Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Weird Duo

The hour went by without much talk between Alex and Edythe. Mostly, Alex asked Edythe about a question he didn't understand even though he had memorized the books.

'Memorization can only get you so far, huh?' Alex thought to himself in those cases as he asked the literal encyclopedia seated right next to him.

Looking at Edythe with the corner of his eyes, Alex thought.

'I know that they have passed high school tens of times and even finished college, but damn, does she literally know everything? Shouldn't she be the one teaching the professor in this case?' Alex thought.

The hour passed quickly as the bell signaling its end rang its tune.

Standing up from the chair, Edythe started to pack her stuff inside her backpack.

Turning to face her, Alex thought momentarily and then opened his mouth as he said.

"Hey, can you tell Alice that I'm sorry about the rumors going around? I didn't start them or even talk with anyone, but they just began on their own," Alex said as he scratched his cheek.

Edythe turned towards him and then nodded.

"I'll tell her, but she already knows it's not your doing, Alex, so you do not have to worry about it. And she's your friend, at the end of the day, and you could just tell her your unneeded apology yourself, couldn't you?" Edythe said, ending her rant with a question directed at Alex.

"Right, just didn't want to be weird about it, is all," Alex said as he similarly started packing his book and notebooks into his backpack.

"It's alright. I don't think there's anyone in this world who can beat Alice in weirdness, though you do come close. Maybe that's why you became friends quickly," Edythe said as she smiled at Alex.

"Maybe," Alex replied.

"Well, I'll be going now, Alex. See you later, and don't forget your promise to eat with us this week. Alice will tear off my eardrums about it if you forget," Edythe said as she waved at Alex and started heading off.

"Right, I won't forget. See you later," Alex said as he waved back, thoughts continuing to run through his mind.

'How could I forget about that promise when I have been thinking all weekend what im going to do in the future?' Alex thought as he shook his head lightly.

Slinging his backpack over his right shoulder, Alex headed outside the classroom, heading towards his next class.

'Bella meets Edward at the beginning of the day. If I remember correctly, though I could be wrong,' Alex thought as he tried hard to remember how the day went in the original books.

'It's useless. I have read too much fan fiction, and now it's all jumbled up into one massive mess. Even then, there could be a butterfly effect taking place, and the time they talk could have changed drastically, Alex thought as he walked down the hall.

'I do remember that Edward apologized and asked Bella about her past and the reason she came to Forks from Phoenix and how it wasn't fair to her if she had to leave Phoenix just so her mother could be happy,' Alex thought as he finally arrived at his next class.

'Spanish, huh?' Alex thought as he headed inside.

'It's much easier to learn a new language when you can memorize the whole dictionary, though the pronunciation and the way to combine the words are still something I would have to practice,' Alex thought as he found his usual seat next to the window and sat down.

Looking around, he found no one that he knew in the class, so he decided to do what he always did in these situations.

Do the thinking pose while he closed his eyes and waited for the hour to go by, even though the seconds felt like minutes and the hours felt like days?

'I swear, sometimes I think I have some hyperactivity disorder and can't even concentrate, but then I play games, and I can concentrate for hours on end, so it might just be that I'm allergic to boring stuff,' Alex jokingly thought to himself as he waited.

And waited.


'Finally, I was about to die in there; all he does is tell the students to start reading page 58 and then start dozing off. If he accidentally hears someone make any noise, then that's detention immediately. That's one hell of a shitty professor if I have ever seen one,' Alex thought as frustration bubbled its ugly head.

'Tch, pieces of shit like that shouldn't be allowed to teach at all. It's a waste to even give them a single cent, ' Alex thought as he walked towards his next class.

The next class passed similarly to the second, though the middle-aged woman professor was about a hundred times better than the Spanish professor, in Alex's honest opinion.


'Finally, it's lunch break,' Alex thought, releasing a sigh and standing up as he started heading toward the Cafeteria.

'Now I'll finally be able to see if Edward actually came back or if something has indeed changed, if my actions, which should have had a minimal effect on the plot, have actually caused a huge butterfly effect, and Edward is actually dead, his body being devoured by some unknown mythical creature' Alex's thoughts continued to turn more and more depraved as he continued to think of more creative ways on how Edward could have died and ended up in a ditch.

'While im really not a fan of Edward, I still need to become an uncle so I won't kick his ass.' Alex thought as he arrived at the doors of the Cafeteria.

Students went inside and left constantly, so it was hard to go in either direction.

'I won't kill him,' Alex thought as Edward and Bella walked together towards the Cafeteria.

'I won't dismember him, maybe,' Alex added as he looked at the soon-to-be couple.


Volume one of the fanfic has just ended on Patreon. Thanks for sticking with me until now <3

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Btw, im doing an original book right now and i would really appricitate if you guys checked it our or just put it in your reading library.
It's called " Leveling Up In Myths." on Webnovel

Lots of Love

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