Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 2 – System

"Ccu, fu"

I'm really trying to start speaking but words just struggle to come out.

I'm still unsure why these two don't talk and use that telekinesis thing. I want to name it something else but the only thing I could up with is telecommunications but that doesn't work either.

<There's no need to push yourself, little one>

"Fu… fuuuuuuuu!"

'Damn this annoying body. My God, why hast thou forsaken me?'

<You're a strange one>

It's been maybe a month or two since my birth, actually it could be a lot longer but I really don't have a clue. Time seems to flow quite quickly in this cave despite there not being much to do. Speaking, no, communicating with my parents seems to pass the time even more though. Considering both of them have thousands of years' experience between them, they don't actually communicate a lot.

Well, except when they are feeling frisky. Thankfully, both of them leave the cave when that happens sparing this bird's innocent eyes. Actually, I'm not innocent. I did live as a man for twenty-three years before this. That sounds a little sus so I'm going to move on.

I haven't actually gone close to the cave entrance yet because I'm sure there's no path going down. I've only ever seen both the dragons fly in and out of it and I really don't fancy falling off the edge. Being afraid of heights is a reasonable fear, alright?

This cave is actually perfectly suited for dragons. I don't see how a human could realistically climb up this high and even get up here. If they didn't have to hunt for food, then the dragons would never have to leave.

That reminds me, I'm able to eat food by myself now. I still need a little help getting the fur of the animal but I can chew, no, I don't have teeth so it wouldn't be chewing. Using my beak, I can rip small parts off the animal and then swallow it. I do worry a bit about choking but there's not much else I can do.

I've grown a decent size bigger and my legs are starting to get a lot a lot stronger as well. They have to because my wings are useless for carrying or picking anything up. My claws have gotten a lot sharper and stronger as well. Or is it talons?

Anyway, back to trying to speak. While I'm practicing, mother arrives back home with food for the day.

'What is that?'

<Have you never seen horses before Ikarus?>

'Never like that. They wild, correct?'

<Of course. I'm not as stupid as your father>

The two horses she had brought back were bulky and extremely muscley. Wild horses must be like that in this world then.

'Save me some, I'm busy'

"Fu… f"

<What is she doing honey?>

<She's been trying to speak all day darling>

"Cu… ck"

Okay, I've got the sound right, now all I need to do is put it together. Please work this time.

"Fuu… Fuuck!"



Father couldn't hold in his laughter but quickly grabbed his mouth. For the first time in this world, I heard one of them make an actual sound.

This, however had dire consequences.


After the tiny amount of laughter was made, the cave started shaking slightly like a small earthquake and a small amount of purple fog came from his mouth which started to surround the cave.

<Ikarus. Hold your breath and DON'T BREATHE IN!>

Hearing the fear inside my head coming from her, I held my breath without question. She quickly picked me up and we started to leave the cave.

<Dermakvar! You better sort this quickly>

<I know I know!>

Once we left the cave, I was chucked onto mother's back and she started to fly circling the mountain.

<You can breathe again now Ikarus>

'What just happened?'

<Dragon speech. This is why we cannot speak>

Don't look down, the dragon I'm on won't drop me. Just don't, look, down.

'But he only laughed'

<Once a dragon learns how to fully speak, it's only a matter of time before any sound becomes too powerful to be spoken. You shouldn't have this issue fortunately>

I hate this. Flying is horrible. Talons, don't let go of her back.

'I'm… sorry'

<Don't be. It was your father who didn't control himself>

A little time passed while we were flying about. I was still trying to ignore my completely rational fear of heights. Then, the black dragon's head snuck out the cave entrance.

<The cave should be safe again>

<If it's not Dermak, I won't forgive you>

It was just then I realized something bad.

'Wait, what about the egg?'

<No need to worry, little one. Your sibling can't breathe yet>

<That doesn't matter Dermak. What if your other child was in the middle of hatching?>


I actually feel sorry a little for father. It was my fault he laughed.

Once we got back inside, I still wanted to confirm if it was okay. Checking the egg up and down, I couldn't see any damage or cracks fortunately. The purple gas seemed to have cleared up as well.

'Why hasn't it hatched yet anyways?'

<Be patient little one. Just because you were impatient getting out of your shell doesn't mean your sibling will do the same>

<Your fathers right. Dragon eggs take a very long time to hatch>

'I'm impatient?'

I feel like father is telling me off slightly. It's not my fault I woke up too early, I think.

<Yes, you shouldn't have hatched for at least another few months>

He is telling me off. He might just be irritated that I made him laugh so I'll let it slide.

<Don't take your irritation on her Dermak. You're at fault, not her>

<Yeah, you're probably right. Let's just eat>

I guess it's safe to eat the horses then? I wonder how he cleared out the poison though.


"Fu, I miss my arms"

It actually didn't take me long to learn how to speak after saying my first curse. The next day I started practicing how to say mum and dad since most first words always seem to be parent related. Several weeks later and I can now speak full sentences.

<Just because you can speak, doesn't mean you have to, little one>

<Don't be mean to her>

I'm actually not sure what the name of the language I'm speaking in is called. Telekinesis always sounded like English in my brain but when I speak, it sounds completely different. I can understand it though.

"Don't get jealous just cause I can speak and you can't"

I'm unsure how to describe the sound of my voice. It definitely sounds feminine but I'm unsure if it even sounds human or not. I am a damn bird, probably explains why.

<You little… I'm going hunting. I'll be back in a while>

<Heh, you have the power to make your father disappear, Ikarus>

He looked grumpy while leaving. In his defence, I have been speaking out loud a lot recently. Should I apologize when he gets back?

"I'm getting a little bored now though"

<We can play a game if you like>

"What kind of game? No, I'm a little old for something like that"

<You're not even half a year of age>

"I was twenty-three-year back where I came from"

<Twenty-three is still a baby in dragon years>

Somehow, the dragon has a point. I'll listen to what she suggests.

"I guess you're right, what did you have in mind?"

<Hide and seek? Tag perhaps?>


I'm not even going to give a response to that.

<Don't like my suggestions?>

"Even If I did, where would I even hide or run? You can see everything in this cave from where we are right now, tis stupid"

<I'm just trying to help with your boredom, no need to get snappy>

I might have gotten a little irritated at that suggestion. It wasn't the smartest of suggestions though.

"Sorry, at least if I had some type of system or status, I'd have someth…"

<Voice authorization accepted. Initializing first time set up>

"…to, look at… Can you see that?"

As I was speaking, a female robotic voice started talking inside my head. At the same time, a floating blue bar appeared in front of me.

<I think you're seeing things Ikarus>



[<100% Initialization complete>]

'Damn it, that's loud'

[<Assigning user first time guidance>]

[<Guide found. Synchronization complete>]

[<Welcome to the automatic Guidance Advanced Partner system. G.A.P is, unsure why your system hasn't been opened in -82 days- and would like to ask, why?>]

'What the hell are you on about? I didn't even know I had a system till just now'

[<Does -user- need simpler explanation?>]

'Yes, I do, you stupid piece of crap artificial intelligence'

<Who are you communicating with Ikarus?>

'A voice in my head. I need to concentrate for a bit'


[<G.A.P is assigned to -user- to provide information and provide simple tutorial for R.P system>]


[<Reincarnated Person system. Does -user- wish to open R.P system?]

'Erm, yes?'

[Name: Ikarus  |  Species: Phoenix  |  Level: 1]

[Health    200/200]

[Stamina 150/150]

[Magicka 150/150]

What I could see was a real-life transparent status screen in front of me. It looked extremely basic and had no other information other than the four sections I can see.

'Can you explain everything in more detail?'

[Of course. G.A.P has nothing better to do. What should G.A.P start with?]

I swear that was sarcastic.

'Start with level and work the way down'

[<Level is -user's- execution points. EXP>]

Execution points? This system is just taking the piss and wants to get sued.

'What's can I use it for?'

[<Nothing. It displays how much EXP someone has>]

'Then… what's the point in levelling up?'

[<-User- would gain 500 points to distribute into health, stamina or magicka per level>]

'Five hundred? That's the same with what I'm starting with'

[<-User- species is phoenix. Phoenix species gain 5x distribution but takes 5x EXP to level up>]

'Okay… so if it takes five times longer to level up, how long would that take compared to a human then?'

[<-User- needs to be more specific and provide example>]

'An example… How many wolfs or goats would it take for a human to level up from one?'

[<Wolf and goat level is difficult to predict. Average calculation would be 6 wolfs or 14 goats. -User- is 5x that amount>]

'Thirty? That's stupid. What's the bet that increases every level as well?'

[<Correct. 10% increase per level. It is more efficient to hunt higher level enemies for optimal EXP gain>]

'This conversation is getting tiring now…. For the others, I can assume health is hits taken, stamina is energy used for physical activities and magicka is how many magical spells I can do'

[<Negative. Stamina and magicka is correct. Health is not hits taken. If -user- had head cut off, health would drop to 0>]

This system is making me more and more irritated by the second.

'That should be obvious to anyone. What about abilities or anything else? This system seems really basic'

[<-User- has no access to abilities and cannot access sub-systems till -ERROR->]

'Argh, is there any way of turning the error message down?'


This system seems a little trash if I'm being honest, at least there’s not much to forget. I level five times slower but gain five times more rewards. That doesn't sound bad until you realize I'm a just an overgrown bird with no means of protecting myself right now. It's a good thing I've got two dragons to protect me otherwise I might be screwed.

'Hey system, do you know any abilities I can gain like for example, changing into a human form?'

[<G.A.P doesn't know of any such way for -user- to change form or gain abilities>]

'This really is useless. Do you at least know how to open and close the status screen?'

[<To open and close status, all -user- needs to do, is think, close or open status screen>]

"If all I need to do, is think to open it, then why the FUCK DIDN'T IT OPEN AGES AGO!?"



I knew that would get me smacked so I purposely shouted it.

[<G.A.P needed voice authorization before activation>]

'If I was a creature that couldn't speak, then I never would have opened it, would I?'


"Now, you're quiet? I hate this system already"

<You're getting slightly worked up Ikarus. Is that voice irritating you?>

"You have no idea"

Then an idea came to mind while I was talking and facing mother.

'System, can I view other people's status?'


As soon the system answered, a different transparent status opened above my mother.

[Name: Kellearzar  |  Species: Dragon  |  Level: 1,000]

[Health  100,000/100,000]

[Stamina 74,737/75,000]

[Magicka 75,000/75,000]

[<Dragon species have 2.5x distribution points with no EXP modify. Highlighted dragon is max level>. Please note, 166,666 is maximum allowed for one stat]

"Mother, just what the hell are you made of? Your stats are insane!?"


"Imagine there was a box above your head which in numbers showed how powerful you are. Yours, would be five hundred times bigger than mine"

<Five hundred seems a little high, I think? I have lived a long time though>

She seems a little to humble for her own good if I'm being honest.

"I don't think you understand how mighty this is. You might be the most powerful existence in the world"

<You're getting carried away Ikarus>

<Mother has always been uncomfortable receiving praise, little one>

When did he get back? I must have been focusing so heavily over here, I didn't even hear him enter the cave.

I look over towards the other dragon whose just entered the cave and want to see if the system is working for him.


[Name: Dermakvar  |  Species: Dragon  |  Level: 524]

[Health    31,000/31,000]

[Stamina 37,348/50,000]

[Magicka 50,000/50,000]

That's not as impressive now that I've seen the final boss. It still beats my puny existence though.

"How far did you fly? You've used up a lot of stamina"


After father answers me, a murderous aura surrounds mother.

<Dermakvar… What else did you do other than go hunting?>

<I swear I d-didn't do a-anything!>

She really seems angry at him but is trying to hide it with a fake smile. Looks a little strange, that being a fake smile on a dragon's face.

<If you've been sniffing around other tails again, we are going to have a problem>

<I h-haven't, h-honestly!>

<You start stuttering when you're lying Dermakvar, remember?>

I'm a little unsure why she's slowly approaching and looks like she wants to kill him. It's only a bit of stamina.

Oh my god, I've just realized, I'm such an idiot.

I didn't realize stamina gets depleted that much from that type of activity, I've just completely thrown my father under a bus. Actually, he kind of deserves it. There's no way you would lose that much stamina from flying around for that long, I think?


A little time later on, when the fiery atmosphere had calmed down slightly and father had been kicked out of the cave. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. He was sleeping in the doghouse tonight. Our doghouse just happens to be at the peak of his mountain we were in.

<Can I come in?>

Telekinesis can't travel through rock so it must have been coming through the hole where the water fills the reservoir.

<Cheating lizards are not allowed in warm, comfortable caves>

<I'm sowwyyy!>

<Shut it if you truly are. Reflect on your actions like the dirty reptile you are>

I get the feeling this happens so frequently that I'm hoping it shouldn't take that long for it be resolved. I'll try and help by changing the subject. Oh, I'll should ask that.

"Mother, is there any way of changing into a human?"

<Why would you want to do such a thing?>

"I was a human before remember. I kinda miss it and besides, arms, thumbs and teeth are pretty useful to"

As much as I like to scream and shout about how stupid being a bird is, there is some positives, the most obvious would be flying. It's just a shame I'm scared of heights.

<There are a couple solutions I can think of but none of which are realistic right now>

"Why not?"

<The first requires you learning how to construct a human body from dragon language. Even if we can teach it you, that's years or decades of training to get to that point. The other requires human or mortal magic>

"Human mag- ah sorry, I know you two don't like humans"

<No need to apologize. Both of us don't hate humans but your dirty father in particular struggles a lot with them. They have caused him great pain so it's understandable. The magic to do such a thing is unknown to us but it definitely exists out there. Also, don't ever think he dislikes you just because you were a human once. Your father loves you just as much as I>

I'm getting sappy hearing that last bit.

"I know, I know"

Then a little rustling and shaking could be heard from the nest.

"Shi- No, what do we do?"

<No need to panic Ikarus. It'll hatch in its own time>

"Speaking from experience, you want as much help as you can get getting out from that dark hell"

<Please, can I come in!?>

Father now can't keep quiet wanting to see his second child hatching.

<Fine you stupid lizard. Just stay quiet and don't speak>


All three of us were now observing the egg while I was inside the nest waiting for it to crack.

As the egg was hatching, I went up close and put my face where it was cracking. As it was cracking and I saw what was inside, I thought of something which isn't funny at all.

"Surprise motherfu-"


That may have gotten me smacked. It would've been totally worth it if I was allowed to finish.

If it isn't obvious, I haven't exactly grown up mentally yet. I wasn't exactly mature when I was a human so why should I change? I think that got a silent chuckle out of father but if he thinks of making a sound right now, I'll find a way to kill him.

As for what was inside the egg, a brownish baby dragon face emerged through the cracked off part. It was insanely cute.


"Is that how ugly I looked when I hatched?"


I couldn't help myself. It was cute sure, but I can't exactly say that out loud, can I?


It broke free of the egg with no problems and instantly started rubbing itself on me. I'm starting to think I was over dramatic when I first hatched.

"It's so freaking ador- wait, Is it a boy or girl?"

<You can't tell, little one?>

<I told you not to speak!>

Father instantly gets shut up my mother. I'm not sure how these two can tell, probably some sort of dragon tongue magic crap.

"I could push it over to check"

<No! Don't do that. You've now got a little brother Ikarus>

'I wonder what his status is like?'

[Name: _____  |  Species: Dragon  |  Level: 5]

[Health    450/450]

[Stamina 400/400]

[Magicka 400/400]


<Ikarus, you'll scare him>


That didn't scare him at all.

This little lizard starts four levels higher than me. Yep, my system is shit.

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