Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Dressing Up

Driving the truck home, Alex, for once, didn't ramble his mouth off. The drive was silent as they arrived in front of their house.

"Is something wrong, Alex?" Bella asked, noticing that something was bugging Alex.

Alex turned to Bella and smiled.

"No, everything's fine, Bella. You don't need to worry. Im just thinking about what to do since im so bored," Alex bullshitted through his teeth with a calm face.

"All right, just so you know, if something ever does happen, I'll always be here," Bella said as she smiled at her brother.

"Of course, same here too, Bella. If I can't count on my sibling, then who can I?" Alex said

'Why can't she just be a bitch' Alex thought, his heart clenching for a moment at having to lie so much to someone who would always be there for him, through thick and thin.

'Either way, it's for her own good.' Alex thought as he tried to find an excuse.

Parking the car in front of the garage, Alex turned the ignition key, and the truck's engine turned off.

Taking their backpacks, Alex and Bella got out of the truck and headed inside the house.

"Seems like Charlie is still at work," Bella said as they opened the door to the living room.

"Yeah," Alex replied, heading for the stairs to the second story of the house.

"Im going to take a shower first, Bella," Alex said as he climbed up the stairs.

"All right, I'll just eat something then," Bella replied back as she put her backpack on a chair and went to the kitchen freezer.

Arriving upstairs, Alex went directly to his room and sat on his bed, his thoughts running a mile a minute.

'This could be the last night that I actually had privacy in this house.' Alex thought as he remembered the countless times Edward had come to watch Bella sleep.

And then Alex shook his head as his eyes turned fierce.

'I don't care about much of what they do, but if that bastard does that shit, then he's going to see just how many trees I can throw him through. Hiding be damned,' Alex thought as he shuddered at imagining someone watching him while he slept.

'Tonight, I should go out in town and test my abilities some more,' Alex thought as he stood up from his bed, took his clothes off, and, worse, wrapped a towel around his waist.

Heading inside the bathroom, Alex took a hot shower and headed back into his own room, leaving the bathroom feeling like a sauna from all the hot steam.

'If I don't turn the heat to the maximum, I don't even feel the heat at this point,' Alex thought as he dressed in black jeans and a black T-shirt that hugged his body closely, showing all his defined muscles. With a thin black jacket on top and a pair of black glasses, Alex finished his outfit and headed back into the bathroom.

Taking a hair comb and a drier, Alex tried copying what he had seen Leonardo Dicaprio rock in 2002.

'This should be stylish for this time period,' Alex thought as he looked at himself in the mirror.

'Good enough,' Alex thought as he went outside the bathroom and headed downstairs.

It had been about an hour since he had arrived home. As he was walking down the stairs, Alex's enhanced senses allowed him to hear Bella mumbling to herself.

"And he says that I take a long time. He's been in the damn bathroom for hours," Bella mumbled as she looked at the TV.


Hearing someone coming down the stairs, Bella looked at Alex, and then her body stopped moving. Her eyes, however, were going up and down him as she looked at him frozen.

"Who are you dressing up for?" Bella asked as a large grin appeared on her face.

"What do you mean, who? I'm just going out to town, maybe getting some drinks," Alex said as he tried to pass Bella.

"Stop," Bella said as she stood up from the couch and arrived in front of Alex.

"If you don't buy me some chips, then I'm snitching to Charlie and Mom," Bella said as she stood as if she were a road blockade.

"Uhh, you can tell them, sure?" Alex said, confused as to why that would be a threat.

"I can? Im sure Charlie, the police chief, will be having a great time knowing his son is drinking alcohol illegally. You do know how worried Renee always got when you went out too, im sure you will be having a two-hour-long lecture just from her," Bella said as she started listing all the reasons; Alex should be worried.


"Fine, Bella, stop, I'll buy you the chips," Alex said.

"Thanks," Bella said, smiling. She passed him and started heading upstairs.

However, before she could disappear from view, she stopped as she, turned around and told Alex.

"Don't betray Alice, will you?" and then Bella started heading to the second floor again.

"Wha? What do you mean by don't betray Alice, im not even together with her, damn it." Alex said as he shook his head and headed outside.

'I would like to go to Portland or some other bigger city, but I don't think this truck would even be able to bring me there,' Alex thought as he sighed and opened the truck, hopping inside the driver's seat.

'I'll need to start making money. With me heading out tonight, I'll be pretty close to broke. I could steal from people with daze for some short-term money, but that's not a long-term plan,' Alex thought as he started the truck up and reversed out of the garage.

A few seconds later, Alex was on the road as he drove forward towards Fork's downtown.

'There has to be at least one nightclub, right?' Alex thought to himself as he drove.


Little Mass release as a show of thanks chapter 3/4 for the night.

This was a pretty chill and fun chapter to write.

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Lots of Love

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