Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 26 (6)

Dear Diary,

Aya suggested we fight each other, with weapons, so we don’t get rusty. I pointed out that I never fought with weapons to begin with, and Via said she’s a pacifist, but everyone else thought it was a great idea.

So now I’m learning how to hit people with my magic staff. Goodie.

I guess I see the point. I mean, we don’t spend nearly as much time on marble racing any more, since the tracks are already made, so we need something to do. Kimi and Aya were always the active ones, and I guess not running through three floors every day has left them with lots of extra energy. Mika and Lilly are competitive enough that if any contest at all is suggested, they’re in.

Via says that as a siren they attacked people with teeth and claws after hypnotizing them. But she didn’t like biting people. Lilly took her aside to figure out what sort of magical potential she has, and says that she’d be best at illusion magic. That’s like, making doubles of yourself, or making it look like there’s a giant dragon behind you. Pretty cool, but not combat magic. So Mika gave her every weapon in her shop, and found she’s pretty good with spears and crossbows.

That got everyone wondering what they were best at using, and if they could get more spells now that we’re all better at magic.

Lilly had me learn a couple more green poison spells, so I can fight with more than just sleep. We can learn spells outside our color, like the teleport I use is a black spell, but we won’t ever be as strong with them as with spells of our color.

I guess all the players were asked what color magic they wanted to use when they became players. I wonder if they’re given a list of spells when they choose. Probably.

Anyways, there are a couple teleport spells, each slightly different. The black one is the only one that allows more than one person to teleport at a time, which is why Lilly taught me that one. It has the slowest recharge time, though. The silver one allows a person to teleport between copies of themselves, so if Via makes it look like there are eight of her, she can jump between them to be whichever one isn’t being attacked. The yellow one goes in a straight line until it hits something, like lightning. And the red one only goes a few feet, but it has a stupidly low recharge time, so Kimi can attack someone from every angle almost faster than they can turn around.

As far as weapons, I’m going to stay with my staff even if I do better with other things. Mika calls it a “bonk stick”, which I’ll admit is pretty cute. Kimi, now that she has teleport, got a pair of lava daggers so she can do a lot of damage close up. Aya is best with her halberd, which she knew since she got it not too long ago. Lilly got a glass rapier. It works because of magic, I guess. Mika makes herself a new weapon like every week, and this week she has a pair of scimitars. And, of course, Via has her spear.

I think I'm going to go practice with my bonk stick before heading to sleep.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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