Red Princess

Chapter 26: Revelation

After the long and exhausting time spent in the southern lands, the frigid climate in the north was almost a welcoming sign when they finally returned to Almera, arriving at the Imperial capital without any issues. 


Thus, when Amaragi stepped out of the carriage, her back feeling stiff from the uncomfortable travelling, she did her best to maintain her composure as she stretched lightly. Albeit the obvious satisfaction could not be hidden on her face, as well as the happy smile from finally being home again. 


She didn't even catch a mere glimpse of her father, who had already long exited his carriage before heading back straight into the palace. Not that she minded. 


"It feels too good to be home again… at least, I guess until I'm reminded what kind of troubles I am facing here every day." even though Amaragi tried to play it off as irony, the small amount of honesty in her voice could still be noticed. 


However, feeling just as delighted as her, Maren could only think of a way to show her his thoughts through his actions. 


So, he wordlessly took her hands into his own before holding them close to his chest, and the beautiful ring that was now resting upon his finger displayed directly in front of her eyes to see. Reminding her of an even greater joy. 


Feeling slightly taken aback, Amaragi tried to glance at the ground with a hum, at least until her gaze wandered to the palace. A certain thought was coursing through her mind, and after all the exhausting things that happened in Byanzinth, it was simply too tempting to shrug it off.


"You know what…? There is nothing that will stop me today from simply laying back to enjoy myself and take a rest." her eyes settled back upon his own with a smile, the subtle and underlying message being clear. With me she meant them


Around them, their escort delegation was beginning to head off into the palace as well for a well deserved rest, while the guards took over instead to move the horses back into the stables. 


Internally, Amaragi was still more than pleased. Her father knew now of her choice, and he had not directly interfered, or even attempted to foil her future plans for that matter. Which meant that she had all the time and freedom in the world to decide when or how she would like to make her bond with Maren public. 


But, these thoughts could wait for another day. For now, she was more than content with the knowledge that he had accepted her proposal, and today, she would stand true to her word and simply relax. 


She couldn't wait for it. 



A comfortable silence reigned in their shared chamber, with both Maren and Amaragi nestled close to one another. Neither of them wanted to move as they simply relished and basked in each other's presence, finding out the joys of simply idling around. 


Almost subconsciously, Amaragi had reached out her hand towards her nearby desk, grasping a glass that was previously filled with warm tea. Albeit it was then that she found out that its content was already empty, prompting her to open her eyes. 


Having witnessed this, Maren gently took the glass out of her hand before he suddenly stood up, much to Amaragi's dismay. While she appreciated the gesture, the lack of warmth and comfort when he went to fetch her another tea was too much of a downside. 


"Don't worry, I'll be back in a minute." he didn't see the frown on her face as he opened the door, only hearing her mutter. 


"... please don't take too long, alright?" he smiled, but with that, he slowly closed the door behind himself before he strode off towards the grand kitchen nearby. Preparing another warm cup of tea didn't take too much time, and before long, he was on his way back towards their chamber. 


However, along the way, he was stopped in his tracks when a voice called out to him. 


"Hey, Maren! I'm glad that you two are back." when he turned to the source of it, he immediately recognized the voice of Amaragi's sister as she approached him, albeit he was taken aback slightly when a smaller body almost jumped at him, hugging him tightly against his stomach before it reluctantly released him. 


"Maren! We missed you two… my sister is here too, right?" Kiel was looking up at him with a large smile plastered on his face, prompting Maren to try and return it slightly. 


"Of course, we have only just-" 


"Wait a moment." both of them seemed to freeze suddenly, and with no small amount of confusion, Kiel let go of Maren entirely to look back at Namagi with a tilt of his head. And yet, she didn't glance at her little brother as her eyes were solemnly fixated upon Maren's hand and the cup he was holding. 


She didn't stop in her approach even as she almost invaded Maren's personal space, and with each step that she took, Maren almost fearfully took one back when he saw the cold and almost blank expression in her eyes. 


"Kiel, please close your eyes for a moment and stay away a bit." she gently pushed her little brother a bit away from Maren, confusing him only further as she did so, but in the end, he complied with her request with innocence.


And with that, she faced Maren head on once again, now standing mere inches away from him with that same, blank expression. Maren's heart almost jumped a little in honest fright when she slowly lifted her hand close to his own, and with a sudden but unexpected smile, she gently took the cup out of his hand and placed it on a nearby table. 


Before she all but slammed him against the next wall


With a startled outcry, Maren was beyond confused and frightened when he found his arms forcefully pinned against the wall, all while Namagi's expression hardened more and more. 


"Wha-!? Why are you-"


Without further ado, Namagi lifted one of his hands close to his face, and the object that had caught her attention soon became clear as she almost shoved the ring on his finger close to his eyes. 


"What. Is. This." her eyes glanced at the ring for a brief second, regarding the sparkling ruby that was decorating the ring's surface in all of its glory. Albeit her sharp gaze quickly returned towards Maren, and her glare turned almost dangerously cold. 


"Maren… do you remember what I told you that night of what would happen if you ever made my sister unhappy…?" her eyes almost seemingly began to gleam in the exact same sparkle as the ruby, the crimson colour speaking of a single judgement. 


But before Maren ever had the chance to utter a single word, another voice suddenly cut through the air. 


"Namagi! What do you think you are doing!?" Maren felt the pressure on his arms lessening suddenly, and the younger princess turned her head to see that Amaragi was standing in front of the door towards her chamber, obviously staring at the scene with disbelief. Namagi glanced away slightly with a hint of embarrassment, but in the end, she didn't relent. 


"I am merely trying to find out why he is wearing a ring on his-" 


"That is because I have given it to him!" 


And with that, everything turned deadly silent all of a sudden. Namagi's expression immediately dropped, just like her hold on Maren ceased entirely. 


With the silence prolonging, Kiel slowly creaked an eye open to stare at what was happening, unable to make sense of it. 


Why was everyone staring at each other like this…? 


Internally, Amaragi had been hoping that she would not have to explain anything right now, especially not today. But after witnessing this, it seemed to be inevitable now. 


There were a lot of things to be said, and she could only hope her sister was ready for it.




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