Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 23.1

Hey guys, Happy New Years!

Finished this chapter much sooner than I first expected, but I'm still having problems with my PC.

In truth, I was doing a rewrite of my old original novel, trying to improve the writing which was subpar and give the novel some direction, but it seems like I may have lost everything I had already done... 23 chapters and around 50k words.

In truth, it's not all that much, but it's incredebly annoying. Really don't know if I'm gonna start over again or just try to write something new starting this year.

Still, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Gonna post part 2 tomorrow at about this time as well.

“Kori, no.” Kara said, but there was no strength in her denial.

“Awww, but Friend Kara, you said I could!” The Tamaranean ignored her words and continued approaching.

“No, bad Kori, and wait… where do you think you’re touching!”

“But how are we going to proceed if you are still wearing clothes?”

“Kori, down! Down! I can do it by myself, you know.” Kara took a step away and managed to avoid Kori’s hands. “Besides, I just wanted your opinion on the three costumes I already had. Not for you to bring new ones.”

“But, mayhap you will like it? It is certainly better than your uninspired black armor, yes?” Kori protested as her feet slowly lowered back to the floor, a pout on her face. “Friend Troia even helped me choose some that are inspired by your cousin’s. It is perfect to maximize exposure to sunlight!”

Kara glanced at the blue outfit with a red skirt, one with far too little cloth, far too much leather and suspiciously placed zippers. “And where exactly did she say that comes from?”

“Friend Troia said it was from a movie, ‘SupermanXxX: Return To The Dungeon.’ She even bought the movie so we may watch it together!”

“Nope!” Kara shuddered from horror and seriously considered incinerating the thing with a blast of heat vision. “For the record, please, don’t show me anything that associates my cousin’s name with three ‘X’s, ever.”

“Please, you do not wish to watch the movie with me?” Kori flinched with a hurt look on her face.

“Ugh, I’m gonna kill that bitch.” Kara grumbled and sighed, she really didn’t want to explain the birds and the bees to her friend. Especially because she wasn’t sure Kori would share her dislike of depicting Kal in any sexual way. “Fine, I guess I can try some of the other costumes.”

“Wonderful! Start with this one.”

Kara glanced from the costume on Kori’s hands to the huge smile on her face and sighed. From his place atop the sofa, Kara swore she saw Dexter taking mental notes about how to manipulate her.

The first costume Kori had brought was a simple copy of her own, with the typical Amazon look and leaving plenty of skin exposed. At least the chest armor seemed resistant enough to block a few blows and protect her organs.

Still, Kara felt like she was cosplaying while wearing it.

Using her super speed, Kara darted back inside her bedroom and changed into whatever the second outfit was without even paying attention. Once changed, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and froze. She recognized the costume.

With her face flushed, Kara stepped out into the living room wearing Power Girl’s costume. The white swimsuit left both of her legs fully exposed and clung so tightly to her body Kara could see all of her muscles through the fabric. The boob window left her modest breasts exposed and Kara felt the need to cover it up with an arm when she caught Kori staring at her for too long. “What?”

“It. Is. Perfect!” Kori shouted, her eyes shining with green light. “Friend Kara, you have to wear this. It is perfect for you!”

On instinct Kara put a hand against Kori’s face and had to strain to prevent the Tamaranean from hugging her, “It doesn’t even have pockets, where would I put my drones?”

“It has a utility belt. Just like The Batman! Please, will you wear it?”

“Never!” Kara shouted and dodged aside to let Kori pass her by before dashing for the bedroom.

Unfortunately, Dexter took the chance to attack her cape and forced her to slow down in order to not send him flying. Kori pounced “Well done feline friend!”

The both of them struggled for a few minutes before Kara submitted, swearing she’d keep the costume in her wardrobe, even if she wouldn’t ever use it… in public.

After finally being freed from the twin terrors Kara put the Power Girl costume away and brought out her three personal choices.

One was a lesser version of her Power Armor. Dark blue, it had the El house symbol on its chest, only increased her bulk by a little bit and had a lot of armor covering her vitals. Various compartments all over the suit held dozens of devices for her use. It could also store a lot of solar radiation if she was ever in an emergency.

Truth be told, she’d really prefer to use her full power-armor, but her public persona had to not look like a threatening walking tank and this was the next best thing.

The fourth costume was just a version of her cousin’s; a blue bodysuit with a red cape and boots. It also had a few belts all over in order to hold her devices.

The fifth one was completely different. It didn’t have a cape but a dark blue coat with gold detailing, the El house symbol covered her chest. It also had red boots that ended just below her knees and matching gloves.

To the side she had her mask. Made with a thin layer of Kryptonium; it was painted white, with only a few details in gold and without any human features or even a mouth.

Inside the mask was a breathing device with half an hour of air in case she lost her powers while in a vacuum or was exposed to a harmful gas and light blocking lenses on the eyes to prevent anything from blinding her.

“Friend Kara, please, did you have to cover your entire body in every costume?” Kori complained with a disappointed voice.

She didn’t. Kara had actually been thinking of using a far more revealing outfit, it would help to accentuate the differences between her public persona and the one she’d be using on the secret team.

In fact, she was pretty sure Kori could have convinced her to actually wear the Power Girl costume. She couldn’t deny she looked hot wearing it, but that was before Lobo’s attack.

Kara hated it, but she just didn’t feel comfortable taking the risk anymore. Perhaps her mind would change in a few months, after she was fully healed.

“No, but… I feel better with a full outfit. Plus I need the space to keep my devices.”

“I postulate you would not consider using a skirt with the second one, yes?” Kara just gave her a look. “Very well, this last one is better.”

Kara considered it. She really would prefer to wear the mini-power armor outfit, but the coat had enough space for her devices and it was far too easy to connect the first one to the full power-armor she’d use with her own team. The coat also looked cool.

“Thanks Kori, I’ll just make some last minute adjustments and we can go.” Kara lifted Dexter from atop one of the costumes and started gathering everything in one arm to put away. With one last scratch behind the cat’s ear she remembered something. “Ugh, nevermind. I forgot I had to pick some things at the Fortress before going to the Mountain.”

“I continue to regard the white outfit as superior.” Kori grumbled, but then smiled at Kara and squeezed her hand. “I can not wait to introduce you to the team! You will love them.”

“I’m glad you like them.” Kara squeezed back and went to her bedroom to start adjusting her new costume’s gloves. Introducing small quantities of Nth metal on the fabric in order to disrupt magic. “Any tips?”

“Do not call Robin a sidekick!” Kori yelled from the living room. “I tried following your guidance when we first met but, despite the honor of apprenticeship under The Batman, he does not seem to enjoy the title.”

“You sure?” Kara asked when she finished snickering. “Perhaps I should try too?”

“Yes, do not call him that. I do not understand why, but he seems to consider it demeaning.”

“Fine, I guess I can just call him by name then.”

Kara finished adjusting the costume and wore it for the first time, the coat fit her like a glove and the material didn’t restrict her movement at all. Stepping out of her bedroom, she found Kori already wearing her own heroic outfit. The pair flew together to the Zeta-Tube, but Kori went directly to Mount Justice while Kara teleported to the Fortress first. 

Kara had installed a Kryptonian stealth device on the apartment which masked their presence until they were a certain distance away. Unfortunately the device was too big to carry or she’d make it a part of her costume, but at least it made coming and going from the apartment much harder to track.         

Over an hour later, Kara heard the robotic voice of the Zeta-Tube network announce her arrival at the Mountain. The huge kart filled with equipment she was pushing in front of her was far from everything she had prepared, but it was enough for her to start working.

“Supergirl, you came!” Captain Marvel shouted and flew towards her, only stopping when they had nearly collided.

Kara smiled under her mask and nodded towards the boy before looking at the entire room. The sidekicks were sparring with each other under Red Tornado’s gaze

“Supergirl, Captain Marvel has told me a lot about you.” Red Tornado stated evenly as he started walking towards her.

Kon had been sparring with Miss Martian. The girl was using her shape-shifting abilities to actually overwhelm him despite his superior strength. Kara smiled and waved at him causing his face to open into a huge smile.

Taking a pause, Miss Martian turned around to see what had caused the boy to smile. Her eyes went wide as she stared at Kara. She smiled but retreated closer to Kon.

“Titans, reunite with me please.” Red Tornado called out with his mechanical voice, causing everyone to finally stop sparring.


“So, they already chose a name?” Kara asked in curiosity, from what she remembered of the show they had been simply ‘The Team’ or ‘Outsiders’


“Indeed, the group felt that, if they were to work together, they preferred to have their own identity.” Red Tornado commented idly. “They voted on the name ‘Titans’ soon after.”


Kid Flash was the first to arrive, his speed nearly a match for Kara's; he stopped beside Marvel and leaned over him with an elbow. “You called? Whoa, hello there beautiful!”


Marvel frowned down at the boy but, when Kara didn’t react, he didn’t say anything.


“Sooo, who’re you supposed to be, a new recruit?” he asked and showed off his speed by darting away from Marvel and towards Red Tornado. “You got here just as we were about to spar, so maybe I can show you some moves?”


“Hmmm, somehow you’re less annoying than I thought you’d be.” Kara told him with a smile. She had always thought Wally would be unbearable, but the combination of his young age and clear inexperience made it more amusing than anything else. “But no, I’m not joining the Titans; I guess you can consider me tech support.”


“Huh, is that all gear for us? Sweet!” The boy tried to run towards her kart to take a peek, but Kara decided she had enough and slapped his hand away even while he was moving. “Ouch!”


“Try to keep your hands to yourself, will you.”


“You must be Kara, Koriand’r spoke well of you.” Aqualad put a hand forward to compliment her. “I’m Aqualad, current leader of the Titans.”


“Pleased to meet you, but please, call me Supergirl while in costume.” Kara shook his hand with a smile. “I kinda want to keep things separated while in costume.”


“Friend Supergirl!” Kori shouted and glomped her, causing Kara to take a step back to keep her footing.


Soon, all members of the Titans were gathered. They seemed more in tune than in the cartoons, with Aqualad having been voted as their leader and Starfire as vice leader. 


In truth, Kori had more experience and better training than Kaldur, but her lack of familiarity with Earth and the rest of the team meant they preferred the Atlantean over her. Still, from what Kara had heard, the boy had a good head on his shoulders and actually listened to her opinion often.


“Titans, after hearing about Mr. Twister’s attack three days ago, Supergirl has offered to help update the Mountain’s defenses.” Red Tornado told them with the same impassive voice. “She has also offered to act as tech support for the team, I am certain her help will prove invaluable.”


“She’s some kind of tech genius then?” Robin asked while lifting an eyebrow.


“She’s my cousin.” Kon replied and actually approached her for a hug.


“One thing doesn't exclude the other, you know. I may be a Kryptonian, but I’m a much better inventor than a fighter. The El’s were a prominent house of the Science guild, not the Military caste after all.” Kara was so proud of him, not that long ago he wouldn’t have even known how to ask for a hug; he'd also get angry at not knowing. She hugged him back. “I don’t see Zatara’s daughter here, is he still holding her back?” 


“Yeah, Master Zatara really doesn’t want to let her come.” This time it was Marvel that answered while scratching at his neck. “But Miss Zatana is gonna break him soon.”


Kara snorted at that, and then took stock of the Titans. Aqualad and Starfire stood together, leader and vice-leader of the Titans. Kid Flash was still rubbing his stung hand with Robin by his side.


The Boy Wonder seemed annoyed, but Kara didn’t think it was about losing the leadership position. No, from the way he was glaring at her, he’d probably figured out who she was.


Kori probably talked about her a lot and Kaldur had used her real name when shaking her hand, so she wasn’t exactly surprised. Plus, Kara wasn’t making an effort to mask her voice. Robin probably recognized her from Batman’s fundraiser and was feeling irritated.


How amusing.


If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Welcome to the System (SFW). Reincarnated into a H World just got an update yesterday!

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free.

A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez, Travis cox and Chaos  for supporting my work!

Last, but certainly not least, thanks to Eric Faust for helping me improve this chapter.



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