Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Sam Uley Pack

Soon after they started walking towards the beach, Alex and Jacob arrived at their destination.

La Push Beach truly was a sight out of movies.

The beach was clean of any waste, the sand was a lovely light brown color, and the waves looked utterly majestic as they slammed against the rocks.

There was also a natural jumping board formed by nature itself, where Alex had read in the books that the Quileute boys jumped from.

'And Bella, my dumb sister, jumped from there as a human, though I can't really say I know how much of an effect your mate leaving you randomly without telling you anything would have an effect on you, but going by the fact that Bella tried to kill herself then it must be one hell of an effect' Alex thought and then shook his head as he tried to clear his mind of the images of Bellas dead body floating on the waves.

'Yeah, not something I want to think about,' Alex thought as he followed behind Jacob.

The walk had been filled with random tidbits of a conversation though it clearly showed that the atmosphere was a bit awkward between him and Jacob, it wasn't some tense awkwardness or anything like that, they both found each other's company enjoyable and were having fun.

It was simply the process of finding out what they both enjoyed so they could start their hour-long rants.

Looking into the distance, Alex finally saw the rest of the shapeshifters, or soon-to-be shapeshifters in the cases of some.

'Time to see if these guys can actually notice that I'm a vampire or not' Alex thought as a slight tension overcame his whole body.

Looking at them, Alex was able to quickly identify most of the people on the beach.

Sam Uley, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, and Brady Fuller.

'Basically, almost the whole Uley pack is here huh.' Alex thought as he and Jacob landed on the beach and started walking towards them.

Alex noticed Sam turn his head towards them first, it wasn't even like he noticed them randomly, he clearly had sharp senses considering how fast he identified where they were coming from.

'He's definitely a wolf already,' Alex thought as they finally arrived before them.

"Hey guys, guess who decided to give us a visit," Jacob said with a large grin on his face as he presented Alex.

"Hey guys, it's been a while huh?" Alex said as he tried to show a smile though the tension wasn't really doing him any favours.

"Alex?" Sam asked as he came closer to the two.

"Yeah, it's been a while Sam, how are you doing?"m Alex asked the large man who almost towered over him.

'Damn those wolf genes, hows he so tall.' Alex thought as he stared at him.

"Good, it's been a while since you came down here, how are you doing?" Sam said as he finally smiled and went back to a makeshift seating bench they had made from fallen tree trunks.

"Good, I'm staying in Forks for a while, continuing my high school education here," Alex said as he followed Sam and sat next to him on the log.

"So what do you guys do around here, and sit already i still remember when we used to play together as kids," Alex said as he smiled at the others.

'Looks like they can't detect that I'm a vampire, or it could also be that they know I'm not human but can't tell exactly what I am?' Alex thought as he noticed Sam's expression hadn't turned hostile at any moment but it also wasn't how he had been greeted in the past from what he could tell with his scattered memories.

The others also sat around on the logs. Jacob came and sat next to Alex.

"We just hang around here and surf mostly or jump from the rock over there. You wanna give it a try?" Paul said as he pointed to the rock that Alex had seen before.

Alex just gave a sheepish smile as he shook his head.

"I don't think I'm good enough to not risk death. Sorry, Paul, but it's just too scary." Alex said as he gave a light laugh.

Sam and the others gave a laugh as well, and the atmosphere calmed down a lot more.

The next half an hour was spent with the boys asking Alex questions about what he had been doing, why he had come to Forks, and just general questions.

Alex also asked them about how life was on the reservation and if they had any other hobbies around besides surfing.

"Well, we mostly just help around the reservation, help with renovating any of the houses, and go fishing for food or take care of any of the crops around. Some of us also got work in Forks so they do that. Overall it's calm and nothing surprising really happens much." Jacob answered.

"I see, I guess I'm the surprise of the week?" Alex asked as he smiled at the guys.

"Suprise of the week? More like suprise of the year" Paul said as he and Jacob started laughing.

Time continued to pass, and some of the guys started surfing once more while Alex stayed at the logs with Paul, Sam, and Jacob.

Soon it was starting to become dark so Alex got up, giving the guys who were riding the waves, and turned to the three to give them a goodbye as well.

"I'll have to go now. I don't really want to make Charlie concerned." Alex said as he extended his hand to Sam.

Sam nodded and clutched Alex's hand.

"All right, before you go could we have a talk alone, however, Alex?" Sam said as he held Alex's hand, his grip tightened as he looked into his eyes.

Alex stood still for a moment and then minutely furrowed his brows as he nodded, staring directly into Sam's eyes as well.

"Sure," Alex answered.

Turning towards Jacob and Paul, Alex gave them his goodbye as well.

"You can stay here Jacob, I'll just make Sam accompany me to the truck," Alex said and nodded towards him and Paul.

"See you guys!"

"See ya another time," Jacob and Paul said as they smiled and gave a wave to Alex who smiled and turned around, walking back towards the houses with Sam.

Finally, when they were out of hearing range, Sam turned his head towards Alex as they walked and asked him.

"You aren't human are you Alex?" Sam said, his voice was deep and his demeanor had changed considerably from when they were seated together.

'He sure is trying to be intimidating though I don't feel any killing intent coming from him, and really Sam? Directly to the question?' Alex thought and turned his head to face Sam as well, both of them still walking.

"Yeah, and neither are you, Sam," Alex said, his words causing Sam to stop walking for a moment but he caught up soon after as he continued walking alongside Alex.

"What are you?" Sam asked and then added on.

"You don't smell like a vampire, at least," Sam mumbled as they walked.

"To be honest I don't know Sam, you smell like a dog so I'll guess you're a werewolf or something. I just got red eyes one morning and that's it. I don't need to drink blood or anything so I'm guessing I'm not a vampire" Alex said as they finally arrived at the orange truck.

"Right, well you're right we are Wolf shape shifters it's a secret however so don't go around telling anyone about it. If you weren't a friend I'd have already tried to shut you up." Sam said as he stopped in front of the truck.

Standing next to Sam, Alex nodded as he told him with a nod as well.

"Right, don't worry I won't tell anyone and make sure you don't either, you didn't really freak out but those oldies at the council sure will I'm sure," Alex said as he motioned to the wooden buildings they had left behind.

"Right, also be careful of the Cullens, their filthy bloodsuckers," Sam said as he extended his hand for another handshake.

Taking it, Alex shook his hand and nodded.

"Sure, thanks for the warning, Sam."

Sam nodded and then parted ways with Alex as he headed back towards La Push beach.

'That sure was anticlimatic' Alex thought as he headed inside his truck.

'It's probably because I don't smell like a vampire or a cold one otherwise that would have turned much more bloody' Alex thought as he turned on the engine and started heading back home.


Second chapter of the day, Another one comming tonight since we hit the powerstone goal.

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Powerstone goal: 1300

Thanks for all the support once more.

Lots of Love

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