Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


'Just how did they get so buddy-buddy with each other so quickly?' Alex thought.

Edward and Bella headed into the cafeteria and grabbed their lunch, sitting at a separate table.

Alex just looked at them as his brows furrowed.

'Calm down, Edward's your brother-in-law. He's in all senses but in blood, your own brother too.' Alex thought and then froze.

'That sounded weird. Either way, I can't kill Edward; I cannot under any circumstance kill Edward Cullen, ' Alex thought as he went to grab his own food tray. His eyes were still trained on Bella and Edward, however.

With his enhanced hearing, he could also hear their conversation perfectly well. They appeared to be talking about how Bella was fitting in and whether she had experienced any problems.

Alex noticed how they started to stand closer and closer together.

Soon after, a can of soda that he held in his hand started getting crushed as the pressure and strength in Alex's hand started increasing beyond humane levels.


'Let's just stop and act like a normal human for a second. Bella is a grown woman who can handle herself, and it is not my position to meddle in her love life or her choices in life partners, ' Alex thought to himself as he muttered the same words like a mantra in his head.

Finally, after getting his food tray full, Alex started heading towards Mike and Eric's table when he noticed Edythe looking at him from the Cullen table. She looked at him straight in the eyes, leaving him no choice but to head towards her.

'I guess I'm having lunch with the Cullens today,' Alex thought, though he wasn't particularly fond of the idea.

'I can barely control my emotions when I see that Edward Bastard sitting so close to my sister,' Alex thought as he first approached Mike and Eric and said to them.

"Hey guys, I'm going to eat with the Cullens today, as I promised them. Sorry for leaving you guys so abruptly," Alex said. However, he only got a pat on his back and encouraging looks from Mike and Eric.

'Those guys didn't say anything even though I left them alone. They truly are great friends, ' Alex thought, not understanding the hidden meaning that had shone in the two boys' eyes as they had faced Alex.

Turning around, Alex left the boys alone and headed towards the Cullen table with his food tray.

"Hey guys! Would you mind if I sat with you for lunch today? Considering your brother stole my sister, I feel like it's a fair trade." Alex asked jokingly as he stared at the 'Cold Ones.'

Without even looking at the others, Alice nodded her head quickly as she replied.

"Of course, you can join us, Alex. We'd be more than happy to have your company," Alice said, displaying a graceful smile on her lips.

Alex nodded as he took a seat in the only chair still available, which was right next to Alice.

'This is probably Edwards's spot,' Alex thought and then immediately turned to look at how Bella and Edward were doing, only to find them laughing among themselves.


Feeling like a bear had slapped his back, Alex's body shook as he turned around to see who had hit him, only to find Emmet, who had somehow hit him when he had Alice between them.

'His arms must have ginormous reach. Beating him in a fight if we were to both use equal strength would be much harder,' Alex thought immediately as his mind went on ways he could defend himself if anything were to happen.

'All I would need to do would be to catch him off guard, and if I used my full strength when transformed, then I should be able to rip his head off his body. All that would be left then would be to put him under fire to finish him off,' Alex thought as he made a questioning look toward Emmet.

"Don't worry about your sister. Edwards is a nice guy," Emmet said as he patted, no more like he slammed Alex's back once more.

"Right, I already told you, Emmet, when we were doing gym class, but I don't really trust the words of his brother. Even if he was the greatest piece of garbage, he would be a star in your eyes. He's your brother, after all." Alex said as he shook his head at Emmet.

"So, are you calling Edward a piece of garbage?" Alice interjected suddenly into the conversation.

It was so sudden that Alex unknowingly uttered his thoughts out loud.

"Yes, Edward is a piece of garbage that should be disposed of," Alex said and then froze as he stopped moving and turned to face Emmet and Alice, who had wide grins on their faces.

"Hey, I didn't say that out loud did I?" Alex asked as he faced Emmet and Alice.

Laughing out loud, Emmmet could barely stop himself as he held his own stomach.

"Ah, I just knew that you were going to be a breath of fresh air," Emmet said as he barely held himself back from laughing like a madman.

On the other hand, Alice was almost jumping in place as she stared at Alex.

"So my brother is a true garbage man, huh? I'm sure he will be super happy to know that the girl he likes has a brother who hates him," Alice said, displaying her trademark mischievous grin.


Well i just want to say thank you all, for both the support on Webnovel, Scribble Hub and Fanfiction net aswelll as on Patreon.

Volume two is now up on patreon and the plot has finally started in full swing.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me futher check out my Patreon at:

Goal for an extra chapter is 250 Power stones.

Lots of Love

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