Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Lunch passed quickly as Alex, Alice, and Emmet joked around with each other.

Jasper and Edythe seemed more of the listener type, though they asked questions here and there.

Alex went on a rant the whole lunch, almost explaining why he had come to Forks and the entire situation as Alice continued to ask question after question.

"It's really nice to talk to you, Alice," Alex said as he turned to face Alice.

"Is it?" Alice asked as she looked at Alex.

"It is. It's nice when someone listens to what you're saying even though it's not that interesting," Alex said.

Alice smiled and nodded as she replied to him.

"That's what friends are for, right?"

"Ok, can you two stop? You're saying that you can't see Edward and Bella, but ur giving me the same treatment here, Alex," Emmet said as he made a disgusted face.

Alex turned to look at Emmet, confused for a second, until the realization hit him.

"I didn't just mean her, Emmet. I also meant you, too, when I said that." Alex tried to say. However, he got stopped by Emmet raising a hand.

Turning towards Jasper, Emmet started puckering up his lips as he imitated Alex.

"Alice, I really like it when you listen to me." 

And Emmet couldn't hold it in any longer as he burst out laughing.

"Sure, sure," Alex said as he smiled at the imitation.


The lunch bell rang, signaling the end of lunch hour, and the students started getting up on their feet as they headed off toward their classes.

"Well, it seems like we're parting here. See you guys later," Alex said as he and the Cullens got up from their chairs.

Rosalie simply passed by him while Jasper and Emmet patted his shoulder.

Alice stopped for a second and then whispered to him.

"You don't have to be embarrassed about what Emmet said" Her face showed a small smile as she turned around and hopped off, joining the others.

Edythe, however, stood back as she looked at Alex for a moment.

Edythe walked close to Alex, practically hugging him as she neared his ear.

'What's she doing?' Alex thought, confused, as he stared at Edythe.

Edythe then whispered into Alex's ear.

"Lock, huh? Do you think we wouldn't notice? Since when did you know that we could read minds, Alex?" Edythe whispered as she put her arm around Alex's neck.

"What do you..." Alex started to say but was interrupted when Edythe made a shushing noise.

"Meet me in the forest behind the school tomorrow morning. You wouldn't want to know what would happen if you didn't appear," Edythe said as she stroked Alex's neck and then parted from him.

"See you, Alex," Edythe said as she smiled at him once she was a bit farther away and walked the rest of the distance until she was outside of the cafeteria.

Alex stood there frozen as he watched her disappear behind the door, the cafeteria already clear of students.


"All right then, Edythe," Alex said, more to himself than to anyone else.

Walking out of the cafeteria, Alex stayed silent as he walked towards his next class.

'My last class for the day is biology. I'm on the same desk as Edward, though they could change spots with Edythe if Bella asks him. Either way, if Edythe heard me say lock, then Edward definitely did as well,' Alex thought as he put his backpack on his desk and sat down. Holding his forehead with his hands, Alex's thoughts ran wild.

' The cat's outside the bag, so there are three options that I can choose from at this point. ' Alex thought

'One is to kill the Cullens entirely, which, while annoying, im sure I could manage. I don't want to kill them, though, so that option is disqualified immediately.' Alex thought as he remembered Alice, Jasper, and Emmet.

'The second option is to just come clean and hope they accept me and don't report me to the Volturi. This option is honestly what I'm hoping for. If they haven't changed too much from the movies and books, then they will definitely not report me as they hate the Volturi, ' Alex thought as he scratched his cheek.

'The Third option is to just say I'm human and have abilities related to the mind. This would be a half lie, as I would tell them I have abilities, but at that point, why not just tell them the entire truth?' Alex thought as he nodded to his decision.

'Unless something really wrong happens in that conversation, then I'm telling them the entire truth,' Alex thought as he shook his head at his idiotic brain, which had decided pranking was just the best idea in the world.

The hours passed quickly, and Biology arrived soon. Edward was still seated with Alex and Edythe with Bella.

Besides a small greeting at the beginning of the class, nothing was said the entire time.


The last bell of the day rang soon after as the students got up from their chairs.

Alex likewise took his backpack and waited for Bella to get her stuff as well. They then started heading towards the parking lot together.

Alex could see Edythe and Edward walking together in the distance. They were entirely silent as they walked.

'Being able to talk with each other through thoughts sure must be nice,' Alex thought as he watched them disappear behind cars.

"So, what's up with you and Edward?" Alex asked as he turned to stare at Bella, whose face immediately reddened.

"Nothing, he just apologized about the other day and wanted to talk with me," Bella said as she seemed to start walking faster.

Keeping up with her, Alex continued to pester her all the way about all the little details.

"It was normal, Alex. It's not what you think it was," Bella almost yelled as they got into the truck.

"I don't know, Bella, your face seems pretty red when you're talking about him," Alex said as he faked a confused face.

"Argh!" Bella yelled, her frustration as she thought.

'Why am I in the same school as my brother? Why god!' 


Doing a small mass release tonight this is chapter 2/4 for the day.

Thanks for all the support until now and i really cant thank you guys enough, this mass release is just a little show of thanks.

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Lots of Love

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