Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 19 (1)

Dear Diary,

The party ended, and we’re on Cycle 19 now!

That’s right, we went straight from Cycle 12 into Cycle 19. 

“But how did that happen?” I don't hear you ask because you’re a book who can't talk. 

Allow me to explain!

…Right after I- hold on. 

Ok, done. We’re in parties of ten this cycle, meaning we’re sharing a cabin with Kimi and Y, and Kimi was trying to determine what type of cloth all the sheets and blankets are by setting them very slightly on fire. I had to watch to make sure she didn't set everything very much on fire. 

Apparently all the fabric in here is cotton.

Anyways, where was I?

Right, the jump in cycles!

Well, the Director decided to end the cycle by giving all the players a win! All sixty of us! But that would have thrown the math waaaay off, so she set us forward six cycles.

Sixty wins still aren't possible in six cycles, since only eight people can win per cycle, but it’s close. Or, close enough, at least. Plus it doesn't interrupt the pattern of what race we are. We’re currently human, same as we would have been if the cycles hadn't jumped ahead. 

I think a couple people are a teeny bit sad they didn't get to participate in whatever contests the Sams thought up. Octavius really wanted to win some kind of strength-based contest, to prove he’s more than just a big magic spell guy. I think Frog’s group tends to put him in the magic user role, and they don't let him beat things up as much as they could. 

…Admin 4’s group was keeping pace with us, and we decided to call it a night at the same time. So we had dinner together as we decided which group got most of the cabins. After eating Frog proposed they go down one more Floor, and hopefully there aren't any players there yet.

I don't think there are. Not that we were going super fast, but I think we’re ahead of the other four groups. 

Oh, Lily hasn’t spoken a single word all day. She just kinda follows us all from a few paces back, looking all sad and alone. As a party we’ve been fighting through the Floors, and she does help, but reluctantly. 

And Staab is completely apathetic to her existing. 

I… kinda feel sorry for her. A little. I mean, sure, she brought this on herself, but surely she’s learned her lesson. It’s been a few cycles where everyone has pretty much shoved it in her face that she’s a jerk and jerks don’t have friends. 

Maybe I should try talking to her tomorrow. About something like… Like how long until we get to the next catgirl floor or something. Or if we find loot boxes I can tell her that she always gets the prettiest stuff. Because she does. I don't know, something simple. 

Hopefully she’ll respond kindly, and we can go back to being people who don't mind being in the same general area. Not friends, not yet, but the first step in that direction. 

We’ll see. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!





From: Samuel
To: Athena
Subject: (Empty)


The Director told us no more 'shenanigans’. So no more parties. Big sad. 


From: Athena
To: Samuel
Subject: Re:


Next cycle you should be stuck on Floor 1 the whole time. 

Don't throw a party. Don't attack, either. Get everyone to agree to turn the Floor into a beach using earth, water and heat magic, and have a relaxing beach day. 

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