Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 183: Council

The palace was busy with guards running around everywhere. People were trying to discover if something was taken and if someone was missing. The refugees we had escorted were fine if a bit shaken. Thankfully the intruders had no interest in simple villagers.

A few hours after the incident the king called a meeting. Ben was back with his parents and Minerva was keeping watch with the recruits. Lily, Iris, Shani and Lucy were with me. Solana and Loriel represented the Dominion. A lot of dwarves were around who I did not know. And Lilith was here with Erin.

“Let me start by thanking all of you for your help.” Dalroc said. “This attack was a surprise and exposed a weakness in our defences. Mostly our lack of information. It is also an act we cannot tolerate.”

He paused and looked around the room. “We had already begun with plans to move against the Empire. But now? Now we won't wait any longer. This attack means WAR!”

“WAR!” The other dwarves shouted.


Dalroc continued: “We will assemble our army and march towards the Empire. We will attack the Inquisition and everyone who stands with them. If the Emperor wants to help? So be it. If not? We shall crush him along the way!”

Loriel looked thoughtful while Solana did not seem entirely happy.

“What do our allies say?” Dalroc asked.

I guess our trip to our county was delayed, again. One day I would see it.

“House Delphinium does not have a sizable army but we will certainly stand by you. Our personal strength is yours.” I declared.

Dalroc nodded, he looked relieved.

“I shall join my peers.” Lilith said. “I can provide intel, a few elite squads and will personally take the field. It’s time to remind them who they picked a fight with.”

“The Dominion stands by its treaty.” Solana said. “Although, is an immediate attack the right thing? Do we know what they were after?”

This time Ingrid stepped forward. “Our spymaster is missing.”

Gasps were heard from the crowd.

The queen continued: “So are a number of documents. We are still completing our inventory. It appears that at least part of this raid was to gather information. I cannot say, at this point, if they were looking for something specific. I also cannot say if the spymaster was abducted, or killed.”

Lilith voiced her opinion: “What if he defected? Maybe he was the inside man who provided them with the information about this opportunity. Not too many people knew about my summoning.”

“I am rather certain about his loyalty.” Dalroc said. “But one can never rule out magical manipulation. He could have been forced to betray us.”

“Also, we visibly emptied the palace of our elite troops when we marched towards the summoning.” Ingird added. “All they needed was someone watching and a strikeforce waiting for such an opportunity.”

“Do we know how they got their force into the city?” I asked.

“No.” Ingrid said.

“If they have your spymaster, they might be prepared for an attack. Shouldn’t we spend more time coming up with a proper plan?” Solana cautioned.

“That would give them time to question the spymaster and come up with a plan too.” I argued. “Sure, we have to assess vulnerabilities. Maybe rotate some commanders. Shake things up a little. But striking quickly sounds reasonable. Gives them less time to prepare for our army.”

Dalroc nodded. “My thoughts exactly. Delays favour them, not us.”

“I have some other news to report.” Lilith said. “As you know, I do have a bit of a spy network. And I promised to share. While my information about the Inquisition itself is somewhat lacking, I can tell you that they have infiltrated Beravis. I am afraid one of their champions, Erwin Iceheart, is working with the Inquisition. Willingly, as far as I can tell.”

“Are you sure?” Loriel asked. “He has always been very patriotic. Why would he betray Bervais?”

“I suspect he does not see it as betrayal.” Lilith theorised. “But I do not know what they promised him. Beravis dislikes the Empire but they are also concerned about the Dominion. Once we start invading the Empire, they will use it to fearmonger. They will say Beravis is next.”

“You are saying that Bervais might attack the Dominion with the excuse of self-preservation.” I summarised.

“Yes.” Lilith confirmed.

“That means the Dominion will have to hold some troops back.” Solana stated. “We cannot leave our border vulnerable.”

“If I may?” Iris stepped forward. I gave her a nod. “Some of you might know that I served in the imperial army. There are plenty of good people left. If we can truly expose the rot within the Empire I am sure we can convince some of them to join us.”

“Sounds risky.” Loriel said. “It would be an easy way for them to infiltrate our forces.”

“I trust Iris. I am willing to give some people a chance. They can serve house Delphinium.” I said.

“Thank you, my lady.” Iris answered.

“If you can convert their troops I won’t reject them.” Dalroc said. “This means we shall provide the main army. Bolstered by a kitsune, an archfey and a demon lord we should do fine, even if we get reduced support from the Dominion.”

“Our generals will gather the troops after this meeting. We will start marching in the next few days.” Ingrid said.

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