Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 184: Personal Plans

After the war council I had to conduct my own meeting with my people. There was planning to do.

“So, what are we going to do with the refugees?” I asked.

“They could stay here but I suspect a lot of them want to live under the open sky. We should let them settle in our county.” Lucy said.

“I agree. But we won’t be there to manage anything. We don’t have the time with the war starting now. We might have to send someone with them.” I argued.

“What about Thessia? She has that lazy earth elemental who can move her tree, now that she is not under pressure. She could move to our county and escort the refugees.” Lucy suggested.

“Hm. Could work. But I think we would need someone who actually represents us to manage things. I have no idea in what state our county is. And we promised them jobs.” I pointed out.

“I would like to be at your side but I will accept any task you give me.” Lily said.

“I think we should send the recruits to your county and someone to train them.” Iris added. “Maybe even raise an army there. To protect your lands and possibly send reinforcements. Wars can take a long time.”

“You would be perfect for the job but I think we want you at the front against the Empire. Your knowledge would be useful.” I said. “Minerva?”

“My lady, I would be honoured to take care of your estate. While part of me wants vengeance against the Inquisition, I am happy knowing that they face your wrath.”

“Yes! This wrath is going to do soooo much slaughtering!” Shani cheered.

“What about the runes? What if someone reactivates them?” Lucy asked.

“Do you think they are going to get a strike force into the Dominion, powerful enough to overwhelm and capture Minerva? Activating the runes requires a ritual, it can’t be done that quickly. They would need to actually capture her first.” I said.

“I am confident in my ability to fight them off. As your maid knight I am stronger than I used to be. I will not fall easily.” Minerva reassured us.

“We should also send Sandra. She could help manage the estate.” Lily suggested.

“True. Then we should get Josef there to work on a cure. Lilith is going to send some succubi to help which grants them even more protection. I think I like this idea.” I said.

“It sounds good. You don’t have any sort of teleportation item in your bag by chance?” Lucy inquired.

“Sadly no. I have no way to transport us across a long distance fast. Although with our shapeshifting we can run rather quickly. Or we can fly. Without anyone to protect we are quite fast.” I said.

“The smith should also go to your estate.” Minerva suggested.

“Yes. But maybe we can have him make some armour for Iris first. And Ben. Speaking of him, what about your family, Lucy?” I asked.

“Hm. I want them to be safe. Our estate should provide adequate protection. But having them close makes me worry less.” Lucy said.

“Keeping them safe at the front could be tough. While we are in battle someone could ambush them at camp.” I pointed out.

“True…” Lucy looked conflicted. I guess she did not want to be separated from them again.

“Of course you bring your family! Think about all the slaughter they would miss out on! And the relaxing bloodbaths afterwards.” Shani said.

“I don’t think a battlefield is the ideal environment for a child. Ben should be going to school.” I suggested.

“The battlefield can teach a lot but he is a bit young.” Iris said. “And I agree that keeping them at camp could be dangerous. Your family would need a proper bodyguard.”

“We could have Lily or Iris guard them. And only bring one of them to the battle.” Lucy suggested. “Maybe back them up with some summoned elementals.”

“We could do that. But I feel like they might be safer in our county.” I really did not think that Ben needed to see a war. It would be brutal.

“Pfft safe. Ben is going to have a lot of fun with us!” Shani objected.

Lucy looked thoughtful.

“Um, are you really considering Shani’s advice?” I asked.

“Hey! I am the cutest court elemental! Professional slaughterer! I am an expert. Trust the expert.” Shani said while bobbing her head.

“I will talk to them.” Lucy concluded.

“Ok. I will support your decision but I would recommend sending them to safety.” I told her while placing my hand on her shoulder.

“Anything else we need to discuss?” Lucy asked.

“It is getting late. We can talk to Thessia and Josef tomorrow. The army will take a few days to mobilise anyway. Our group does not have anything to pack, Amaya can store all we need.” Iris pointed out.

“Indeed. There are advantages to being a small group. If lady Lucy’s parents join us, we will need to make some arrangements. I will inquire tomorrow about carriages.” Lily offered.

We ended the meeting and everyone left. Only Myself and Lucy remained. I looked at her.

“You know, I think it’s time to investigate that second tail you grew. I think I should take a very close look at it. For science.” I managed to keep my face somewhat serious. I didn't even blush.

“Science huh?” She smirked at me.

“Indeed. The pursuit of knowledge is important.” I assured her.

“Then join me in the shower.” Lucy said while walking towards the bathroom.

I happily obliged.

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