Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 26 (7)


Dear Diary,

The first of the players got here today. I know last cycle I was annoyed at them, but all that is gone. Funny how boredom changes your view of things.

And yeah, I’ve been bored. Not too bored, but we finished the marble races three days ago, and by that time I’d made every combination of every food I have access to, so that just left cards and fighting. Cards are fun enough, but after like three hours it gets boring.

Oh, my team almost got bronze, but we totally lost the final race, so Aya got bronze instead. She was pretty happy about it.

I guess I’m getting better at fighting, since my levels are slowly going up, but I still lose every fight. Well, no, I won one fight against Via. We both complain that we’re support, we use healing spells and teleport and stuff, but Kimi and Aya say we should be able to hold our own in a fight. I understand the logic, but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever not hate fighting.

Anyways, the players only stayed for a little bit, then continued down. They respawned within the hour, saying the dire wolves were super vicious. The last guy to respawn tried flying over them, and said that there are more spiders now.

Which, we didn’t know there were spiders on that floor. I guess they’ve always been there, but stay near the ceiling or in the trees. That way if someone gets away from the wolves by going above them, they have to deal with giant spiders. It makes sense. I think it’s kinda funny we never noticed, though.

Well, Lilly says she noticed. She says that’s why she never suggested we use wallclimbing potions, like we used for the sharks. I don’t know if I believe her, though.

The players bought meatballs from me, but the wolves attacked anyway. Maybe the wolves were switched? Or maybe they forgot about us? I’m worried about them now. I mean, they aren’t just dire wolves any more. They’re Bear and Siri and Wolfie McWolfpants. …And Balto, Floofles and Linda. My point is, we know them now. We’re friends. If we get down there and find they’ve forgotten us, I might cry.

I kind of… When we figured out we were stuck here, we were all upset, but I didn’t think it was the end of the world. Not like Kimi or Lilly. I wasn’t even as upset as Aya or Mika. But now I get it. I need to see the wolves again. I have to find out if they remember me. I won’t say my happiness depends on it, but I’m going to be worried about them until I see them again.

I don’t really have much more to say. Nothing’s been happening.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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