Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 28.2

Her vision started to become red again, with a growl, Kara aimed her gun towards Faust, but Vortigar jumped at her again, forcing her to dodge and lose the lock. Hitting the ceiling, the demon took a deep breath and released a wave of hellfire towards her.


Kara’s armor could take it, but she was still carrying Red Arrow, forcing her to fly back. Floating atop the Lazarus Pit, Faust gathered another bolt, layering five pentagrams to increase its powers.


Kara also noticed a wave of mud rising from inside the Pit. Doubtlessly, it was yet another enemy she’d have to face. With a scream of frustration, Kara sent three blades of red light towards Vortigar, they cut through his hellfire and forced the demon to dodge, one of them cutting right through his wrist and sending his hand flying away.


She took the chance to aim back towards Faust, the bolt he had been preparing flew towards her. Without a choice, Kara released Red Arrow and blocked the bolt with her Nth metal gauntlet, then pressed the trigger.


With a ‘click’, a capsule was ejected from her weapon, the teleport had pierced right through all of Faust’s shields and pulled a piece of his brain out. Kara released a roar of satisfaction as she saw the sorcerer’s eyes growing dull.


Releasing her weapon, Kara flew down and grabbed Red Arrow’s body right before it hit the ground. Faust’s body hit the mud creature and bounced off, falling inside the Lazarus Pit. A wave of green light exploded from the pit, sending the monster flying away.


“Oh fuck no! NO!” Kara roared, the cursed sorcerer was not about to get a fucking second form!


Glancing down at Red Arrow’s body, Kara gritted her teeth, the red haze around her eyes growing thicker, the Lazarus Pit released another wave of green light and Kara gave the order.


While Faust had been speaking, a few of her drones had flown towards the explosive charges, using their stealth tech to remain undetected as they attached themselves to the explosives. Kara’s goal had been to use the drones to block any transmission towards them, eliminating any danger of the charges going off. Now, she did the opposite.


Using her X-ray vision to look through the stone, Kara saw as the Sorcerer’s body started to move inside the pit, then it, and everything around it, exploded.


Pieces of stone flew away from the pit, Kara batted one of them aside with an arm and briefly saw another flying towards where Talia was. Glancing towards the woman, she saw that the shadows holding her in place had been dispersed with Faust’s death.


Unfortunately, Talia’s hand was still inside the floor keeping her in place. With a shout, Talia used her sword to chop her own arm off, then rolled aside as the rock smashed into the place.


The explosion caused the waters from the Lazarus Pit to spread through the entire cave, while also sending pieces of Faust’s body flying, Kara saw the Sorcerer’s remains falling to the floor with a ‘Thud’.


Faust was left with only one arm, missing most of his body from the chest down, and covered in burns, he still had a wave of unholy green light covering his body, his magic desperately trying to heal his wounds, but it wasn’t enough, his wounds were just too much.


With another roar, Vortigar tackled her, causing Kara to drop Red Arrow’s body once again and smashing her armor against the wall. With only one hand, the demon grabbed her by the throat and spewed a wave of hellfire directly on her helmet.


Growling in anger, red spikes of light exploded from Kara’s body, they were unfocused and only left shallow cuts on Vortigar’s skin, but the demon seemed to still be weakened from the missing heart, his actions slower than before.


With satisfaction, Kara managed to grab Vortigar’s head and aim his mouth away from her helmet before he did too much damage, using her superior strength, she twisted around, reversing their positions before smashing the demon’s head on the wall.


Grabbing his head with both hands, she used her super-speed to smash him against the wall over and over again. one of his horns broke from the blows, then she pulled his head back and smashed it one last time, driving his head inside the wall up to his neck.


Taking two steps back, Kara pulled out her gun and aimed at his chest, a second later, she pressed the trigger. Then did it again, and again. Three capsules were ejected from her gun, each one holding a piece of his heart or lung.


Finally, Vortigar’s body stopped struggling, falling bonelessly to his knees, his head still stuck inside the wall. A weak bolt of purple energy hit the wall to their side and Kara turned back towards Faust.


The Sorcerer had one hand aimed towards her, but his body had stopped regenerating even while he still didn’t have an arm or anything below his stomach. Somehow, he was still alive, his unholy powers keeping him from fully moving on, but clearly, he could no longer put up a fight.


Breathing hard, Kara felt the red haze retreating from her vision as she stumbled away from Vortigar’s body. She almost fell to her knees from the effort it took to take a look around the destroyed room, Kara saw that Red Arrow’s body was still intact, while Talia was running towards an exit while wrapping a piece of cloth around her missing limb.


Unfortunately, the mud monster that had left the Lazarus Pit was following her, the mud flowing and forming into the deformed body of a blonde man from the waist up. Kara kept an eye on them, but decided to deal with Faust first.


Walking towards the Sorcerer, she saw his eyes widen with every step. She stopped in front of his body, the Sorcerer was struggling to breath, his hand and head shaking with effort. Several times he tried to form new spells, only for them to fizzle before they were halfway done.


Kara stared at his form for a second, then kicked his arm away and stepped on his face with her armored foot, pressing it into the cave floor. “You know, I thought this would give me more pleasure.” She commented as she increased the weight. She felt Faust’s nose break before she stopped. “In a way, I’m glad it doesn’t. I took far too much joy in killing the Psions, and it made me afraid of what I’d become, but this doesn’t bring me pleasure, I’m not really enjoying your pain right now.”


Without taking her foot away from Faust’s head, Kara thought about what to do, she glanced at Red Arrow’s fallen form, then towards Talia facing off against a blonde man, her sword cutting through his arm, only for it to reform from mud.


“I know that most of the people I care about would tell me not to kill you, you’re no longer a threat to me, I should arrest you.” She said again, but she wasn’t really talking to Faust. “And, if I felt any kind of pleasure right now, I probably would listen to them.”


Then she increased her strength and crushed his skull, bone and brain leaking around her armored feet. Stepping away from the body, Kara lifted her weapon and changed its configuration once again, releasing a wave of fire that scorched the rocks and turned Faust’s body into ashes.


In truth, if she had felt any kind of sadistic pleasure at Faust’s situation Kara probably would have stopped herself, she didn’t want to become a monster. But no, the only satisfaction she felt was from winning the fight and surviving.


She’d killed Faust because he was a monster. The kind of monster that wouldn’t stop, that would kill children and torture souls while laughing about it, the kind of monster that wouldn’t repent.


Kara didn’t know if she wasn’t just making things up, perhaps she was just justifying her actions and she had killed the Sorcerer for revenge, but she didn’t think so. Some villains just needed to die.


“You left me there!” The mud monster screamed, still acting uncoordinated while fighting Talia.


“You used me. It was what you deserved!” Talia answered with disgust. Even without an arm, the woman was dominating the fight, but the monster wasn’t affected by her blade, and managed to keep itself in front of the exit.


Glancing at her HUD to check for any other threats, Kara started to walk towards Red Arrow. She had recognized the mud monster as Clayface. With a single order, she made some of the drones attached to Talia’s body since the start of the fight transfer over to Clayface, then activated them.


Lifting Red Arrow into her arms, she watched as both Shadows were shocked. The electricity ran through their bodies for several seconds until they both fell to the ground, unconscious.


Above her, the same thing happened to every human agent on the fortress as hundreds of drones shocked them too, disabling the entire building.


With one last command, Kara used some of her drones to physically connect with the servers on the fortress and start downloading everything she could. Looking around the room, she noticed Vortigar’s body had turned into flames with Faust’s death.


“Now, how long do I have before they get reinforcements?” Kara wondered to herself while looking around.


Ten minutes later, Kara was hovering a few kilometers above the Fortress; at her side, Red Arrow's body floated atop one of her energy shields, Talia’s unconscious form beside him, as well as a jar holding Clayface.


Below, the unconscious guards laid into a huge pile a kilometer away from the fortress, Kara had alway wanted to have a mountain of defeated enemies at her feet. Doing so while keeping them all alive had been a little complicated, but she had managed it. They were protected under several of Kara’s shields.


Lifting her arm, Kara also lifted a huge metal box she had found inside the fortress. It had been a giant safe, but Kara had already emptied its contents, together with everything else of value on the fortress, on top of a different shield. She wasn’t looking to keep the already cracked safe as a souvenir. No, she simply needed something sturdy with a lot of mass.


A command later, her armor followed the precisely calculated movements and threw the safe down, hard. The metal caused a sonic boom as it flew down, then hit the fortress like a hammer from god, sending large pieces of gravel flying up. The entire island shook from the blow and a cloud of dust rose, almost reaching her own height.


Kara watched the rain of debris for a few moments, then, when there was no longer any danger, she retrieved all her drones and flew away.


Utterly destroying the League of Shadows’ main fortress and base of operations may have been a little much but, after today, it had been very cathartic.


Now, Kara just had to find out what the hell she was gonna do next.


f you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez, Travis cox, Chaos, Rootbeerguy and High Priest of Torga  for supporting my work!

Thanks again for Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter.

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