Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 28.1

Heya, managed to finish this chapter today.

So... I heard about some Notebooks being sold very cheaply, like, half the price.

Eagerly, I went to check it out... it was a lie! A HUGE lie! (incert '...lies, LIES!' meme here.)

Turns out the store had about doubled the value of every computer a week earlier, then they cut the price and said it was a huge SALE. Rao damn them!

So, I remain without my own computer. Still, it's not all bad news, I managed to borrow an old notebook from my brother, it's a small, old and slow VAIO notebook, but I can write on it!

Still, the keyboard is a little small, but nothing is perfect.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

“It’s truly amusing, you really think the boy is still alive!” Felix Faust mocked, his body hidden behind the large frame of his demon. “You see, I killed him myself as soon as I got the order.”


The words hit Kara like a raging flame dragon, causing her to freeze in place as she tried to process the information. In truth, Kara hadn’t been very close to Red Arrow, but he was working with her. She had spoken with him, given him equipment, even lead him in the Prof. Morrow raid. In a way, he had been her responsibility.


Kara knew that continuing to use him as a mole against the Light was a huge risk but, in the end, it hadn’t been his failure that caused his death. Damn it all. 


Kara noticed a red haze starting to fill her vision and had to stop herself from moving. She wanted nothing more than to tear into the damn Sorcerer, but she knew that, if she gave in, she’d probably slaughter the whole base, and that wasn’t who she wanted to become.


Taking a breath, she forced herself to think. Accelerating her thoughts until the world around her seemed to be moving slowly. 


Once again, Kara was thankful for her armor, her enemies couldn’t see the conflict on her face as she desperately tried to think about the situation. She was angry, no, she was beyond angry. Kara wanted nothing more than to rip Faust’s head off his shoulder and stomp on it, but she knew that acting harshly would only cause problems.


Should she kill them all? She definitely wanted to, but then what? Rao damn it all, Kara didn’t have the training for this kind of thing, her accelerated thoughts helped, but even then, it couldn’t solve everything.


“Faust, what’s the meaning of this?” Talia frowned, her hand still holding the remote control. “Deal with the intruder already.”


Kara glanced at the woman and activated every sensor on her armor, she also used her x-ray vision to look inside the remote. She detected at least another five controls working on the same frequency amongst Talia’s followers, as well as a deadman switch that would trigger the explosives if Talia was killed.


She was probably fast enough to disable them all anyway, but there was nothing stopping someone from triggering them from outside the room, Kara detected at least two cameras on the cave already.


Her armor could probably block the signal, but could she take the risk? Did she ever care? If she wasn’t gonna use the Pit, she couldn’t care less if it was destroyed.


Kara assumed the Pit was a Lazarus Pit, used to resurrect Ra’s every time the old bastard was killed but, could she trust it with Red Arrow? Kara wasn’t an expert on the Lazarus Pit but, from what she remembered, every time it was used on a hero, things didn’t turn out well.


From what she remembers, the Lazarus Pit had been used twice to resurrect two different Robins and, both times, it had caused them to go crazy. Kara had to wonder if Ra’s al Ghul had always been so crazy, or was he such a warped person because of the Pit’s influence?


Using the display on her armor, Kara ordered her drones to reconfigure themselves and waited. She decided that she was willing to let her enemies talk as long as it gave her time to think and plan. It would also give her enemies time to think, but Kara had a huge advantage there. She was convinced that she’d get far more from whatever time was brought, even if it was incredibly hard to hold back her rage.


“In a moment. I believe I have to deal with you first, my dear.” Faust said, tapping a finger against his chin in thought. “After all, the intruder isn’t threatening my goal right now. You are.”


“What’s the meaning of this? Your master should have been clear on your orders, Sorcerer, obey them!” Talia said, her voice hard, Kara saw the woman’s eyes subtly glancing all around the room, trying to find a way out of this situation.


“Ah yes. In truth, I doubt the little abomination will care overly much as long as what I do amuses it, more than that, I have a new master now.” Faust shrugged with indifference. “I confess, I could probably have taken the boy alive, he was quite pathetic but, seeing how desperate for information your group was, I thought it possible you’d try to revive him. If I knew a Lazarus Pit was right here, I wouldn’t have bothered.”


Turning away from Talia, Kara focused all of her attention on the sorcerer. Really, he was the real threat here, and the one responsible for Red Arrow’s death. She wanted him to hurt, she wanted to tear him apart with her bare hands. It was time to figure out how to do that.


Kara knew the Sorcerer should be dead. While she certainly hadn’t hit him with all her power, her punch had been strong enough to explode any human’s head, even a moderately enhanced one, not to mention how his body had broken through a wall and damaged a second one.


Clearly, his powers gave him some kind of protection. Seeing as he still got hurt, it was probably some form of body enhancement and not a shield, plus some regeneration with how he’d been recovering. His magic was also greatly empowered, but he still didn’t have much experience in a direct fight at this level.


Now, if only she could get through his pet demon. Kara had watched some records of Etrigan in action from the Justice League’s files; the Rhyming Demon was fast, strong and capable of magic. This wasn’t Etrigan, but he looked almost exactly like him so, probably family.


From what she knew, Etrigan was a prince of Hell, which meant he was at the upper level of power. Kara didn’t know much about the sealed demon’s family, but anything related to a prince of hell couldn’t be weak.


“Hmmm, a pity. It seems like our intruder has more self control than I first thought. I was certain he would attack me if I mocked the boy.” Faust gave an exaggerated sigh, Kara was paying close attention to him and still barely saw a shadow leaving his body. “I guess we should resume this? I have bought enough time after all.”


Everything happened at once. As soon as Faust finished talking, Kara shot him with her gun as well as five laser pistols formed from her drones. The demon’s arm flashed and he actually hit the projectile out of the air while blocking one of the laser bolts.


Four lasers still hit Faust’s body, but they were blocked by a shield just above his skin. The sorcerer waved his arms, one hand aiming for Talia and her followers, while the other sent a wave of purple fire towards the Lazarus Pit’s doors.


A purple pentagram appeared under Talia, enveloping all of her goons at the same time. Kara had to choose quickly, block the flames and save the Pit, or save Red Arrow’s body. She chose the latter.


She acted fast. Moving just below the speed of sound, Kara saw the demon watching her with amusement, but he didn’t intercept her as she flew towards Talia. Kara still managed to snap off a shot at the purple flame, the projectile dispersed some of the spell, but it still hit the metal doors sealing the pit and started melting them.


Flying through the pentagram, Kara threw five of the assassins away from the spell’s area of effect before reaching Red Arrow, she grabbed his body and noticed purple bars starting to grow from the floor, aiming to lock her in place.


Kara briefly noticed that Talia was able to jump away too, then she flew out of the area of effect with Red Arrow’s body on her arms. Behind her, the purple bars formed a dome with three assassins still inside.


One of the assassins tried to jump through the bars, they offered no resistance to his body and he passed right through, then he fell to pieces, the bars having cut through his body like a hot knife through butter. Inside the dome, both remaining assassins also burst into flames, burning from the feet up and turning into ashes.


“Demon, kill any who tries to interfere!” Faust yelled as he flew towards the Lazarus pit.


“As you wish.” The demon smiled and turned towards Kara.


Talia rolled through the floor and attempted to get up, but her own shadow seemed to come alive, holding her in place. She tried to press the button on her device, but shadows enveloped her hand and pulled it through the floor as if it was intangible, Talia screamed in pain.


The demon took a deep breath, then spewed a wave of hellfire into his own hands. Molding the flames into the form of a large sword, he released a roar of rage and pounced towards Kara, moving almost as fast as she could.


A shield generated by her drones intercepted the first blow, but the sword broke the shield easily, destroying the drones used. The deflection still brought Kara enough time and left the demon exposed. Making sure to keep Red Arrow’s body away from him Kara punched out, a sharp blade protruding from her gauntlet towards the demon’s heart.


The creature was fast enough to twist aside, but Kara’s blow still pierced all the way through its left shoulder; Kara herself managed to dodge his swing completely and, before she could twist the blade, the demon kicked her in the chest, driving her away from his body with another roar.


“Ha! Good one!” The demon laughed, his shoulder healing almost instantly. “I am Vortigar, son of Belial, and I will enjoy spilling your blood and adding your skull to my throne!”


Kara didn’t reply, the fight was only making her angrier and she just didn’t feel like trading barbs with her enemies, she just wanted them to die!


Noticing that her drones had finally finished attaching themselves to her gun and modifying it, she pulled it from her back and pointed it towards Vortigar's chest. The demon was arrogant enough to stand in place while her weapon locked into his position. Kara pulled the trigger.


There was no noise, no projectile, but Vortigar suddenly stumbled as a portal opened inside his chest and sucked out a piece of his heart. From the side of her gun, a capsule was ejected, the demonic flesh compressed inside so as to not create a mess inside her weapon.


The demon roared, the noise was like a tiger’s roar, only a thousand times worse. It caused the entire cave to shake and almost froze Kara in place. With a grunt, he threw his sword like a javelin towards Kara’s chest.


Another drone shield formed automatically in front of her, it broke almost instantly, but deflected the projectile enough that Kara was able to snap out of the stun and dodge just enough. The sword still pierced through her side, but it only hit the metal of her armor.


Almost in a daze, Kara released the gun, letting it swing back into place and touched the sword that almost pierced through her chest, her heart beating like mad. She didn’t know if the weapon could have pierced her Kryptonian skin, but she most certainly did not want to find out. 


The sword started to heat up, its metal turning back into hellfire, Kara quickly ripped it out and threw it aside, but it still left a melted hole in her armor.


Then the demon pounced. Missing part of his heart seemed to have some effect though as he was a little slower than before, allowing Kara to use her speed to fly back. Making sure that Red Arrow’s body was always protected, she pulled out her gun again and aimed towards him. Vortigar was certainly arrogant but he wasn’t completely stupid, never staying in place enough for her teleportation weapon to get a lock on his position a second time.


Kara was so focused on the demon she didn’t see Faust cast a new spell, a bolt of purple lightning hit her armor and sent her flying back, her display flashing red from the damage.


Turning towards the Sorcerer, she saw a flow of green energy being sucked from the Pit and towards his body, his eyes flashed with unholy light as veins of green pulsed through his body.


Her armor’s display warned Kara that his latest attack was five times stronger than before; her systems had also finally gathered enough information to analyze its effects.


It seems that Faust’s spells weren’t just strong, they had an exotic effect capable of warping the materials it hit, corrupting its attributes with every subsequent hit, every blow that Kara blocked made her armor weaker.


Thankfully, the attacks weren’t able to encompass her entire armor, only affecting a small area around the hit, and only for a certain amount of time. But, with his powers constantly growing, that area was increasing, and she didn’t dare take more than one blow right now.


Rao fucking damn it, couldn’t she get a fucking break!


f you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free and you can support me for a single dollar.

A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez, Travis cox, Chaos, Rootbeerguy and High Priest of Torga  for supporting my work!

Thanks again for Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter.

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