to just vanish into thin air. it was confusing as all of that dust was not in any location someone could use to hide it in vale. the empty warehouses were empty and the full warehouses had the products they were supposed to have , hell leon even had the sewers checked but again came up empty handed. the lack of clues made leon uncomfortable because he was well aware of how dangerous that amount of dust was in the wrong hands.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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