Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Time flowed, and soon, it had been a month since Alex had been to the Cullens house.

Walking outside the house together with Bella, he hopped into the orange truck and started driving towards Forks High School.

Driving the truck, neither of the two talked, it wasn't like they had to either as the silence was comfortable instead of an awkward one.

'Today is the day Edward stops trying a little and even talks to Bella. It's bloodwork day, so they meet when Bella is going to the nurse with Mike's help,' Alex thought as he drove the car over the puddles that had formed from last night's rain.

'I still have never seen this road be clear of water and puddles, ' Alex thought absentmindedly for a moment, only to shake his head.

'Back on track, don't get focused on random shit; from this day, the plot starts moving much faster; first of all, Bella and Edward start talking, then Bella goes to La Push a few days later and learns about the vampire stuff from Jacob, and finally she goes to Seattle so she can escape the dance and gets attacked by those pieces of shit' Alex thought out the entire coming scenarios as he started planning how he should interfere with the whole thing.

'I don't really like the fact that Bella is being attacked by those punks. The problem is whether I should interfere and stop it from happening, which would stop Bella from learning about the Cullens from Edward himself,' Alex thought as he finally arrived before the parking lot.

Driving his car inside, he quickly found a free parking space and stopped the truck.

"We're here, Bells," Alex said as he took his backpack and got out of the truck. Once both were outside, Alex locked the truck and started heading towards the front door of the school with Bella.

'But I already know that stuff is going to change, and if Bella finds out about the vampires either way, then I can just stop all that shit from happening and just come clean with her myself. The Cullens can't stop me or tell me what to do either way,' Alex thought as he nodded his head, finally confirming his own plans.

'I'll have to let the story flow until Seattle, however, so I just won't go with them to La Push.' Alex continued his thoughts as he entered the school and walked through the hallways.

"Hey, Mike and Eric. Good morning," Alex said as he waved his hand at the two boys.

"Hey, Alex, Good morning," The two guys responded as they came to walk next to Alex.

"So, anything interesting going on?" Alex asked like he did every day out of habit.

Mike's smile grew as he nodded for the first time to Alex in what felt like weeks, and it probably was.

"Finally, there is something interesting. You keep asking that question every day. We are planning on going to La Push this Sunday. Are you comming?" Mike asked Alex while they walked through the crowded halls.

"No, I don't think I will. I have some other plans," Alex said, turning to Bella.

"What about you, Bells? Do you want to go with them?" Alex asked, hoping to God that she would follow the plot of the movie.

"Uh, sure, I won't have anything to do either way," Bella said as she looked at Mike and Eric.

"Anyone else comming?" Bella asked them.

"It's only our table: me, Eric, Jessica, and Angela," Mike said as he pointed to Eric as if his name wouldn't be enough to identify the boy.

"All right, well, you guys should have fun. I'll be going ahead to class first. See you guys later," Alex said as he headed to his own class while the others went their own ways.

Alex's first class of the day turned out to be biology, and surprise, surprise, they were doing Blood tests.

'Right, thank God I don't have that urge to go insane over blood. Otherwise, I'm afraid of what I would do with how new I am to this vampire shtick,' Alex thought as he waited for his turn.

And then a thought suddenly appeared on his head.

'Wait, shouldn't my blood be different from that of normal humans? What if they find something wrong with it? I might be overthinking this, but better overthink than risk this,' Alex thought and immediately raised his hand.

"Yes, Alex?" The teacher asked as he looked at Alex.

Keeping a straight face, Alex asked with an unwavering voice.

"I feel like I'm about to vomit, professor. Could I be allowed to go to the nurse?" Alex said while trying to sound completely normal and not embarrassed as hell.

'This isn't embarrassing at all; people will not think I'm a bitch. It's just a normal reaction,' Alex's thoughts went on as he tried to delude himself with his trademark. Overthinking every single thing.

The professor, Bob Banner nodded his head as he made a face as if it was understandable.

"For sure, Alex, we always get a few every year," Bob said as he motioned to Alex that he could go.

Nodding his head in thanks, Alex took his backpack and headed outside the classroom.

'Thanks, Bobby, ' Alex thought as he increased Bob's reputation on his own social list.

The rest of the morning classes were thankfully much easier to get through, and soon it was lunch break.

Heading to the cafeteria, Alex went inside and headed towards his usual spot next to Bella, only to find her missing.

Looking around, Alex tried to find her, only to find nothing.

Then, it came to him a second later.

'Right, Edward drove her home because she got sick from smelling the blood,' Alex thought as he nodded his head and headed to his table, only to decide otherwise.

Turning around, Alex headed toward a table at the end of the hall.

"Hey, I'll be joining you guys today," Alex said as he sat next to Alice, not waiting for them to say anything.

Rosalie, as always, looked like she wanted to rip his head off while Alice and Jasper simply smiled at him.

Emmet, on the other hand, gave a hefty laugh and then welcomed Alex by giving him a slam on the back.

"How have you been, Alex? We haven't been meeting a lot these days," Emmet said as he grinned at Alex.

"I was better a few seconds ago, Emmet. God damn, just because I'm not human doesn't mean you can slam my back like that," Alex said as he furrowed his brows at Emmet though you could easily tell that he wasn't actually mad at the giant bear.

Emmet, as always, simply laughed in his face and ignored all his words.

"Well, I just thought I'd come sit with you guys since Bella isn't really here from what I'm seeing, and it looks like Edward isn't here either. So, is there any connection?" Alex asked as he turned to look at Alice.

Alice simply shrugged her shoulders and said.

"We do not know either. She should be fine. However, I'm sure I would get a vision if something were to happen to her, Alex," Alice said as she tried to comfort Alex.

"It's fine. I'm not really scared for her. She's already grown up and can take care of herself," Alex said as if he were somehow much older than his sister.

A moment later, Alex added as he thought of how clumsy Bella was.

"I think"

This caused a small giggle from Alice as she nodded her head and told him.

"Yeah, sometimes I also think the same with Edward. He's so stubborn, however, that no matter what I say, he just won't listen. It's like I'm talking to a child," Alice said as he played with what looked like a monster made of rice on her plate.

Then she made a face as if she had realized something and offered her plate to Alex.

"Right, I forgot, but you can eat human food, right? You want some?" Alice asked as she pushed the plate towards him.

Alex lowered his head for a second, looked at the monstrosity, and immediately raised his head to shake it as quickly as possible.

"That's not human food, Alice," Alex said with a twitching smile.


This is the final chapter for the night. 3 chapters for today since we hit the Powerstone goal.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and check out my new Twilight fanfic ( The Twilight Gamer ) Check out my Patreon at:

The power stone goal is 1300 for an extra chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thanks a lot for the support.

Lots of Love

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