Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 27: Aftermath

Around us the storm was still raging. The ground was soaked from all the rain. The lightning bolts did not just hit demons, they also electrified all the puddles that had formed. The grass, the trees, everything was charred by now. Shani was still laughing madly. Somehow she had conjured a giant scythe made of lightning.

While I was taking in our surroundings Lucy approached and hugged me. “Amaya, we did it! Are you alright?”

“My arm and a few ribs are broken but they should be fine by tomorrow with my regeneration. By the way, I noticed you used three 9th circle spells. You know, even the most powerful warlock should only have two slots.”

“I am just a normal fox kin I assure you.”, She said while trying to imitate my voice.

We both laughed.

“But three is my limit.”, she added.

We stopped hugging and I looked towards the city walls. The demons who escaped the storm were still attacking Iron Rock. A lot of them were pierced by stone spikes coming from the ground. I suppose there was a reason why Nicholas was named Earthbreaker. The guards were winning but we might as well help. “Lucy, we should go and help with the remaining enemies.”, I suggested.

Lucy looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “You should put on some clothes first.”

I had completely forgotten that I was only wearing my armour. “Ah yes, good point.” I blushed and used my storage to equip another set of clothes. I also collected the corpse of the demon lord and his gear.

My storm disappeared as we made our way back to the walls to help with the cleanup. It did not take long. Shani joined us as we finished.

“That was a lot of fun! Did you see my scythe? What are we killing next?” There was a crazy gleam in her eye.

“Uh thanks for your help Shani. I think we have fought enough for now but I will summon you again in the future I am sure.”

“Ok. Call me when there is more fun!”

While the spell would have been active for some time longer I cancelled it and dismissed Shani. Her presence was no longer needed and would make a lot of people uncomfortable. I spotted Nicholas and William on the wall so we flew towards them.

“Amaya, Lucy, you are back! Is it… is it over?” William asked.

I pulled out Mantus' head and smiled. “We won.”

A lot of cheering erupted around us. William stared at the head. “You have actually done it. You defeated a demon lord.”

“That was some impressive magic my ladies. You are welcome at the academy at any time if you want a tour. I would also be delighted to discuss spells with you.” Nicholas said.

“Thank you, we might do that.”, I answered.

William looked towards the battlefield. From the wall you could clearly see the vast destruction my spell had caused. “Impressive magic indeed.”, He murmured.

“I will send a few squads to ensure all the demons are dead. We will also need to clear the battlefield of bodies and weapons. But tonight we will celebrate! I will hold a speech at the marketplace. Afterwards there will be a party at my palace. I would be honoured if you joined me.”

I looked at Lucy, she nodded. “Sure, we will be there.”, I answered. “For now we will clean up and rest.”

We left towards the inn. By now the word was spreading that the city won. People started leaving their homes again. It probably would not take long until people started celebrating in the streets.

When we arrived we went straight to the bath. Soaking in the hot water was exactly what I needed right now.

“How is the arm?”, Lucy asked.

“Still hurts but not too badly.”

“Do you need a cast?”

“No. My magical regeneration will ensure it heals the right way.”

“That is good.”, Lucy said. After a pause she continued: “So... what do we do next? Any plans?”

I took a moment to think. “Hmm. This mess is not entirely over. I am sure William will reveal the Empire’s plot to the public. We shall see how they react. It will also cause a stir among the other nations. A demon lord appearing is not something that can be ignored.” I mused.

“That means there will soon be delegations from all the nations. Uhm how are we going to deal with the Dominion? Should we just disappear?”, Lucy wondered.

“I am hoping we can come to an understanding with them. We are very powerful and we made them look good. They might be interested in keeping the lie going.”

“You make a good point. We slew a demon lord, we are now famous!”, Lucy grinned.

I pulled a bottle of whisky from my storage. “I think that calls for a drink.” I filled two glasses and passed on to Lucy.

“To victory!”

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