Red Princess

Chapter 27: Delayed Celebrations

The entire room was silent when Amaragi finished her explanation, finally revealing it to her siblings as well. Albeit their reactions were understandably different at first, mainly because of their difference in age. Namagi remained motionless for a long while, seemingly staring right through her sister momentarily. 


Albeit in the end, she blinked her eyes once, her gaze slowly shifting between her older sister and Maren. 


With the latter still rubbing his wrists due to her previous actions. 


"Magi…" at first, a small smile began to etch itself upon her lips. But before long, it rapidly grew until Amaragi was suddenly taken aback by a prompt and unexpected bear hug, for her sister had simply leapt from her chair and thrown her arms around Amaragi. Namagi was smiling from ear to ear behind her neck, while her older sister was still overwhelmed by the sudden action. 


However, Namagi didn't let that opportunity slip by without using it in a proper way. And thus, while still being so close to her, Namagi almost inaudibly whispered into Amaragi's ear. 


"... you finally went for itI'm so proud…" Namagi merely continued to smile innocently when she felt her sister tense rapidly, her entire body stiffening in response. And she could only imagine how her facial expression was changing in colour to match her hair… 


With a sudden but still careful push, Amaragi forced her sister off, desperately trying to apply a facade upon her face. An intent that was most amusing for Namagi to watch since it failed spectacularly. 


"I believe I am the older sister here." Amaragi faked a small but stern cough, her eyes only narrowing further upon seeing that Namagi merely nodded her head, her eyes closed. 


Slowly. Knowingly. With smugness


In the end, Amaragi sighed in defeat, casting her eyes sideways to look anywhere but her sister. Meanwhile, Kiel was still sitting on his chair with a curious and questioning face, and before long, it began to take hold and he almost blurted out the next question that came into his mind. 


"Does that mean that Magi will have children now…?" 


"Huh!?" if Amaragi had in any way managed to cool down for a moment, it was immediately torn apart again when her body stiffened tenfold, and by now her face was most certainly matching her hair colour. 


Namagi couldn't contain her sudden outburst of giggling even when she immediately covered her mouth, albeit this time, she had mercy with her sister. Calming herself down before her sister would experience an internal meltdown, Namagi walked over to Kiel and gently placed a hand over his mouth before the latter could ask what was wrong. 


"Kiel, that is not how it works. I will tell you another time." she gave him a kind smile before she removed her hand from his lips, and Kiel merely nodded after a moment of hesitation. Albeit he still glanced back towards Amaragi, wondering why she was suddenly standing almost at the end of the room with her face nearly buried in her hands, causing even Maren to stare at her in concern. 


With that, Namagi also turned her head to face Maren, seeing how he was still tending to his wrists. 


"I apologize Maren, I hope you can forgive me for that…" she approached him with an apologetic expression, leaning down slightly to inspect his wrists. However, as she did so, she suddenly whispered again in an almost inaudible manner. 


"... but now you know what happens if you do ever make her sad…"


Maren tensed up as well, but before long, Namagi straightened again and lightly clasped her hands together. 


"They should be fine again after a bit. Once more, I apologize deeply." she bowed slightly before she turned to face her sister, deliberately ignoring Maren's frozen expression. 


It was really fun… whenever Namagi saw her sister standing outside, for example while issuing commands to their soldiers, or simply whenever she appeared as the iron hearted leader and crown princess to the outside… then she could see this immense contrast with the way she was acting right now. And it always fascinated her anew, regardless how often she witnessed it. 


However, as light hearted as the atmosphere was in that moment, she had to grow a little bit more serious now. 


"I'm really glad you're back though, Magi… honestly, without wanting to sound rude or anything like that… but I don't envy you for the amount of work you are facing each day, and I've only replaced you for barely a week." with that, Amaragi finally gained an opportunity to go with it and change the subject, and she could calm herself down in the process as she faced her sister. 


"It is not that bad, at least, if you get used to it. Really." she smiled slightly when she saw the defeated and genuinely exhausted expression Namagi was holding. 


"Maybe for you, but I think the only way for me to solve problems or diplomatic issues of any kind is through my saber. However, at least I've gotten a chance to get a glimpse of internal affairs. Thanks to the agreement between us and the Norians, our food supplies have grown significantly. It is finally enough to at least sustain the people outside, not just our military…" Namagi sighed slightly. 


"Perhaps you should see it for yourself sometimes, just after you had left, the first convoys had arrived. There are new food stalls throughout the market streets where our soldiers are distributing the resources among the people." Amaragi's expression lifted slightly when she heard this, her eyes slightly glancing outside the nearest window. 


"... however, you don't happen to know if something bad occured, do you? Father looked quite concerned when I passed him in the throne room, even for his standards. And he requested your presence later in the evening." not even before she finished saying this, Amaragi already heaved a deep sigh. 


"Yours too, Maren." with no small amount of surprise, both him and Amaragi perked up at that. 


"I don't know the specifics, he only mentioned that it concerned an issue in one of our military outposts outside of the capital. I'm sorry that it concerns you both so soon after your return, but father looks beyond pleased right now."


"It's not your fault in the slightest. Thanks for telling me, we will both meet him later. There… was an issue during our stay in Byanzinth, but I'd like to explain it at another time. I would like to use the time left to rest for a little bit…" this time, Namagi didn't even think about an ounce of playfulness or irony when she witnessed her sister's genuinely tired expression, and she could only nod in understanding. 


"Right, then… we don't want to intrude any longer, please take your time to relax, you of all people deserve it the most." Namagi glanced at Kiel, and he understood her unspoken request as well, already getting off his chair to approach the door. 


But just before they both left to give Maren and Amaragi some time alone, Namagi turned to face her sister one more time to give her a gentle smile. 


"Congratulations again, Magi… we will celebrate it one day, you can count on me."


And with that, she carefully closed the door behind herself, leaving the two of them to themselves. 


Amaragi sighed once more, but afterwards, a sweet smile etched onto her lips before she wordlessly approached Maren on the bed and cuddled against his side, more than intent to continue just where they had left off before. Never mind the tea cup that was long forgotten by now, she already felt better after this. 


"You know, you seemed tense before… did my sister say something to you back then…?" once again, Maren's body tensed slightly as he glanced down at her questioning eyes, but in the end, he merely shook his head. Albeit probably a little bit quicker and more forceful than needed. 


"No, nothing-… nothing important…" 


Thus, he wordlessly cuddled against her side in return, and Amaragi didn't question it any further as she sighed in pure and utter content. 


Leaving the two of them to simply bask in each other's warmth. 




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