Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 79: Feelings

I was contemplating the situation all the way back to our chambers. My arcane knowledge was of some use but I did not have a definitive answer. Besides spells there were inborn magical abilities, like my transformation into a black panther, or my Eyes of the Fey. It seemed my earlier display was such an ability that I developed.

So far I had been under the assumption that the powers I got when entering this world were at their peak. I was already more powerful than a night elf should be. Maybe the fey ancestry of elves, combined with the fey themed class I had in the game, made some difference? My knowledge of the fairy realms was rather limited. They never played a major role in the game.

Fairies were most certainly real in the world I was in now. Lords and ladies of the fey were supposed to be as powerful as demon lords and lived in a different dimension. A lot of their powers were elemental in nature, just like my own. I also had a warlock…

Back in our rooms I poured myself a nice glass of wine and settled back onto the couch. I wanted to get back to the power I was actually trying to develop. There was enough time to worry about my aura later. I still wanted to understand the bond and use it for telepathy. I closed my eyes and focused inward. I tried to visualise the bond between Lilastheria, Lucy and myself. It was easy to differentiate the two. I felt a lot of warmth and familiarity from Lucy. Partly because of our travels together but also because she was my warlock. I had gifted her a part of my soul and that still resonated with me.

I poked and prodded the bond. I got a feeling of curiosity from Lucy in return. Having identified our connection I now tried to attach the telepathy spell to it. As I shaped the magic to adhere to the bond the spell jumped from a simple 3rd level all the way to 6th. As the spell completed Lucy’s mind offered no resistance. She embraced the magic eagerly.

“Hello?” I thought at her.

“AMAYA! THIS IS GREAT!” she sort of shouted back.

“Um, maybe think… quieter thoughts? That was a bit loud.” I responded.

“Sorry! I am excited! I did not think you would come up with a solution this quickly. I felt something strange earlier. Like a warm, comforting embrace.”

“I apologise. I should have warned you what I was doing. But we should be able to communicate like this in the future. The spell lasts for one hour. It might also transmit some stray thoughts if we are not careful. Making proper use of it will need some training.”

“I understand.”

“Let’s see how easily we can switch between talking and thinking.” I said out loud and opened my eyes. I was staring straight at Lucy who had sat down next to me. I was so focused on the magic I had not noticed. Her beautiful purple eyes looked at me in excitement. I briefly wondered what It would feel like to kiss her lips…

“What was that?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “I felt something from the connection but I can't quite identify it.”

I blushed furiously. “It was nothing!” I thought back at her. I did not quite trust my voice. I really needed to train using this spell properly.

I stared down at the floor. Suddenly I felt her hand on my chin slowly lifting my face. My eyes widened in panic as I saw her mouth getting closer. Then she kissed me. My brain briefly stopped. It felt… amazing. Way too quickly it was over.

“You know, I liked you for a long time. What you did for me I can never repay. And yet you have asked for nothing. Originally you said you would offer me a job. Yet you treated me like an equal. You don’t order me around. We have become partners in this adventure.” She briefly paused and then continued in our minds: “I noticed your looks when we went swimming. I have seen the desire in your eyes. Yet you never made a move. I appreciate that you did not want to pressure me. But it is ok, I like you too.”

My heart was racing. But I gathered all the courage I had. This time I initiated our kiss. We were both breathing hard afterwards. Despite the confidence in her voice she was also blushing.

“I really like you Lucy. I have been hesitant about facing my feelings. I did not want to lose you.” I thought at her.

She smiled and hugged me. I leaned into her embrace. I forgot about all of our troubles. Life was good.

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