Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 80: Date

We stayed on the couch for a while and cuddled in silence. “What are we doing for lunch?” I asked after a while. “It feels like we should celebrate.”

“Sure. Should we go into the city? I mean, screw the politics. We can just let Loriel and Elnora deal with it.” Lucy suggested.

“Tempting. I suppose they can take care of themselves. Let’s make today about us.” After a moment I added: “That means we do have to leave this couch though.”

“A terrible flaw in our plan.” Lucy agreed.

After lounging for a little longer we finally got up. I stretched. “You know, a walk might actually be nice after all this sitting.”

“Do you think they will send guards with us again?” Lucy asked.

“This time we just refuse them. If they insist we simply slip away. We don’t need any company today.”

We informed our elven guards that we would be out for the day. Then we left. We managed to get all the way to the front entrance before we were accosted. A butler approached us.

“My ladies, can I help you?”

“We are fine, just exploring your fine city for a day.” I answered.

“Shall I get you a carriage?”

“No, we enjoy walking.” Lucy answered.

His left eyebrow twitched at that. “That would be unbecoming for ladies of your statue.”

Lucy snorted. I stared at the man and put some menace in my voice: “Leave”

The man fled.

Lucy moved her head towards my ear. I could feel her warm breath. My entire body tingled. She whispered: “I like it when you show your power.”

I blushed. “Uhhh…” was my very coherent answer.

With a little bit more glaring on my part we passed the guards and ventured into the city. We could easily match the speed of a carriage with some jogging. We followed the main road for a while.

“Any idea where we are going?” Lucy asked.

“Not a clue. We could stay in the richer parts and find a nice restaurante. Maybe something really expensive to celebrate. I am sure this city has some renowned chefs. I guess we should have asked someone…”

Lucy approached a patrol and simply asked: “Excuse me, what would be the best restaurant in the city?”

The guard was not sure what to make of us. “My ladies, that would be the Smiling Dragon. But it has a very… exclusive clientele and is rather pricey.”

“That is fine.” Lucy said, smiling.

He still looked sceptical but gave us directions anyway. It led us to a mansion in the noble district. It was surrounded by a metal fence with golden tips. A stone path led from the gate to the front door. A nice garden surrounded the two story building. It seemed rather big for a restaurant but maybe the owner lived there as well. The door was guarded by a man in a suit. I approached him.

“Greetings. We heard of your fine establishment and wanted to inquire about dining here.” I was really hoping that a lot of gold and the foreign diplomat status would be enough to get us inside. While I was not that optimistic, trying would not hurt.

“So the ladies wish to make a reservation? Do you have a recommendation from someone?”

“No we have not. We are part of the delegation from the Dominion. It’s our first time in your lovely city. We were also wondering if you had a table free today? Money is not an issue.”

The man frowned. “Do you have any proof of your standing?”

I considered that for a moment. Maybe I could try my aura thing? Not to frighten the man, just to show some of my power. I closed my eyes and focused inward. I wanted to project nobility, authority, power,... I wanted the man to be in awe.

When I opened my eyes they glowed in a purple light. I could almost feel the magic in the air around me. I spoke calmly. “I am countess Amaya Delphinium, archsorceress of the Dominion. My word is my proof.”

I got at least something right because the man did not run away in fear. He did look rather shocked though, his mouth hanging open. The way Lucy looked at me, combined with her earlier statement, almost made me blush.

I closed my eyes again and focused on appearing normal. When I opened them someone came running through the front door. A wide eyed woman with red hair and fiery red eyes. Her dress matched her hair in colour. She quickly arrived next to us. “What happened?”

The man was still unresponsive and simply staring at me. I addressed the woman: “We simply inquired about eating in your fine establishment. The man asked for proof of our standing so I provided one.”

She gulped. “I apologise for any offence. I can show you to a vip table immediately.”

So maybe I did terrify someone. But if they had a free table we would gladly take it. This was my first official date with Lucy. I would just leave a big tip as an apology for frightening the lady.

“I am not offended. The man was doing his job, I respect that. I apologise for causing trouble. But we will gladly accept that vip table.” I said smiling.

The lady still seemed nervous. “Ah yes, no trouble, please follow me.”

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