Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 86: Turn of Events

Hugo, Jane, Zahra, Scarlette, Jannette, and Medea jogged for quite a long time, yet they still haven't met any other patients. The countdown of two minutes signified the start of the danger, and its end should also signify the end of the dangers and the final phase.

Everyone in the group was sure that the two minutes had passed, it should be relatively safe now to continue their journey.

Hugo signaled for the others to temporarily rest and they all took a turn towards a nearby bathroom. The bathroom was for males, but no one really cared about decorum or conventions at this point in time. All of them only had a single wish at this moment.

It was to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Then, if that was true... Why did Hugo lead them to the bathroom?

Well obviously, it was because he realized that the others were running out of juice.

It was an understatement to say that Hugo's stamina was reliable. After all, he had a military background. His years of training in those facilities and the assortment of drugs that they injected into Hugo to turn him into an absolute killing machine has to be good for something.

But these women were just average human beings.

Some of them were only ordinary office ladies before Fivecent reached out to them.

Of course, they had their own flaws and faults, but no one could question their humanity.

Compared to them, Hugo wasn't even human anymore.

Considering this fact, Hugo decided to lead them to a nearby bathroom that looked relatively safe.

The girls huffed and puffed as they desperately gasped for air.

Medea scrunched her eyebrows and said, "Why did we make a turn here? Shouldn't we go for the main elevators in the Main Hall of the Administration Block as fast as possible? We're not even in the Administration Block yet, but why are we stopping?"

Hugo turned to look at Medea in astonishment, "You... Are you not tired at all?"

Medea was startled by Hugo's questioning, but she didn't show any change of expression on her face.

"I am tired, but do we really have the leeway to feel tired? We can't stop here! We must continue... right now!"

"Calm down, Medea... You may not be tired, but we are too exhausted to continue... I can't take it anymore... We need to rest." Scarlette interrupted the chat that could erupt into a quarrel at any moment.

Medea was never an unreasonable woman.

Seeing that the others were indeed too tired to continue, she shrugged and didn't continue with the issue anymore.

She took the walkie-talkie strapped on her back and started fiddling with it.

"You're going to try and contact Calvin?" Hugo asked.

Medea simply nodded her head and used the walkie-talkie...

"Calvin... Are you there? Calvin, this is Medea... We're safe! Come and fetch us here in the males' bathroom of the Vocational Block's second floor!" She exclaimed into the walkie-talkie, but all that she got in response was static.

Hugo shook his head.

He knew that Medea's endeavor was useless, but if her actions could comfort her guilty heart.

Hugo didn't plan on stopping her from whatever she was trying to do.

But that didn't mean that the others would just let her continue.

While trying to contact Calvin for the third time in a row.

"Shut the fuck up, woman! I'm trying to have fun here and you're being too noisy!"

An unfamiliar shout coming from a nearby cubicle suddenly rang out.

The shout obviously came from a man, but apart from Hugo. Who else was a man in this bathroom?

Hugo's expression darkened.

He kicked the cubicle open and his eyes immediately widened from the scene that he saw inside the cubicle.

The man who had shouted earlier had his pants down and his rod rock-hard whilst in the middle of penetrating the anal orifice of a headless body.

The man immediately noticed the commotion and he angrily turned around, "What the fuck? Why did you open the door...? Do you want to watch, huh? Do you want to watch me have sex? You're sick in the head! Close the fucking door, or I'll fuck you up..."

Just as the man finished his sentence...

Hugo's fist landed on his chin, immediately rendering him unconscious as he fell beside the headless corpse that he was making love to.


"What is this place..."

"Seriously... What is this place?"

"This is mad..."

"I can't..."

"I don't want to stay here any longer..."

Jannette staggered backward.

Her expression was completely pale and she was obviously shell-shocked by what she just witnessed.

Hugo clicked his tongue and stared right at Jannette.


But Jannette misunderstood his look and she felt that Hugo was angry at her and he wanted to kill her.

She let out a shrill scream and made a dash towards the exit of the bathroom.

"Fucking hell... Follow her!" Hugo exclaimed and the others followed after Jannette.

Scarlette, Jane, and Zahra had grim looks on their faces. They were also shocked by the atrocity that they had just witnessed from the bathroom, but their minds were still intact.

On the other hand, Jannette's mental faculties seemed to have completely collapsed as she ran like mad towards the last corridor that they needed to take before the stairs.

Hugo was about to stop Jannette for taking the turn since she was being rash, but when he saw that there were no patients nor enemies waiting for them in that corridor.

He jumped in joy and turned to look at the others, "It's safe! There are no enemies! As we expected once the two minutes timer was up, the enemies would also disappear..."

Medea, Scarlette, Jane, and Zahra revealed relieved expressions on their faces.


After such a long torment inside this damned nightmare.

They were about to be released!

They could finally go home...

The women, apart from Medea teared up realizing that they could finally return to the outside world.

They quickly descended the stairs and entered the wide main elevators that were already opened.

Jannette was the first one to enter the elevator, while Hugo was the last. Upon seeing that Hugo was already inside. Jannette reached out for the buttons of the elevators to close its doors, but she was abruptly stopped by Hugo who exclaimed...

"What the fuck are you trying to do? Calvin is still not here! We can't leave this place without him!"

Hugo glared at her.

"That's right! Why are you being so selfish, Jannette? I've misunderstood you!"

Jane couldn't take it anymore when she saw Jannette's despicable attempt of trying to stop Calvin from escaping this place.

Even Medea who normally minded her business made a comment, "Calvin was the one who gave us advice on what to do and even made a map for us so we can lower our casualties as much as possible. If not for Calvin, I think, only a few of us would have reached this far..."

"Yes... We can't just leave Calvin to die here! Can you still sleep peacefully at night knowing that you killed a comrade and repaid his kindness with enmity?" Hugo added.

"Killed a comrade and repaid his kindness with enmity? Are you joking? That guy is obviously dead! He fought with those cultists on his own, trying to look cool as much as possible..."

"He's just a naive guy that doesn't know how deep the ocean is! I'm sure that he's already dead so we must close the doors no-"


Before Jannette could even complete her sentence...

Scarlette sent a slap right across her face.


"Don't you dare badmouth and curse at Calvin like that!"

Scarlette was really angered this time.

But Jannette merely chuckled, "Hahaha... Scarlette... To think that you would defend that scrawny guy and even slap me... What? Did you fall in love with him or something? Hahaha... Too bad, he's already dead so you've fallen in love with a ghost!"


Medea cried out.

She grabbed Jannette by her collar and threatened to kick her out from the elevator.

"Say something bad about Calvin one more time and I'll make sure to feed you to those bastards... I'll fucking offer you to that perverted bastard, what was his name again? Arthur Chase?"

Everyone was astonished by this sudden turn of events.

Hugo didn't know what to say witnessing how fierce Medea had become.

Jannette's expression quickly transformed from being smug into complete terror.

"No... please... I don't want to die... I'm sorry... I won't do it again... I just... I just want to escape from this place... I didn't mean it... I'm sorry..." She started crying like a child and Jane started to plead for her.

"Medea... You should just let her go... I know that you understand her feelings. We can't really blame her for acting like this... She just wants to go home as fast as possible..." Jane pleaded.

Medea made a sidelong glance at Jane before turning her gaze to Scarlette.

Scarlette also nodded her head and Medea let out a sigh.

She placed Jannette back onto the ground.

"Wait... Isn't that Calvin? Hey, bro! Calvin! Here! We're safe now! There are no more..." Hugo suddenly exclaimed in excitement when they saw Calvin running towards their direction. But Hugo's sentence was cut short for he realized that something strange was going on.

Calvin's running didn't look leisurely at all.

In fact, he was desperate.

The place should be safe now since the monsters must be gone, yet why was he running so desperately? Everyone stood rooted in shock as the figures of the Benevolent Father, Arthur Chase, and the Butcher came to their view.


Jane cried out in fear.

Scarlette bit her lips until they bled.

Medea clicked her tongue and exclaimed, "You can do it! You can do it, Calvin! Hurry up! Don't let them catch you!"

Medea prepared herself to close the doors of the elevator as soon as Calvin stepped inside.

She was quite confident that they would make it in time for even though the doors of the main elevator had scissors gates. The design of the elevator itself relied on hydraulics. It should close faster than conventional elevators.

"Calvin! Hurry up! Please... You have to make it!"

Scarlette clasped her hands together as she squirmed out of nervousness.

Hugo's face was stern.

He was prepared to act at any moment in case something goes wrong and he needed to rescue Calvin.

Calvin was now a few meters away from the elevator.

The three monsters were not too far away behind him, but Medea was sure that they would be able to make it in time.

Medea's arm tensed up...

Calvin was now three meters away from the elevator while the monsters were five meters away.

At this moment, Jannette suddenly let out a despairing wail.

"AAAHHH! They're coming!"

She stood up, reached for the elevator button, and slammed it with all of her might.


The elevator let out a distinct chime sound.

Calvin's face froze as his body collided against the scissor gates of the elevator doors that had already closed.

He stared right at everyone with despair twirling within his eyes.

He opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to speak.

But before he could even say anything...

The Benevolent Father's fist penetrated his body.


A mouthful of blood rushed from his throat and drenched the bodies of Hugo and the others.


Hugo let out a howl.

He tried to pry open the doors of the elevators, but it was too late.

The elevator itself was already descending.

And when they opened their eyes once again.

They found themselves standing inside the school gym where the final phase began.

The remaining survivors from the other groups stared at them with incredulous looks on their faces.

But the others could care less about their reactions.

Scarlette looked around and discovered that...

Calvin wasn't with them.



Where is he...?


He died?!


That can't be...

Scarlette's weakly uttered. Her knees went jelly and she directly collapsed onto the floor.

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