Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 29 (6)

Dear Diary,

Soooo to answer the question from last night, no. It’s “prima donna”, which is Italian for “first lady”. It’s a title that goes to the most important actress in an opera. Apparently my hearing the words as “pre-Madonna” is absolutely hilarious to everyone who has ever music’d.

Well, how was I supposed to know?? I don’t speak Italian!!!

Anyways, the play is going to happen in three days. Everyone is super excited about it. We’re going to have a formal party, instead of a normal party. The kobolds are making Lewis a bow tie. The wolves already have bow ties.

It’s kind of weird with the wolves now that pets are an official thing. Some people are like… pet purists? They say we shouldn’t have any pets other than the wolves. Which, I sort of get. I mean, the pets are supposed to be a thing for the players. We only have access to them because of Kimi’s shop. 

But on the other hand, we aren’t supposed to have the wolves as pets, either. So that argument is more or less invalid. 

Other people think pets are supposed to be a responsibility. You’re supposed to take care of a pet; feed it and clean up after it and make sure it’s healthy. We have to do that with the wolves. But the new pets don’t need any of that. They’re more toys than pets. 

The response to that is “what’s wrong with having a toy that loves you”, which is a sentiment that’s hard to argue with. 

I don’t know. Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having one of the new pets. Via has an owl, his name is Hooty, and he’s super cute. But there’s a kind of… it’s like he turns off if no one is in the room. Turns into a statue. He has a personality, but it’s the same personality as all the other owls. 

But Siri Wolf is the best doggo ever and I love her forever. She likes her bed to be in the middle of the room, and will drag it to be where she wants it to be. Her favorite snack is fried pepperoni. She has personality. And when no one is around, she still does things. All the wolves do. 

I kinda think that the wolves used to be real dogs. Their personalities are different, but still pretty doglike. I mean, Siri acts like a collie, Balto acts like a husky, Floofles acts like a golden retriever, Bear is pretty darn german shepard-like, and Linda is absolutely a pit bull. Not sure what Wolfie McWolfpants was. The way they move and bark is slightly different. I’m sure they have feelings like we do, telling us what we have to do, but overall they act like normal dogs. 

That kinda makes me wonder if the sharks on the water floor used to be normal sharks. And what the heck were the slimes? Granted, I haven’t spent a whole lot of time around the slimes, but I have absolutely no clue what they could have been. Maybe a bat or something? Something that lived in a cave? Maybe they were slugs. Maybe sea slugs.

I should ask the girls, they might have ideas. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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