Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 23.2

Hmmmm, what can I say here...

Hey, did you guys know I also post this fic on Royalroadl and it actually died there?

No, it didn't die, it was murdered.

I don't really use Royalroadl that much nowadays because there's some annoying people there and I don't have a very thick skin (I really wish I did), but it's still a pity to see it fail so hard.

What happened was that, when I first started posting there, I was immediatly bombarded with 1 star reviews. It meant that, for a while, my fic stood at 1 star, then it rose to around 2 stars and stayed like that for three or four weeks. It eventually recovered and reached above 4 stars, but it still has so little readers there, like around 100 or so.

Don't do that people, don't give 1 stars to fics that don't deserve it... well, unless you're reading something from that author who asks for 1 stars, then its okay.




After releasing her from their hug, Kon had stepped back to Miss Martian who was still acting shy, hiding behind his body and only giving Kara quick glances.


“Connor.” the Martian whispered in his ear as quietly as she could. “Yo-Your cousin, is she a robot?”


Kon gave his friend a strange look and shook his head. With a startle, Kara finally realized the problem and laughed out loud. 


“Ah, sorry about that. I have a telepathic blocker in the mask. ” She quickly tapped her mask twice and deactivated the blocker. “It’s still in testing and I doubt it’s enough against a Martian, but it should keep any stray psychic from noticing me if they aren’t already looking for it. Better now?”


“Yes, thank you!” Miss Martian finally relaxed and smiled at her. “I could feel something when I focused on you, but it was very unnerving and I didn’t want to push.”


“Don’t worry Megalicious; I’m always here to protect you.” Kid Flash appeared at her side and tried to hold her hand, but only made her more uncomfortable.


Aqualad released a sigh when he saw it, Kara swore he was praying really hard he wouldn’t have to deal with the situation while Robin actually facepalmed at his friend’s actions.


“Kid Flash! That is enough.” Kori intervened with a hard tone on her voice, her hands at her waist and a disapproving look on her face.


“Right, sorry.” He sheepishly said and stepped back.


Kara smiled. She would have disciplined the boy herself but, unfortunately, she didn’t really know him very well. She’d probably have to talk to the Flash about that. It was amusing when he was doing it to her, but Miss Martian was clearly bothered.


“Right… anyway, I spoke with the League and they let me make some improvements to the costumes you guys use.” Kara said with a smile. Grabbing the cover of her cart she pulled it away dramatically to reveal the equipment inside. “So, what do you guys think?”


Kara stepped away from the kart and let the team of teenagers charge in. With the approval of the League, she had worked hard to replicate their costumes and increment them with her tech. The adults had still refused to allow weapons on the costumes, but Kara had prioritized safety anyway.


Kid Flash was the first to pull out a copy of his costume. While it looked almost exactly like his original costume, all of her gear was made from Kryptonian fabric stronger than spider silk and had shock absorbers on the torso.


The most distinct feature however, was a bulge at the back that resembled a small backpack. Kid flash immediately noticed it and started poking the thing. “So, what exactly is this?”


“Well, the costumes were all made at the Fortress. They’re strong enough to block gunshots and knife wounds and have plates on the torso capable of absorbing most mundane kinetic impacts. Even high caliber rounds should only leave bruises.” Kara told them while giving Kon his own costume and messing his hair at the same time. “The costume can also monitor your life signs and the bulge at the back is an emergency teleporter. It’s a copy of something I use myself and I just couldn’t make it smaller.”


“Cool!” Kid Flash said.


Robin didn’t seem convinced, looking at his own costume with distaste. “So, this is gonna let us teleport around then?”


“Not exactly, it’s a one-time thing, really.” Kara explained while lifting Miss Martian’s device. She hadn’t been able to replicate Martian clothes so, the best she could do was to create the device and hope Miss Martian’s costume could assimilate or grow over it. “You can activate it manually or it will trigger when it detects you’re unconscious or mortally wounded. The device will only bring you back to the mountain once before I have to replace it. So, do make sure to tell me if that happens.”


“Yeah… I’ll have to talk to Batman before using this.” Robin said.


“Go ahead. Try to convince the Bat to wear one himself will you?” Kara said while handing the teleporting device to M’gann. “Here, see if your costume can hold this in place at your back.”


“Ah, thank you.” The Martian said with a blush and tried to place the device at her back, when that didn’t work she grew a third hand from her back to help out.


“I have to ask, can this device bring more than one person?” Aqualad questioned while looking at his costume. “While I appreciate the chance to escape a dangerous situation, I don’t think the Titans could use it if it meant abandoning someone.”


“Unfortunately, making it able to teleport a second person or work repeatedly would more than triple its size.” Kara explained while picking up the rest of her devices. “Still, I created a dozen spare devices the Titans can carry on the bio-ship in case they’re needed.” 


“I see, thank you. That should greatly increase our ability to act.” He nodded her way.


Kara looked towards the kart. There were still four large metal boxes inside. Picking up the one with the spare teleporting devices she laid it to the side and laid the other three in front of the Titans before opening them.


The first box had hundreds of her little civilian drones. With access to military tech the little flying cameras had become obsolete to her, but they were still very useful for the team and Kara had a large supply of them.


The second box had a new holographic device Kara had produced, it wasn’t anything special, but it was about the same size as her drones and, once it was laid on the ground, it could selectively make anything in a ten meter radius around itself invisible, or project an image that wasn’t there.


The final box had a far more complicated device, and one that used materials so rare even Kara had a very limited supply. Even with Kryptonian tech it was incredibly hard and expensive to create a stable portal big enough for a person to pass through, but Kara didn’t need a huge portal.


Instead, the device would stealthily create a very small connection between two points in space. Even a finger wouldn’t pass through, but it was perfect to send communication signals.


It meant that, even if someone had the tech to block communications in an area, unless they also blocked this particular form of teleportation, the Titans wouldn’t lose contact with the base.


The Titans quickly distributed the equipment between themselves, with only a couple going to Captain Marvel after he had made a face at them. Kid Flash kept pressing the sign on his chest and changing his costume between the usual yellow, black and several versions of camouflage for any environment he found himself in.


Even Robin couldn’t resist playing with the drones, using his own devices to control them, even when he wouldn’t put on his new costume.


“Zero two, Batman.” Announced the robotic female voice from the Zeta-tube, causing Robin to jump up and hide the drones behind his back.


Batman only gave a quick glance towards the boy and nodded. “You can put on the costume.”


When the entire team was gathered in front of him, Batman activated a holographic display showing a picture of an island.


“This is Isla Santa Prisca, it is a sovereign island nation on the Caribbean Sea that the League doesn’t have access to. It’s also the primary producer of Venom.” The Bat said without preamble.


“You’re sending us against Bane?” Robin asked with surprise and not a small amount of eagerness in his voice.


“No, as far as we were able to find out, the island was taken over by the Cult of the Kobra last month.” A picture of both Kobra and Bane appeared on display, with a red ‘X’ over Bane’s face. “Bane attempted to take the place back and was reported dead a few days ago.”


“Is he? Dead, I mean.” Robin asked again while leaning closer.


“Unknown. His body wasn’t found, but his forces were devastated and the Island is completely under Kobra’s control.” Batman pressed a button and another four pictures appeared.


Kara recognized one of them as Blockbuster, but the other three were unknown, only showing the same signs of Blockbuster use as the original.


“It appears that Kobra got control of the Blockbuster formula and is mixing it with Venom to create new super soldiers. Besides Blockbuster himself, the League has faced three other users of the substance in the last month alone. After considering Supergirl’s new supplies, the League has decided to make this the Titans first mission.”      


“What is our mission?” Aqualad finally asked.


“The League cannot be seen interfering with a foreign nation, but with Bane gone we have an opening. Your goals are threefold: arresting Kobra, stopping the production of Kobra-Venom and finding out how he got access to the Blockbuster formula.”


With another click, Batman made a picture of another man appear. He was a thin man wearing a suit and tie.


“This is Camilo Pena. Bane used to have effective control over the island but, when he organized his revolt, he caused unrest on the island and there was a purge of many of his supporters. Mister Pena used to be a small politician but, with the purge, he has grown far more important. If the Titans can disable Kobra before Kobra reestablishes control over the island, Mister Pena has a real chance of getting to power.”


“An honest politician? In Santa Prisca?” Robin snorted and Batman nodded at him.


“Camilo Pena isn’t exactly honest, but he’s making a very risky play for power, one that would require him to open the island to the League if he wants to remain alive.” Batman turned off the projector and turned to the team. “While the other goals are very important, taking out Kobra is your highest priority. We’re not under any illusions that it would immediately solve the problems on the island, but allowing the League to operate freely on its territory would be a huge step forward, the first in many decades.”


The Titans traded glances, eager smiles on their faces despite the situation. Looking Batman in the eye Aqualad asked. “When do we leave?”


Twenty minutes later the Titans stood in front of the Bio-ship, the portal machine safely held in the ship.


Kara adjusted Kon’s costume, instead of a jeans and T-shirt it was a black version of Superman’s costume, without the cape and with an armored chest plate. The costume had sunlight absorption and storage capabilities that would constantly feed him the radiation, or allow him to quickly regain his strength if he was ever depowered.


“Here, remember to keep some drones with you.” Kara stuffed a few more drones into a pocket at his side and settled his hair in place. “And don’t just start punching things. You have a good mind, use it.”


Kon nodded with an embarrassed face, Miss Martian taking a few peeks at them from inside the ship with an amused smile.


“Don’t worry, Captain Marvel and I will be monitoring the mission.” Red Tornado told her, causing Kara to smile. He was surprisingly empathic for a machine. “Do you wish to accompany us?”


Kara thought about it, but eventually shook her head. “No, I still have to improve the Mountain’s defenses. It’s probably gonna take me the entire day. Keep an eye on them for me, will you?”


“Certainly.” Red Tornado said.


“I will.” Marvel commented and squeezed her shoulder for comfort. “Well, until someone comes to replace me.”


Kara watched as the Bio-Ship left the mountain, then excused herself and went towards the Titan’s souvenir room which already held a certain robotic head. Acting quickly she attached several cables to the head and put her computer to work trying to find anything about Dr. Morrow’s location.


Finally, Kara started bringing the rest of her equipment from the Fortress. Despite how wide the Zeta-Tube was, Kara still had to use it five times before she had everything she needed.


“Well… Let’s get to it.”


The League had demanded that the Mountain’s defenses have layers, where the outer layers would only trick or dissuade invaders away and the subsequent layers increasing in power slowly.


It reminded Kara of playing Dungeon Keeper, only with non-lethal traps and defenses.


She worked for hours, installing hundreds of devices all over the Mountain. Making sure no one would crawl through the air ducts or drill through the walls. She was only allowed to go all out at the last layer and, when she was done, Kara was sure that even Darkseid himself would think twice before attacking the place. She even used the last amounts of Nth metal she had to block magical teleportation or use.


Kara thanked Rao for her super speed and strength. Without it, the renovation would probably have taken her an entire month. Still, she only completed it in less than a day because many of the defenses were programmed into Sunstone crystals. Kara would still have to make sure to bombard them with sunlight for a few days to make sure they finished growing, but it was much easier to carry and install than the complete equipment.


The best thing was that many of the defenses were independent from each other, and from Mount Justice’s own security protocols. Even if someone managed to disable one of them, it wouldn’t affect the others.  


Approaching the Souvenir room again, Kara checked her device and cursed when she saw it hadn't been able to find anything in Mr. Twister's head. Grabbing the deformed robot head, she carefully put it back in place within the case and put away her equipment.


Going into the kitchen Kara brewed some extra strong coffee and drank two cups before filling a third and finding Red Tornado still monitoring the Titans. Captain Marvel’s shift was over and it was Hal Jordan that sat with him.


“Coffee?” She offered and handed Hal a cup when he eagerly nodded. "How are they doing?" 


"Very well, the Titans have successfully contacted Mr. Pena without drawing attention from his enemies." The robot answered while only briefly glancing her way. "They're preparing to infiltrate the Venom factory now. Do you want to watch?"


Kara hesitated. She really wanted to keep watch over things, but she trusted Kori and Kon to be fine. Red Tornado was also watching things closely.


"No, I can be the chair guy another time. Take care of them."


Red Tornado stared at her for another second before answering. " is what I'm here for." Then he turned back to the screen.


Kara took the Zeta-Tube towards the Fortress one last time. Storing her equipment, she made her way towards her private area with sure steps.


She briefly stopped in front of Firebrand's room and watched the android for a few moments then asked. "Kal still hasn't found out about this?"


"Master Kal-El continues to respect your boundaries, Mistress Kara." The Fortress AI answered as he materialized by her side. "Although… I truly don’t understand the need to hide it."


"Need is too strong a word. I want to keep this quiet until I'm ready, but I don't 'need' to." Firebrand would probably reveal herself to her old teammates, and thus the League, as soon as she woke up anyways. Kara just preferred to keep things close to her chest. "Is the power-armor ready?"


"It is fully operational." 


The power-armor was a masterpiece. It still had a human silhouette, but there was no way to tell the gender of the person inside and it was filled with as much equipment as Kara could manage.


Fully enclosed, the armor actively filtering any radiation while absorbing sunlight to feed directly to her. Although it was sleek, the armor still made her as big as Blockbuster when she wore it.


Putting it on, Kara tested her range of motion and dexterity and was very satisfied with the result.


Engaging her stealth tech, the military one that didn't leave any signs of its use, Kara flew towards her second important meeting. 


She arrived at the nondescript building and sneaked inside without anyone noticing. Sitting on top of a box, Kara waited until everyone had arrived and was very satisfied when none of them seemed to notice her presence. 


"Apologies for the delay." She said while disengaging her stealth and watching Green Arrow jump to his feet.


"Holy sh…eep" The blonde trailed off as he glanced at the boy by his side, then he glanced from his bow to the giant gun at her back and sighed. "Damn, now I feel underdressed."


The Shade just tipped his hat to her and Bobo nodded while both Speedy and Red Arrow crossed their arms at the same time, then noticed it and became awkward about the entire thing.


Kara glanced at Speedy’s robotic arm and shook her head. “You sure you don’t want a new arm? It isn’t all that hard to make.”


The boy looked at his gray hand and squeezed his fingers into a fist. “Not until they’re arrested, I don’t want to forget it.”


Kara briefly glanced at her own prosthetic leg, she couldn’t wait to replace it and move past what the Psions had done but… well, she wouldn’t blame him. “Very well, let’s start then.”



If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Welcome to the System (SFW). Reincarnated into a H World just got an update yesterday!

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free.

A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez, Travis cox and Chaos  for supporting my work!

Last, but certainly not least, thanks to Eric Faust for helping me improve this chapter.

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