Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 87: Tutorial Zone

"So these are the only survivors?"

A man who looked to be in his late-twenties uttered, "Hey, Ria... Aren't these people signed under your name? They are your responsibility, right? How do you feel? Seeing them become the last group of people to emerge from the final phase, you must be quite devastated, right?"

The man lifted a smile and made a sidelong glance at Ria.

Ria didn't even pay him a glance. Instead, there was a frown on her face as she stared at the newbies. It was because she discovered that all of them had light injuries. Furthermore, one of them had her hand weakly dangling on her side. It was obvious that her arm had been crippled.

Now, injuries within the world of Las Felipinas, particularly here in the Tutorial Zone for newbies wasn't that of a problem due to the number of Spiritualists that Fivecent has that could heal these injuries.

However, Medea's injuries were just too severe that Ria doubted if the higher-ups would allow her to heal Medea without paying a substantial price.

Ria scrunched up her eyebrows.

The man who stood beside her didn't mind her disrespect as he said in a consoling voice, "You don't have to worry about these small fries, Ria. Look... They are that injured despite the fact that Mount Spirit Sword Asylum wasn't really that dangerous if they were careful..."

"In short, they became complacent and careless inside the asylum and now they are paying the price!"

The man decisively swung down the gavel and passed his judgment as to why Hugo and the others had these injuries on their bodies.

Ria finally glanced at the man, but her expression wasn't too good, "Can you mind your business, Romeo? I'm trying to understand the reason why they became like this..."

Romeo's expression changed.

He became annoyed as he clicked his tongue and flicked his wrist, "All right, go ahead and do whatever you want to do."

"But don't take too long, we still have to announce to everyone the end of this final phase and the lists of winners. We've been here for three days because of these small fries, so you better hurry up. I don't know if these people can still take it being imprisoned in school gym any longer..."

Romeo shrugged and walked away to do his own work.

Ria's frown deepened.

She walked towards the direction of Hugo's group, but at that moment...

Hugo suddenly screamed like a madman.


Hugo stood up and howled, "It's your fault, you bitch! If not for you... Calvin would still be here..."

His eyes became filled with murderous intent as he rushed at Jannette whilst carrying his fists.


Scarlette abruptly screamed.

Jane and Zahra covered their eyes, unwilling to see the gory scene that was sure to unfold once Hugo's fist landed.


A fierce explosion ensued...

Hugo's fist that he threw out of anger contained so much power that when it collided against Jannette's head. It directly swept up the dust on the ground and the shockwave created a cloud of dust that prevented anyone from seeing what just happened.

Everyone sat on the edge of their seats.

Ria clicked her tongue and rushed at the scene of the crime.

She waved her hand and abruptly cleared the cloud of dust that covered the scene, but the situation was far different than anyone had expected.

Hugo's punch didn't collide with Jannette's head like what everyone had expected.

Instead, it was stopped by Medea with a single hand.

Hugo's pupils constricted.

He never expected, even in his wildest imagination that Medea could stop his fully-powered punch with a single hand and using her small palm that wasn't even as wide as Hugo's fists.


Hugo weakly uttered.

He glanced at Jannette with venom in his eyes, but before he could even move.

Medea was faster.

The instant she saw the intent to move within Hugo's eyes...

She crouched down and sent a palm strike directly on Hugo's sternum.


The collision created a distinctive noise, but Hugo didn't suffer that much damage from the attack.

However, he found himself unable to control his body as he flew backward and miserably rolled on the ground.


At this point, Ria had finally arrived.

Her movements weren't slow, and she arrived in just three seconds after Hugo threw his punch.

But everything happened so fast that by the time when she arrived, Hugo was already miserably rolling on the ground.

She stood in between Ria and Hugo.

A stern look could be seen on her face as she said, "Both of you, stop! I forbid you from moving!"

Medea and Hugo instantly froze.

Ria then called for the attention of the disciplinary guards within the Tutorial Zone to lecture both Medea and Hugo, but before she could even say anything...

Romeo's voice suddenly rang out.

"Now that the final phase is over and there are no remaining participants within Mount Spirit Sword Asylum. We will now announce the top five groups of the final phase!"

"Those who are within the top five will receive at least a thousand Power Stones, a virtual currency within the world of Las Felipinas established and backed by Fivecent Holdings Limited!"

"Power Stones in the main virtual currency used by Fivecent within the Tutorial Zone. In other words, these stones would be rendered useless once the one-year-long tutorial is over..."

"However, while you are still in the tutorial facility. You can use these Power Stones to buy anything that you like..."

"You can even buy a Teleportation Portal back to Earth using these power stones. Of course, you will be forcibly returned to Las Felipinas after spending a week on Earth, but you get what I am trying to say. What's more, you can also convert these power stones into real money back on Earth!"

"A single power stone is worth ten thousand dollars!"

"You can buy anything that you want using these power stones so long as you have enough of them... Strength, PC Games, a gaming laptop, a gaming computer. A pachinko machine, and even women! We can supply you with whatever you want as long as you are willing to pay the price!"

"Now... Let us announce the first five groups that cleared the final phase!"

"Coming in hot at the fifth place is... Abellanosa Group!"

"Fourth... Tampus Group!"

"At the third place is... The Jimenez Group!"

"Sliding into the second place is the Alawi Group!"

"As for the group that claimed the first place for themselves..." Romeo closed the small notebook that he was holding that contained the list of groups before sweeping his gaze at the newbies around him. His gaze temporarily lingered at Ria, seemingly wanting to see her expression.

But he was bound to be disappointed for Ria wasn't even looking at her.

In fact, she was talking with Hugo and the others.

"Tsssk..." Romeo inwardly clicked his tongue out of frustration. He couldn't understand why Ria wasn't paying him any attention. Was he really that unattractive?

Or was Ria doing this on purpose just so he would fall even deeper to her?

Romeo convinced himself that it was the latter.

Taking a deep breath, he temporarily stopped thinking about the issue as he declared.

"In first place is the Reyes Group!"


A distant shout of joy coming from a youngster rang out as soon as Romeo declared the champion.

The crowd also erupted into cheers and the place became filled with a joyous atmosphere. However, there was a particular group in this school gym that was unresigned. The new leader of that group, Hugo, stood up and stared right at Romeo's direction before shouting...

"I object!"


"The Villanueva group should be the champions!"

His shout created an uproar among the crowd.

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