Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 12 (5)

Dear Diary,

The party is still ongoing! All the players are here now, so there are sixty people hanging out and playing games and getting drunk and eating food!

Well, sixty-six if you count the catgirls who live here. They’ve been partying, too. 

Today Avi and Mika set up a music competition thing. Basically they invited everyone who can play an instrument to get up on a platform thing they made and try to play cooler music than them. 

Some people were really good, but it’s clear Mika and Avi have had practice in, like, the last year. Everyone else knew what they were doing, but they just haven't played in so long they couldn't keep up. 

So yeah, I am officially married to the best drummer in the dungeon. Or, at least the best drummer among the players. But I like saying in the whole dungeon better, and no one can stop me.

Other than that, it’s just been good spending time in one place without having to kill anything for a couple days. I think a lot of players needed this break. 

Oh, Kimi and Y still aren't exactly liked by a lot of people, but they apologized and promised to never explode a Floor again, so they can leave their room without getting death threats. 

Not that death threats are taken seriously here. I mean, they’d be killed, and then immediately respawn in the middle of the Floor. Not even a different Floor. This Floor.

The Sams set this party up, so they’re kinda in charge of everything. They say tomorrow they’re going to hold eight different types of contests, and the winners of each will get to push the button. 

They aren't telling anyone what the contests are, so no one can prepare unfairly. Everyone can join all the contests if they want, or stay out of them if they don't think they have a chance at winning. The catgirls will be the judges. 

So yeah, the cycle will probably reset tomorrow night. Or maybe day after tomorrow. 

Either way, I'll kinda be sad when this cycle is over. It’ll mean going back to crawling through the dungeon. And yeah, I'll be glad to get to Lex and Tim again, and all our other friends, but that’s… eh. I’d rather be in one place and have all our friends come to us. 

I've already said I miss the simple days when I was a catgirl, and that hasn't really changed. But now that I've had a little vacation, and I've had time to hang out with Avi, I’m not as emotional about it. 

I can last another seventeen cycles here.

No worries. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!





Announcement to all players:

It appears you have all been enjoying yourselves for the past few days on Floor 60. As much as I hate breaking up the fun, life must go on. 

However, I do not wish to be unfair. Thus, all players will get one win added to their tally. To validate this, I will advance the timeline to be Cycle 19 when you arrive back at Floor 1.

You may continue your party until noon tomorrow, at which point I will reset the cycle. As Cycle 15 is to be skipped, I will not be removing any players. 

By all means, make tonight a night to remember. I will not tolerate such shenanigans in my dungeon again. 



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