Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 29 (7)

Dear Diary,

The play was great! The actors did a super good job, all the sets exploded and caught fire when they were supposed to and at no other time, and the music was epic. Everyone was in tears by the end. 

Except Louis. He mostly thought it was funny. 

The party afterwards was epic, too. The band played a couple waltzes, and I was surprised at how many people knew how to waltz. I mean, I sure as heck didn’t know how to waltz before tonight. It’s super fun, though. I’m glad Y taught me. It isn’t hard or anything, once you learn the rhythm. 

We go back home tomorrow, so this was kind of our going away party this cycle. It…

We talked it over, after the party, and decided that we won’t spend next cycle here as much. We like being a group, and here we aren’t. All of us love the kobolds, we have our friends and things to do here, but to get that we have to give up our closeness. None of us want to give that up. 

So next cycle we’re going to start working our way up. We’ll see how far we can get in a week. The second week we’ll spend with the kobolds. And the third week we’ll just be waiting for the players. 

The first day of the cycle we’ll go down to the kobolds, to bring the wolves here. We can’t leave them alone, after all.

We aren’t going to let Staab or Y join us. At least for one cycle. This is mostly because we don’t know where we’re going to respawn. Well, Aya doesn’t know where we’ll respawn. Lilly and I agree with her, that if we’re above our usual respawn place we might be sent to the next one up. Which I think is floor 85? If we die and end up there it’ll be bad, but not horrible. But if six catgirls, a hobgoblin and a kobold randomly show up, that might be bad. Especially if the catgirls on that floor have never left and didn’t know it was possible. 

Mika, Kimi and Via think we’ll respawn back on our floor, like always. They’re not worried about it. I understand their logic, but I don’t know. 

Well, when Aya said she thought we’d respawn up, I agreed that it made sense. Via looked at me and said “you always agree with Aya, don’t you”. I mean, of course I do, it’s her job to know things! She got that job by being really smart! Not listening to her would be dumb! It’s not that I blindly agree with everything she says!

…Is it?

I’ve been trying to think of times when I’ve disagreed with Aya, but nothing comes up. But like I said, Aya is smart. She said we shouldn’t push the buttons, and look how that ended. So yeah. And she doesn’t know everything, but she says when she doesn’t know something. So if she says something, it’s because she’s sure about it. And she’s always right. So why shouldn’t I agree with her?


Goodnight, Dungeon. 

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