Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 10 – The librarians gift, The occult stadium.

Welp guys, I decided to just change Alex's surname from "Vexx" to "La Croix". It's because I really like the first name, and while I did like the surname, it makes me remember a shemale pornstar whenever I see her status. So I just went to a random name generator and took whatever I saw that I liked. Cheers.

Edit: Note to self, remember to save after each completed paragraph in case of a power outage.

Alex, pale and frightened, ran upstairs to the ground floor. She still felt chills at the thought of being manipulated like that. Just the thought of what could have happened if she touched that book turned her face pale. Alex began trying to relax by breathing in and out. "Suu... Haaa...Suu...Haa... Ok, Alex, Let's forget that this shit has happened, ever, and move on with your life". After talking to herself and calming down, she felt a lot better. She then went back to the waiting trio.

Seeing the trio waving at her while being busy reading the books they took, she suddenly remembered that she didn't take one back. So she went to take a book regarding healer classes. Surprisingly, it barely took 5 minutes to find one. She then sat down and read with the others.

From what the book stated, healers can be branched into subgroups. The 2 major subgroups are magical and not magical ones. The not magical ones were the ones who used alchemy and pharmacy to heal others, along with bandaging and sometimes a bit of mana. While they were not as powerful as a purely magical class's healing ability, they could produce the so-called 'healing in a bottle' that can heal others from afar, Or use items such as magical bandages that have recovery properties, Or skills that use little to no mana that increase the natural recovery of a patient. While they could not treat others during combat, after a battle, they were indispensable. Alchemy, in particular, was a major class that was indispensable to everyone, creating healing, stamina, and mana potions that can be used in critical times. They even had alchemical bombs that can deal major damage if hit.

Magical ones were naturally based on mana and spellcasting. This group can be divided into 2 further subgroups, which were full healers and half healers. Full healers were classes that devoted everything to healing, buffing, and protecting, leaving themselves pretty vulnerable alone. Half healers were those whose class was a hybrid with something else, most commonly being a combat healer, capable of short-ranged healing while fighting on the frontlines. Such classes were usually paladins and monks and the such. Other hybrid classes were simply half healer and half mage classes, capable of both casting offensive spells and healing. A prime example would be the 'Judge Of Light' class, being both an offensive and healing light mage.

Both of these magical subgroups can be further divided into 3 subgroups. Faith-based ones, that were worshiping a god of something, usually of the good alignment. They channeled divine energies granted by said god. While they had stronger healing than non-faith-based classes, they were also at the mercy of the god they worshipped. It did not help that many gods had strange and eccentric doctrines. Alex's mother stated that if she ever took a faith-based class then she will disown her. That was just how bad faith-based classes can get, and yet most healers still pick it, a testament of its effectiveness. The second type was element based healing. While it states that it is element based, in fact, can also include pure element-less mana and arcane healing. This type of healing is not reliant on a god, but your own mana. It is harder to control and is usually less effective than faith-based healing. The last type is the shamanic and ritualistic healer types. They use spirits or sacrifices as a medium for healing. It is by far the least effective of them since they are usually not focused on healing alone.

Alex was looking through the elemental healing, specifically of the chaos element. Unsurprisingly, she did not manage to find anything. It was not because it did not exist per se, but chaos magic was unpopular. Most people used it in offensive magic. Some used it for its corruptive nature. As for the rest, they usually belonged to some eldritch worshiping cults. Even if those cults knew of healing magics of the chaos element, they would never share it.

Sighing at her unfruitful harvest, she closed the book. Looking at the large magical clock on the wall, it was now 7 in the evening, and she and the girls needed to eat dinner, and then go to the occult stadium for the summoning at 9.

As the girls returned the books to the shelves and were about to leave, the apathetic librarian stopped them at the exit and said, "The three of you go, I need to talk a bit with Alex, alone". The girls looked at Alex, who looked a bit pale. Natasha said, "Alex, we will wait for you outside, ok?". Alex nodded with a forced smile.

The librarian said with concern, "Alex, today you are about to summon your familiar. Originally, I was not too worried even if you summoned an eldritch. After all, you are a blessed child of chaos. You are resistant to chaos and corruption and should be on very good terms with whatever you summon, generally speaking. However, I am afraid that it might not be so simple now... You might accidentally summon something out of your league. I can't convince you to not summon your familiar, but I can at least give you something for protection".

As she said that, the librarian took something out of her pocket. A white necklace, studded with bright magical gems. It had various runes inscribed on it. When Alex identified it, It was named Greater necklace of mind and soul protection. Alex was greatly surprised, it was a very powerful piece of equipment. A greater magic item was usually crafter by an artisan at above level 200 in his class. Artisans and craftsmen classes had a much harder time reaching higher levels. Among the humanoids, level 200 equipment were as rare as they were expensive. Usually, they were only obtained in high-level dungeons through risking many lives. Protection jewelry was 10 times as harder to obtain than normal equipment. Even her mother, who was a lvl 230 witch, only had a single level 200 equipment, and that was her wand, that she risked her life to get.

Alex stammered, feeling greatly touched, "Miss librarian... Thank you!". She then reached and gave her a big hug. The librarian revealed a hint of a rare warm smile as she hugged back. After a bit, Alex let go, bowed deeply, and went to her friends waiting outside, not forgetting to put on the necklace, tucked behind her shirt so that no one will see.

The trio knew better than ask what she talked about inside and went to get dinner. After dinner, it was now 8. 

They were all ready, so they just chatted until 8:45, and then walked to the occult stadium, a very large building, that could house an opera house easily. Many witches were coming to the entrance. Some of them were third years like Alex and co, and others were from the first and second years, along with some official witches who came to watch. It was a bustling and lively scene.

At 9 o'clock sharp, the doors were opened, and a sexy witch, who looked in her late twenties, was standing at the entrance. She had silver hair, long pointy ears, emerald green eyes, 1.75m tall, DD Cup breasts, a seductive face that looked like a more mature Alex, and a body shape that looked similar. She was the youngest elder in the academy and Alex's mother, Catherina La Croix.

Hi guys, here is a chap for you.

I have a question for you, would you be disturbed by a mother-daughter threesome? Would you consider it being incest enough for a tag?

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