Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 19.1

I'd like to ask for a minute of silence for the DCU.   

With Cavil out of the picture I can now safely say the entire universe is brain dead and we can safelly pull the plug on its life support.


Goddamnit, now I don't have anything to look foward to in the movies... I refuse to watch the stupid shit they're releasing.

If I wanted to watch stupid shit I'd at least make sure it was the fun kind. Like Cocaine Bear... that's coming out next year.



Kara read the information on her computer one last time and sighed. Dropping the device on top of the table she scratched at her good eye before looking at the android still on the bed.

Fixing, and improving, Firebrand had been a very interesting project. The android’s new sunstone batteries more than tripled her previous output, the new alloy improved her armor by 54% and her new wiring should make her reaction speed nearly twice as fast.

Despite all that, Kara just couldn’t reactivate her. It seemed like Dr. Morrow had put a failsafe in order to prevent anyone else but him from turning the android back on.

Kara’s computers could brute force it, but the risk of activating another failsafe and damaging Firebrand’s programming was just too high. Kara had wanted to rescue the woman and give her a second chance, not finish killing her.

Mad scientists were such bullshit, there was no way T. O. Morrow should have been able to block a hacking attempt by a Kryptonian program. Unfortunately for Kara and Firebrand, nobody had told that to Dr. Morrow, so the old man had done it anyway.

Once again, Kara cursed herself for having morals. Things would have been so much easier if she didn’t care about the android’s memories and personality.

Pushing her chair back, Kara let her computer continue attempting to find a weakness on Dr. Morrow’s programming without risking her core and decided to focus on something else, namely, giving her better senses.

Kara had wanted to turn her on as soon as possible but, since that wasn’t going to work out, she could start developing the necessary equipment to give her an actual sense of touch and taste. Both things that Dr. Morrow had neglected since it didn’t affect her fighting ability.

Integrating a complete synthetic somatosensory system under Firebrand’s synthetic skin would take another full week, and that was only because Krypton already had such things so Kara didn’t have to invent them, just adapt them to work with Firebrand.

The annoying beep of Kara’s alarm finally made her stop and look at the time. She was almost late for Bruce’s party.

Stepping away from the chair Kara made her way out of her ship and looked towards her newly grown moon base, it was still only two small rooms right on the surface and had already delayed the completion of her ship by a week, but… moon base!

She sighed. It was such pity that she hadn’t been able to get her own teleportation network working yet. Krypton had had teleportation technology, but it required some pretty rare materials and she didn’t have access to them while on Earth.

Rao, she didn’t know if Earth even had them to begin with.

An hour later she arrived at her apartment, she tidied her clothes and grabbed the door, with only a second of hesitation Kara opened it.

Kori was already waiting for her, a huge smile on her face and her eyes shining with unholy light. Kara froze, shivered and tried to close the door.

“Excitement! Ecstasy! Euphoria!” The Tamaranean princess almost shouted as she tackled Kara and forcefully dragged her inside the living room to stand amongst more than a dozen different dresses. “Friend Kara you have finally arrived, Master Diana and Friend Troia have left a large amount of clothes for your discretion. Let us start with ‘The Dressing Up’, yes?”

Kara looked at the room filled with dresses and outfits of all shapes, colors and sizes, most of which left entirely too much of her skin exposed, she shuddered.

“Ah, I was thinking I’d just wear a sui…” she stopped talking as she looked at Kori’s huge, puppy dog eyes.

“Please, what is the quandary bothering you?” Kori asked as she put her face uncomfortably close to Kara’s.

Taking a step back Kara looked at the… she counted them, the 18 dresses arrayed around the room. She looked back at Kori’s eager face and shinning eyes. Admitting defeat, she dropped her shoulders and breathed out.

“I guess I just don’t know where to start.” She didn’t even finish the sentence before Kori was holding a red high slit dress in front of her body. “Alright, let’s get this over with.”

Using her speed she grabbed the dress and went to her bedroom before putting it on in less than a minute. Standing in front of the mirror, she lifted an eyebrow as her image starred back at her.

It looked incredibly good.

Stepping back out she saw Kori waiting for her, feeling slightly embarrassed Kara opened her arms and slowly turned in place, when she completed her turn Kori was already holding a second dress.

Kara just took it. She knew when she was beaten.

In the end Kara had to test every single dress there, the only surprise was the fact that it wasn’t a completely unpleasant experience. With her speed it hadn’t been that much of a time waste and she had enjoyed Kori’s reactions.

Kara suspected she’d have enjoyed it far more if their roles had been reversed, but Kori wasn’t going with her this time.

In the end, she chose a black cocktail dress with a single strap over her left shoulder, it was unexpectedly comfortable and left her feeling… elegant. She liked it.

“Sorry you can’t come with me Kori.”

“Do not worry. We can most certainly do ‘The Clubbing’ at another opportunity.”

Kori waved her goodbye as Kara grabbed a drive with her business proposal and made her way towards the Zeta-tube. Getting to Gotham City, she called for a cab and let it bring her towards the party.

Gotham’s newest fundraising was actually being organized at Wayne Manor, so she was absolutely sure to meet with the billionaire at least once without attracting unwanted attention or suspiciousness. Even if one of their identities was found out it wouldn’t splash on the other.

Stepping out of the cab in front of the huge gates, Kara could already see nearly a thousand people in fancy clothes partying. She wondered just how many of them were part of the court of Owls.

With her senses it was pretty easy to find Bruce, she also found someone else of interest amongst the guests. Selina Kyle fitted perfectly with the fancy nobles on the property.

Kara briefly considered which one to approach first. Bruce seemed to be really busy receiving guests while Selina didn’t seem able to stop herself and already had a large jeweled ring hidden in her purse.

“Hello Selina, ditched the leather today?” She called from behind the cat thief, almost causing her to jump out of her skin.

Giving her a death glare, Selina grabbed a drink from a nearby waiter and drained it halfway in a single gulp. Narrowing her eyes she asked. “What are ‘you’ doing here?”

“Trying to hand in a business proposition to the host.” Kara said, she had already revealed her identity to the woman anyway.

“Haaa… I didn’t think you would be after the Wayne’s fortune too. You didn’t seem the type.” Selina gave her an appraising glance, looking from her elegant shoes to the top of her black dress. “Shows what I know I guess.”

Kara made sure nobody was paying attention to them before answering truthfully.

“I’ll have you know I’m not after his fortune, I’m after my own.” Kara tried to get her own drink only for the waiter to deftly avoid her hand and give her a disapproving glare. “Right, we’re in the United States. Anyways, I have a proposal Wayne can’t refuse, but it’d help keep my identity a secret if people think they know why I got the deal.”

“Well, who am I to judge, it’s not like I don’t use my body as a distraction too.” She laughed and leaned against the table while finishing her drink. “Have to say, I would definitely recommend getting to know Bruce Wayne. He’s wonderful in bed you know.”

“Spare me the details...” Kara looked at Bruce again and had to admit, the man did fill his clothes well. She thought about Kori and sighed. “But no, I’m kind of interested in someone already.”

“Well, good for you.” Selina said and continued to look at the guests. “Are you gonna be stopping me today?”

“No, no I don’t think I will.” Kara answered after only a brief moment of thought. “Just try to target people who really deserve it, it shouldn’t be hard in this crowd.”

“Sure, just avoid the waiters then.”

“That seems about right.” Kara cringed at some of the things she was hearing from the conversations around her. “You know what, want to dance a little?”

“Sure, why not.”

Relaxing a little Selina pulled her into the middle of the dance floor. Despite Kara taking the role of the male it was Selina who controlled the dance, being far more experienced and skilled.

She made sure to guide them closer to the older dancers or the ones who seemed most distressed at their presence, making sure to be particularly sensual around the most prudish of the lot even as she stole from their pockets.

Kara was actually having fun for a while when she finally noticed the important guests stop arriving and Bruce being freed from his responsibilities. “Say, wants to introduce me to the owner of the house?”

“Well, if you want people to believe your proposal was accepted because you were a good lay, a threesome would probably do it.”

Kara snorted, but didn’t deny it. Mostly, she was amused to see Selina still didn’t seem to know Batman’s identity despite having dated Bruce before.  

The man himself was inside the building talking with a kid Kara had never seen before. The boy was about 13 and looked somewhat small for his age, wearing a fancy suit and a tie.

Hmm. It seems like Richard Grayson was on the house.

Bruce caught sight of them approaching and lifted an eyebrow at Selina, then a second one when he recognized Kara in her arms. “Hello Bruce, wonderful party you’re throwing, have you met Kara before?”

“Selina… good to see you too, and I can’t say that I have. It’s a pleasure to met you.” With a smooth smile Bruce held Kara’s hand and lifted in to his lips laying a light kiss on top, Robin grunted in disgust causing Bruce to introduce him. “This is Richard Grayson, my ward.”

“Kara Danvers. It’s an honor to meet you Mister Wayne.” Kara said with her best smile, and then turned towards the boy. “And you too Mr. Grayson.”

“Ugh, you can just call me Dick, everyone does.” Robin dismissed her greetings under the disapproving glance of his mentor.

“Oh, I’m really sorry.” With the kindest smile she could manage, Kara put a hand on the boy’s head and bent down, making sure to accentuate how much taller she was. “Frankly, I know kids can be cruel, but there’s no need to call you names. Hang in there young man.”

Selina snorted and even Bruce had a glint of humor on his eyes as Robin was left speechless. Before he could recover Kara got up and turned back towards Bruce.

“I really wanted to talk with you Mr. Wayne, I’m sure I can manage to make it worth your time.”

“I see. I can definitely make some time for you after the party.”

“UGH! This is totally not whelming.” Turning away from them the boy wonder lifted his arms and started walking further inside the mansion. “I think I’m done here, I’m going to my room.”

Once mostly alone, Selina almost threw herself on Bruce’s arms. Leaning on his chest she kissed him on the cheek and smiled. “Well, my work here is done so I’ll leave the two of you alone to talk. See ya later Bruce.”

The both of them watched as the woman walked away with a distinct feline movement to her waits. Finally, Bruce turned back towards Kara. “I’m surprised you know Selina.”

“I can’t say I really know her, but I liked her club and met her in the party.” Still starring at Selina’s back Kara commented. “You know, I think she’s planning to steal from everyone in the party.”

“What are you here for Kara?” Bruce questioned while ignoring her and dropping the pretense of a Casanova.

So he already knew she was Catwoman… interesting but not surprising.

“Exactly what I said, I wanted to present you a proposal without having to wait years and your reputation gave me a good excuse.” Kara replied. Fishing inside her own purse she pulled out the drive with her proposal and handed it to him. “Don’t worry, this is strictly business related.”

“I appreciate you trying to keep both things separated but, next time; just send it through your cousin.” He told her as he pocketed the device. “If an alibi is needed I’m far better prepared to create it.”

Well shit, Kara could see he was kinda right. Not that her own excuse was bad, but Batman had trained his entire life for it and, if she remembered right, even Alfred had been a secret agent before.

“Fine by me, didn’t really like doing it like this anyway.” Passing a hand through her hair she adjusted her dress and sighed, “Should I stay until the end of the party now?”

“No, you’re not important enough for people to pay attention to you and, even if they do, they’ll just assume I had you over another time. I have let them believe that often enough.”

“Fine, do look at it, I’m sure you’re gonna find it lucrative.”

If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Welcome to the System (SFW)

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez and Travis cox  for supporting my work!

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