Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 9 – Blessed Child Of Chaos and the peculiar book

Hi guys, as some of you have noticed, I added pleasure tolerance as a resistance skill. I forgot to add it honestly, now it's updated in the status.

Also, the skill description is based on the skills in the novel azarinth healer. Anyways enjoy!

The four girls entered the library. Upon entering they saw a large number of books and grimoires, glowing with preservation runes and placed on high shelves. There were reading areas around, with wooden tables and chairs placed in some areas.

An old female librarian, Grand Elder of the academy, and the sole guardian of the library were sitting lazily on a comfy looking chair, reading a book at the counter. Nobody knows her name or did she ever care to give it. They just call her the librarian, and she has already served as the librarian for over 200 years.

She once tried Identifying her, it resulted in this:

Summoner - lvl ???

Naturally, witches were a subclass of summoners. While an orthodox summoner focused on summoning multiple disposable creatures, commanding them to battle, a witch just summoned one and channeled its energies, personally participating in the battle alongside it.

The librarian cast a small glance at the girls nodded and continued reading. The girls, who were used to the unsocial librarian, nodded back in respect and went ahead to take a book. The girls split up, and each took a book of their interest to read. Ecna took a book about shadow magic, Natasha took a book about combat witches. Claris, on the other hand, picked a book called "Ritual magic for body modification". The girls could already guess for what it was...

As for Alex, she searched for a book about special constitutions and unique skills. She already asked her mother and many others in the academy, but no one knows what is this unique skill "Blessed Child Of Chaos".

Blessed Child Of Chaos:

You were born as a being blessed by the element of chaos itself, the most unpredictable, corruptive, destructive, and elusive element of all. Chaos has always been an element of the eldritch, but you, a non-eldritch, possess an extraordinary affinity and talent no less than the greatest of the eldritch gods. Remember, it is as much of a blessing, as it is a curse...

Effect 1: Grants Chaos Resistance 2nd lvl 20 and Corruption Resistance 2nd lvl 20.
Effect 2: All Chaos related skills, and skills that derive from it, is overall twice as strong and costs half the mana to cast.
Effect 3: Can communicate with all chaos oriented creatures. Improves friendliness of "Chaos" oriented creatures.
Effect 4: Affects and limits class selection, skill selection, and ritual magic to be chaos oriented.

Corruption Resistance 2nd lvl 20:

Stage 1: Corruption is the act of distorting your very concept of being, and can temporarily or permanently change you physically, mentally, and spiritually in a very insane direction, often making you susceptible to the whispers of the beyond. You have experienced the horrors of corruption and lived to tell the tale, sane or not, and now more resistant to its effects.

Stage 2: Whether you have come into contact with an eldritch deity or an ancient artifact beyond mortal comprehension, has caused you great exposure to its corruptive nature. If you are still sane enough to read this, then congratulations, you are now not only immune to passive corruption of the creatures of the beyond but also have a vessel of great structural stability, almost impossible to corrupt. Your soul and mind are still susceptible, however, so be warry.

Chaos Resistance 2nd lvl 20:

Stage 1: You have survived, by accident or not, One of the most primordial energies in the universe, Chaos. Usually wielded by the eldritch, it has great power of both destruction and corruption. You have survived such an ordeal, and grow resistant to it and its effects.

Stage 2: Surviving chaos magic is no small feat, Surviving it repeatedly is a miraculous one. You are now not only resistant to chaos magic and corruption more, but your very being is now forged to be more resistant to all magical elements that are derived from chaos.

The effects of the unique skill were as insane as it was overbearing and dangerous, promising power and danger as one. The 3rd and 4th effects especially. They basically mean that anything ritualistic will relate to the eldritch. The only comfort is that she has resistance to both chaos and corruption at the max of the second stage, or else her mother would probably lock her up and prevent her from ever getting a class, ever.

Alex has once asked the librarian, and the librarian stated that she knows unique skills such as "Blessed Child Of X", Where X is an element, But never had she heard of a monster or humanoid getting the chaos variant. It has been 2 and a half years of searching now, and she has searched over half the library books, but still did not find anything useful.

She walked to the downstairs floor of the library, since she had already covered the first and second floors, only the underground was left. As she was about to pick a book, suddenly something caught her attention. It was like a feeling, a whisper, a come hither. Curious, she went to an inconspicuous shelf and found a black, weathered old book. The markings on it were dilapidated. The runes long faded to the trails of time. There were dime a dozen of such books in this great library, that non would use. However, she felt a faint connection to it...

She could not help but reach out, almost touching it... But at the last moment, a weathered and old hand grabbed her hand while saying sternly, "Don't touch that!". It was the librarian, the apathetic grand elder of the academy. She continued with a stern and cold face, "That book is dark... and dangerous. This section of the library was inscribed with a subconscious repelling rune, how you were drawn here is beyond me. It was a mistake to let you in there, I should have sealed it long ago. Go to your friends, they are waiting for you." With that, the librarian took out some sort of inscribed cloth and covered the book. When the book was completely covered, Alex stopped feeling the compelling drive to the book. She then felt a chill. Was she controlled just now? Is it related to her skill? Alex did not dwell on it much and thanked the librarian as she left in a hurry, face pale and full of fear.

The librarian stared at the shrinking figure, as she cast a grim look at the now covered book...

Hey guys, here was a reveal on Alex's skills and 2 resistances that did not appear in azarinth healer. Also, a possibly powerful artifact? Who knows. Enjoy the read!

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