Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 1 – Rebirth

---I'd strongly advise reading the 'read me' if you haven't already just to get an idea on what you're about to read---


Where am I? What happened? Wasn't I sleeping?

It's really dark in here.

Am I in a box? No, it feels round. A big oval ball perhaps?

Are my arms bound or am I just hugging myself? Wait, do I even have arms?

Damn it, this is making me claustrophobic now. I need to get out as fast as possible otherwise I'm going to start panicking, need to break it open but I don't know what with. I'll bang my head against it if I have to.

I really hope this is some sick joke that someone pulled on me, don't know anyone who would do such a thing though. I better not be getting kidnapped.

As my panic was setting it, I started thrashing about trying to get free and my head was the only thing I could move. Luckily, I think my nose smashing against the side seemed to be doing the job as I started to hear cracking.

'Come on, just a little bit more'

A part of where I had been attacking then cracked off giving me some light and some air. However, the light coming through into the darkness completely took me back blinding me and the air started to burn my lungs.

I started uncontrollably wheezing trying to breathe in this terrible air. Once my body adjusted to this shock and my eyesight had also started to adapt, I saw something extremely large in front of me.

'What… the, FUCK IS THAT!?!'

Staring at me with huge hungry eyes and a body that defied logic was a creature that scared the crap out of me. Not literally, I think?

A dragon, a big black terrifying dragon. Black head, black scales, black everything.

<Do not be afraid little one. I mean you no harm>

'Yeah, the big scary dragon means me no harm. I need to wake up from this dream'

<I can assure you this is no dream>

'Wait, can you read my freaking mind!?'

<No, we are using telekinesis. Once you calm down, you'll be able to control it easier>

If it wasn't obvious, the terrifying dragon wasn't actually speaking. I could hear his voice directly inside my brain. It wasn't a very nice feeling. His voice was very deep.

'Wait, I thought telekinesis was movin- oh forget it, can you help me out of whatever I'm stuck in then?'

<I'm not supposed to help you break free of your egg, little one. Your mother won't be best pleased>

'What do you mea- Wait a second, egg? Oh, damn it, I'll just do it myself'

I started thrashing about again and after spending a little while doing it, I finally was free. But there was a much more immediate problem that came up.

'Just… What the hell am I?'

After I broke free from the egg, I immediately fell over as my legs just couldn't handle standing upright yet. It was then on the soft floor when I finally noticed what I was.

A bird. A reddish-orange bird with slight black markings down my chest. Or breast? I clearly was right about not having arms; they were now wings but why the hell am I a bird? Wouldn't it make more sense for me to be a dragon if I hatch out of a dragon nest?

Okay, I've really got to start calming myself down now otherwise I'm going to get badly worked up. Control my breathing, I should wake up shortly, right?

<Good, it looks like your mother is home>

The large cave that I'm in, a creature even larger enters through the entrance. A red scaled dragon that must have been easily doubled the size of the black one.

'I think I'm going mad'

<Dermakvar! I told you to call me once one of our egg hatches>

Her voice inside my brain sounds calming and kind, a little like a mother to be honest.

<Sorry my love but I was conversing with our daughter>

<She can communicate already!?>


I look down at myself again trying to notice a third leg. I didn't notice anything to begin with but I thought some male bird's species don't have penises. I guess I'm female then. That's not a big deal, sarcasm definitely not intended.

'You know what, fuck it. Nothing more can surpr-'

The female dragon now overlooking the nest I'm in slightly flicks my face with its paw. Or was is its claw? Regardless, it felt and hurt like a smack though.

'Ouch, why the fu-'

She smacked me again!

<Language! I'm not having my daughter use such vulgar thought>

At least that explains both slaps from the female dragon. She was now giving a death glare towards the male dragon as well. I was trying not to tear up, that really hurt.

<Don't look at me like that my darling. She swore at me when as well when she was hatching>

<And did you tell her off then? You probably taught her how to curse in the egg>

<I would never do such I thing. At least on purpose I think?>

'Ok, can please one of you explain what the f- No, just what's going on?'

I had to stop myself from thinking about swearing, being smacked hurt.

<It's okay to be a little confused about hatching. Your father should have called me and I could have helped you get through it>

'That's not the issue. I don't understand why I'm a bird and not a human anymore!'

<Oh my gosh! I didn't even realize that. You're a phoenix!>

<You now know why I didn't call for you darling. I needed to confirm it myself>

I'm not getting anything out of this conversation, am I? Will these two please give me some answers.

<Ahem, every… actually, I'm not sure how often it happens. Anyhow, a phoenix hatching from a dragon egg is something I've only ever heard about occurring in ancient times, it must be a miracle!>

<Your human soul was probably needed as a base for the phoenix's body little one. As for why you can you remember you were a human, I am unsure>

'That can't be right? This clearly isn't a miracle and I don't even remember dying. Damn it, I even have wings instead of arms'

<That… might be a little annoyance but you can still fly at least>

<Oh Dermak, it's not that big of an issue. She's still perfectly healthy everywhere else>

'Fu- Ah, I'm going back to sleep. Hopefully, this turns out to be a nightmare'


Of course, it wasn't a nightmare. I barely slept anyways.


Trying out what I'm actually able to do. I can just about barely hobble about and fu literally is the only noise I can make right now. This is mental torture; I can't even swear out loud in this freaking body.

It's only me and mother in the cave right now. Der- whatever his name is currently out getting food. It just seems easier to call them mom and dad anyways. It doesn't feel right but seeing that I'm apparently dead and I've just been reborn in an egg, this is the least of my worries right now.

<Ikarus, stop trying to curse>


<Me and your father decided to call you Ikarus before he left>

'You sure that sounds right?'

<It does sound slightly masculine, doesn't it? We can change it if yo->

'No no, it's fine. I like it. It's ironic'

I had to cut her off here, actually don't mind the name if I'm being honest.


'Yeah, Ikarus died by flying to close to the sun. Phoenix is a bird of fire'

<How can one fly to close to the sun?>

'I don't think it's literal. It melted something in his wings causing him to fall and drown. At least that's how the story goes, I think?'

<That's a very odd tale>

'Odd? I'm pretty sure I'm a mythical bird communicating through my mind with a dragon right now'

This made her chuckle slightly. Her laugh made no sound though, it was a little weird.

As we were communicating, father flew in through the cave entrance crashing and sliding into the ground of the cave making a load of noise. This immediately irritated the other dragon.

<Dermakvar! Just what the heck are you doing!?>

<Hehe. Just giving our little one a scare>

This, didn't scare me in the slightest. I don't think there's much else that can surprise me now. Being reborn as a bird, meeting dragons, losing my little friend. I think it says a lot about me that the thing I'm most annoyed about is not being able to curse. Actually, I miss having thumbs and arms as well. Not having a penis is least of my concerns right now.

<Dinner, is now served>

While he was getting up, several dead goats could be seen under where he crashed into. I'm surprised they weren't squashed by his impact; he must have been holding them in a way so they didn't.

<Dermak, I've told you before not to hunt human livestock>

<Relax darling. They’re wild, not tamed. I'm not taking any risks now that we have a little one around>

Being called little one by the male dragon is starting to wind me up slightly but from his perspective, I am tiny. I'll just have to deal with it. Thinking about it, I could eat something. I can't cook it though, can I?

'Can I have something?'

<Of course. Dermak, give her one of smaller ones>

My father throws one of them into the nest. Then I realize something important. Can I even eat this? An eagle is the closest thing I can think of that might be similar to a phoenix in looks so I reckon eating raw meat is fine but it's not exactly appetizing.

Still looking at the small poor dead goat next to me, my appetite starts to fade even more. I did eat meat a lot back in my previous life but I never had to actually carve it up. And even if I did, I would have arms and a knife, not a beak and wings.

Yeah, I'm not hungry now.

<Dermakvar! I meant actually help her eat it. How is she supposed to do itself?>

At least my mother understands my physical struggles. Even if I don't want any now.

<Oh right, sorry dear>

The male dragon rips a large portion of the dear off and starts to chew it down finely. I immediately realize what's about happen, I most definitely don't have an appetite anymore.

'Umm, actually, I'm not hungry anymore'

<Come on little Ikarus. Your dad is doing the hard part for you. You'll starve if you don't eat>

'That's not the worst option'


<Don't use telekinesis with food in your mouth dear. This isn't that hard to do Ikarus. All you need to do is open your mouth so your father can feed you>

'This is disgusting, I'm not doing it'


I ended up doing it. I think my survival instinct took over.

That was, extremely humiliating to say the least. What makes it even worse was that the regurgitated meat didn't even taste that bad. It still wasn't great, reminded me slightly of undercooked mashed up lamb. Just might have been better if I could actually eat for myself.

Just why the hell am I a blasted bird?

Anyway, now that I've calmed down a lot and filled up, I actually start to have a look around me.

Starting off with the nest, it actually is surprisingly comfortable considering its basically just a pile of furs stacked up high on each other. I have no idea how long it would have taken to get this many animal corpses but considering these two are dragons, probably not that long. I think they sleep on the cave floor though so the furs are just for the nest.

There's also another egg in here that in my stressed-out state, I forgot to notice. I assume it will hatch soon but have idea if it will or not. It's roughly the same size as me.

Actually, thinking about it, I'm a lot bigger than what an eagle would be full grown right now. I might end up being the size of a dragon when I get bigger. That's not a pleasant thought.

It still makes no sense why two dragons end up having a different species hatch from their egg but I'm past questioning everything now. Whatever's happening, I'm kind of resigned to just accept it.

As for the rest of the cave, obviously the size of it is gigantic. To be able to fit these two dragons in, it clearly would have to be big. And seriously though, mother is a lot bigger than father.

I guess father must be into bigger women then. And no, that wasn't a fat joke! She literally is twice his size. She's not fat, okay?

There is also a small pond, no reservoir? It doesn't matter what it is called, there's a small hole in the ceiling of the cave which when it eventually rains, water must pour through it into this reservoir. It's pretty cool to be honest how it's naturally formed like that.

The last part of what I can see isn't actually in the cave itself, it's the entrance. All I can see outside is the sky and clouds meaning this cave must at the top of the mountain.

Of course, it would be on top of a mountain, dragons like mountains, right?

Now that I'm done noticing everything, I kind of feel like I'm missing something. I've supposed to be reborn as this mystical bird so shouldn't I have something else? Like a system or a way of levelling up or something like that?

'System? Status? Menu?'

Of course, that didn't do anything, I'm so stupid. I wonder if saying it out loud might work. No, it probably won't.

<What are you doing little one?>

'Shit, I thought you were both asleep. Just trying out if I have a special power or something like that'

<Mother is still asleep. No need to think about something like that just yet, little one. This is your first day of life after all>

'Well, it's not though. I did live as a human before'

I would tell these two about it but I don't think they really care all that much. Maybe they don't like humans or they just have no interest in the past. I'm fine sharing or keeping it hidden anyways. My life wasn't all that memorable.

'So, how does power work in this world then?'


'I mean, is there stuff like magic and how do dragons breath fire? That sort of thing?'

<Hmm… I don't think that will be of much help to you little one>

'Why not?'

<Because magic is a mortal concept while dragon tongue might be impossible for you to speak. It will probably be a waste of time>

He seems a little dismissive of the entire thing, unsure what to make of it.

'I still would like to know regardless'

<Magic or mana is a stupid idea that mortals use consistently wrong as an excuse to commit atrocities. The basics behind it are fundamentally flawed which ends up with most of it being lost when in use. I'm not someone who can give you an unbiased opinion on it>

That, didn't help at all. He must really hold some disdain to mortals or magic then. I won't ask him about that again.

<As for dragon tongue, it is an ancient language that is used for types of dragons' breath. It's hard to describe how it works but if you can imagine intense anger and power put into sentences, then you have a basic idea on how it works>

'Is it kinda like shouting?'

The second I thought that, my mind instantly went to an old video game about dragons. I wonder if that's been re-released on the toaster yet. I wanted to get it on my microwave as well.

<Yes… but no. It is only lightly speaking but any words that come out of hold immense power and force. It will make more sense in the future if you happen to learn or experience it>

'What about species of dragon? And what even is a phoenix?'

I know a little about Greek mythology but that doesn't mean it's the same story over here. Don't remember ever reading about a dragon hatching a bird.

<They’re… difficult questions to answer. Starting with your second question. A phoenix is a legendary bird that until today was considered extinct. I have heard of a phoenix being born from a dragon's egg once but that was over two thousand years ago. I'm unsure on any details that can help you with that unfortunately>

It's just as I thought, there’s no good information on what I am. It's a shame but what can I do about it? I'll just have to rely on what I know for now.

<As for the first question, there are only one species of dragon. It's only ever been measured on strength, colour and age>

'Strength, colour and age?'

<To measure a dragon's strength, all you need to do is look at the size. Your mother in particular would be twice my strength>

So, he isn't into bigger women, he's into stronger women. Each to their own, I guess.

<Colour is what that dragon is specifically strong with. I'm good with dark breath, no, dark magic breath? Forget it, I'm unsure on the exact wording but I'm good with any language that is darkness related hence why I am black. Your mother is a pyromaniac so that's why she's red. Don't tell her I said that>

Shouldn't she be orange like me then if she's strong with fire though? That's kind of a pointless question so I'll ignore asking that.

<And lastly is age. This is what those damn humans use to determine a dragon's strength. It is completely meaningless. Your mother is half my age and yet is twice as powerful>

He started getting a little unnerved when speaking about humans. Not a nice memory of them, I reckon. Definitely not going to ask about that.

'Just how old are you two anyways?'

Oh, I forgot you're not supposed to ask old people their age. Whoops.

<Too old to know better little one, too old. I've already given you a slight hint>

So, he must be over two thousand then.

'Any idea about my lifespan?'

<Who knows? I've never heard of a phoenix dying by natural causes so it could be as long as dragon, maybe longer, maybe less. Their might still even be one or two hiding away that wish to be considered extinct>

That kind of goes against the myth though. There are only supposed to be one at a time and isn't it only supposed to live for five hundred years? That's still a heck of a long time though if it's true.

'I'm supposed to live that long with no arms?'

<You've got wings right? They will provide much more use than arms anyway>

'Easy for you to say. You've got both and don't have a fear of heights'

He started silently chuckling at my response here. I don't know why though; it wasn't a joke. I'm terrified of heights. It's my biggest fear. My wings are pointless.

<You'll learn to get over it, little one. All creatures with wings have to learn eventually>

'I doubt it'

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