Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 19.2

Leaving the mansion Kara made sure to keep a wide smile on her face. It wasn’t very hard since her memory of meeting Robin was still fresh on her mind.

Damn Shorty making eyes at Kori… in the future… probably.

Shaking her head to dispel that strange train of thought, Kara considered how to get home, deciding to go for a short walk towards the teleport instead of just flying there.

Gotham City may be incredibly dangerous at night, but not for someone like her. In truth she was kind of disappointed, she had half expected some disaster to hit the party while she was still there and start a crisis for Batman.

Guess even in DC those things don’t happen every day, it just seem like it when you’re reading from the comics. There probably wouldn’t be charity galas in Gotham if every one of them got attacked by madmen.

In fact, after the way things had turned out as soon as she got to the planet, Kara had been expecting to constantly get attacked every time she looked out of the window.

Kara knew her luck would run out eventually, but she was enjoying the peace and quiet in the meantime.

Walking through the city she couldn’t help but hear cries for help and stopped four muggings and a shootout by using her speed to just steal the weapons involved and stun the criminals with a VERY light tap to the head without anyone even seeing her.

She briefly wondered what people would think the next day? That the Flash had been in town?

Then she heard two punks laughing and joking as they hit something, stuffed it into a bag and were walking towards the bridge to throw it.

Rao be damned, she hated animal cruelty.

She arrived at the bridge and watched the bastards from behind, turning her head sideway to consider how she’d deal with them.

“Damn, this cat’s going crazy man! Ahahahaha.”

“Come on, you think it’s gonna die when it hits the water or when it drowns?” one of the assholes filled with too many piercings asked.

“Who cares, just throw it.” The second one said and grabbed for the bag.

“I do.” Kara finally interjected as she kicked the mofo off the bridge and watched him sailing down. “I don’t think its high enough to kill him, but do you think he knows how to swim?”

“What the fuck are you doing bitch!” The remaining asshole shouted looking from his belly flopping friend towards her face with a hateful glare.

“Yeah, I agree you should totally go help him.”

Grabbing the bag out of his hand, Kara lifted the second mofo by the collar and flung him out of the bridge. “Hmm, I guess both of them can’t swim.”

Kara gently opened the bag to find an extremely angry, light blue cat, the kitty immediately went wild trying to scratch her but Kara ignored its attempts. “Shhhh, it’s alright, the bastards are gone now look.”

The cat just tried to take out her eye, its claws bouncing off her fake one without leaving a scratch. Kara held it close to her chest and slowly started petting it while looking at the two bastards desperately trying to survive on the river.

Eventually, one of them managed to reach the riverbank and drag himself out of the river, but the second one finally lost his strength and started to truly drown. Kara waited a few seconds then sighed and saved the bastard.

Grabbing both assholes, Kara saw they had soaked drugs inside their pockets and dropped them on top of a police car.

The cat had finally calmed down and was actually starring at both guys as if it held a grudge, his sharp claws digging into Kara’s arm with barely contained rage, she petted it again until it relaxed and calmed down.

“Ah, you’re a good kitty after all.” She called out in a stupid voice as she looked at its collar, a little metal plaque in the shape of a fish with its name and owner phone. “So you’re Dexter, come on let’s see if we can’t find your owner.”

Finding Dexter’s owner was easy, Kara just called the number and got the address. Unfortunately the woman was dead and it had been a policeman who took the call.

Kara let the cat see its owner one last time and managed to convince the Police to release some of its things that weren’t in the same room the crime had happened, but the cat couldn’t stay in a police investigation.

Kara looked at the exhausted cat as it slept in her arm and couldn’t bear to leave it. New cat in hand, she had to fly back to Fawcett city since he wasn’t recognized by the zeta-tube network and then spend the rest of the night getting it adjusted to the new apartment.

The next week was busy but otherwise uneventful. Dexter got into a few fights with Kori, but the Tamaranean eventually won the kitty over and he seemed to be getting better. Still incredibly aggressive, clawing at everything he could reach, but also incredibly needy when sleeping on her bed.

Kara trained with Wonder Woman another two times, both of which were entirely focused on diminishing collateral damage and protecting civilians.

Bobo called her and said he had some new information about The Light, but The Shade hadn’t contacted her and Green Arrow had asked her for a little more time for Roy and his clone. With Firebrand still out of commission Kara didn’t mind the delay so much.

She had gotten the detective trying to locate Dr. Morrow’s location, but that too would take some time.

Even better, Kara and Kal had spent two entire days going over the information on Kryptonian technology and Kara had managed to convince Kal to not destroy every doomsday weapon in it. He had refused to build anything too powerful, but if a planet eating monster showed up they could make something useful in only a day or two.

Kara had also gotten the Fortress building her an emergency armor, nothing too impressive since the Fortress only had a very limited amount of the materials needed and Kara wanted to keep it in reserve in case it was needed for something else.

Her company was getting back on its feet. With access to new founding Mr. Blackwell turned out to be a surprisingly competent manager.

They had an appointment in a few days to harsh out the details, but Kara could already see it was gonna work out as soon as Bruce finished analyzing her proposal, maybe she’d get Dubbilex involved too. It would be mostly his people working there and his management could make her life easier until she found a fitting CEO.

“Mrraw!” Dexter protested and tried to sink his claws into her tights as Kara tried to move him out of her lap. He couldn’t hurt her, but her clothes were paying the price of angering the little overlord.

“Sorry Dexter, I have to take my little cousin to a meeting today.”

She finally pried the cat away from her pants and he hung bonelessly from her arms. His first plan thwarted the kitty looked at her with huge eyes and started purring, almost forcing Kara to put him back down and accept being late.

Fortunately, Kara resisted his mind control powers and let him down on the sofa while getting up. “Sorry, I really have to go.”

Taking the closest Zeta-Tube to Smallville Kara put on her mask and started flying the rest of the way towards the farm. Kon had his first reunion with the sidekicks today and Kara had promised Kal she’d be there for him.

Well, with everything going on, she had forgotten to make a public costume so she wouldn’t be meeting the rest of the team herself, but she’d at least bring him to Kori and the two of them could arrive together.

Approaching the Farm she started concentrating on the noise coming from there, quickly locating Martha, Jonathan and Kon talking about the day he had ahead of him.

Kon really seemed to love the Kents. He found the farm’s lack of noise calming and farm work to be very relaxing. Having already raised one super-strong kid they had experience with his problems and Kon seemed calmer and calmer every time Kara visited.

Seeing as she was a little early, Kara slowed down and just enjoyed the sensation of flying, there was nothing better than the sheer pleasure of the wind passing through her body at high speeds, or even just letting herself drop in freefall then recovering at the last second and flying up again.

Her mind was concentrating so much on the farm she only heard someone approaching her from behind when it was too late.

A shiver on the back of her neck was Kara’s only warning, she reacted on instinct, turning around and protecting her head with an arm just catching a brief glimpse of a long chain as it hit her in the shoulder with so much force it shredded her jacket and made her cry out in pain.

The chain wrapped itself twice around her body until the sharp point of a hook hit her just above her collar bone, unable to break through her skin it still left a bruise and made her lose control of her flight. Suddenly, her enemy whipped the chain down.

She hit the ground with a bang, immediately using Wonder Woman’s teachings to try and stop herself, but still creating a hundred meters wide crater.

Furious at the cheap shot, Kara grabbed at the chain with both hands and, seeing as they were in the middle of nowhere, returned the gesture, whipping whoever had just attacked her down into the ground and creating a second crater, one twice as big as her own and lifting another cloud of dust into the air.

From the middle of the dust cloud she could hear a very amused male laugh, then the owner of the chain started pulling on it to drag her closer.

Gathering her will, Kara put everything she had on her flight and tried to resist the pull, when that didn’t help she got worried.

Finally, the cloud dispersed and she could see who was attacking her, there was only one thing she could say. “Ah shit.”


If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Welcome to the System (SFW)

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez and Travis cox  for supporting my work!

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