Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 28: Party

In the evening the streets were filled with happy people. The whole city was throwing a party it seemed. We made our way to the market square to hear the duke’s speech. I was curious what he would say.

The duke was wearing some fine clothing and stood on a stage. He was flanked by his guards. A mage was busy amplifying his voice.

“Citizens of Iron Rock, I know you have many questions and today I shall give you answers! Our city was attacked by demons, a whole army of them. BUT WE WERE VICTORIOUS!”

“YEAHHHHHHHHH” the crowd shouted.

“Now you wonder, how did it come to this? The answer is the treacherous Empire! Several days ago they tried to have me assassinated in my very home! They unleashed demons in our city!”

The crowd gasped.

“They played with forces they could not control. They summoned a demon lord upon this world!”

There were cries of outrage but a lot of people suddenly looked frightened.

“Worry not, the demon lord Mantus was vanquished! While the inquisitor cowardly fled from the disaster he unleashed, the Dominion stood with us! Their agents risked their lives for our city and emerged victorious!

Many brave people died today and they will not be forgotten. I have called the leaders of the other nations to discuss our future. We shall hold a summit in our city!

But tonight… tonight we drink! Tonight we eat! Tonight we dance!


He grabbed a big mug and started to drink. The crowd cheered and the party continued.

“That was bold.” Lucy said. “He openly accused the Empire. They will be furious.”

“He wants to make sure that there is no sympathy for them left. William will use this to increase his own power. I would not be surprised if he arrests some nobles. And the summit will give him some international protection.”

“True. The charred landscape in front of the city should make quite the impression. Also he thinks he does have the Dominion on his side already…”

I sighed. “This will be interesting. Oh well, let’s go to the palace and enjoy his party. Politics can wait.”

We both wore simple travelling clothes which made us stand out. Everybody at the party was dressed up. It was a gathering for the wealthy elite. Of course nobody dared to criticise our attire. Defeating a demon lord gave us quite the reputation. It also meant most people were too scared to talk to us. Which allowed us to enjoy the nice buffet in peace.

“Amaya, Lucy, nice to meet you again!” A female dwarf I did not recognize approached us. I tried to remember the face but I was sure I had never seen that person before. The only female dwarf I had a longer interaction with was Hilda. While the hair was the same, the facial features were wrong. This lady looked a lot more delicate.

“Sorry, do we know you?”, Lucy asked.

“Hilda?”, I said, frowning. It made little sense, yet she was the only dwarf I knew. So either this person was messing with us or it was Hilda in disguise.

“HA! You saw right through me didn't you? Even with this polymorph potion.” She grinned. “Let me properly introduce myself. Hilda Bloodforge, dwarven intelligence.”

Lucy just stared. I was equally perplexed but tried to keep my expression neutral. “So… why are you telling us this now?”, I asked.

“I wanted to work closer with you from the start. But my superiors were sceptical. They sent me to check you out. Said there was no way the Dominion had a big operation here without their knowledge. Bunch of fools.” She shook her head. “We knew the Empire was up to something but we had no idea it was this big. While you were out there stopping them, I had to look into our elven friends. I hope this mess will teach our nations to work closer together.”

I felt sorry for her superiors. I hoped I did not cause too many problems for them. Meanwhile Hilda continued: “After you defeated Mantus nobody doubted your affiliation anymore. That was a magnificent display of power. Our people are still wondering how you pulled it off.”

“But why are you here, polymorphed?”, Lucy interjected.

“Ah. I am currently a wealthy merchant, a caravan guard would not fit into such a gathering. I am just keeping an eye on things here. And I revealed myself because dwarven intelligence wants to work with you concerning the security of the summit. Nobody expected the Empire to be that bold so we are extra cautious.”, Hilda explained.

I really did not want to make any commitments on the Dominion’s behalf. “I can't promise anything…”

“No problem, I did not expect you to. Just let your handlers know.”, Hilda replied.

Great. The dwarfs expected me to be their liaison with the Dominion. I needed a drink. Maybe lot’s of drinks. Thankfully we were at a party.

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