Records Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 98 - Choose

Chapter 98: Chapter 32 Choose

Translator: Doggotranslation 


The clothes shattered under the expanding muscles and the dark night like hair was covered with a layer of silver moonlight. Spell’s body was almost lifted by the vampire, but her hand still held the doll full of spells tightly.


An angry wolf roar sounded in the backyard of the L-shaped Grande Funeral Home. This newly-born beast has found its left forelimb drooped under it like a waste.

Spell stared at Alpha with her eyes wide open, the biggest nightmare passed down by her Inan shaman blood came true.

“NO! !” Half of Spell’s body was surrounded by the arms of the vampire Zach, and there was madness in her eyes. Her hands raised the doll high, and her shriveled fingers tore the wooden doll with force.

The red spell flashed suddenly, and under the Alpha black hair, a red light loomed, and the sound of bones twisting and breaking came from it!

After finally transforming into its true form, Jim used its scarlet tail to wrap around Coord, and threw it hard towards the Grande Funeral Home guarded by the enchantment, Zach also threw the crazy Spell inside the barrier. The fragments of the wooden doll were scattered in the air in front of the two Inans flying backward.

Countless soft clicks burst out from all over the Alpha’s body, broken bones returned to the original place, and strained muscles began to heal…

The sturdy right forelimb was clawing the ground heavily, like a black meteor, rushing towards the person who caused severe pain all over the body!


The football jacket was knocked apart when it first appeared, no, it was penetrated.

Ryan, who remained in this world entirely because of a jar that had been used for pickled cucumbers, made a pulling motion with his phantom body. But Alpha’s tail just flicked across his body, leaving the translucent earthbound spirit to maintain its posture, floating in the air in vain.

Alpha’s body halted, and its speed suddenly slowed down! The scarlet giant tail was wrapped around his hind legs, four drag marks were drawn on the ground, and the shapeshifter Jim’s lizard-like body was pulled straight! Only the sharp claws were firmly embedded in the soil. The scarlet skin at its tail was torn apart, revealing the pink muscles in it!

Zach’s pupils constricted, and after throwing away, his body suddenly tightened.

The restrained Alpha suddenly turned its head and stared at the shapeshifter. Its primary attack target changed at this time! Its right forelimb slammed to the left, the huge body turned to the right sharply, and the sharp fangs bit towards the ‘lizard’ pulling its hind legs!

In Jim’s somewhat big abnormal eyes, Alpha’s teeth were getting closer and closer!

“Woosh!” “Click!”

The scarlet figure made a sharp 180 degree turn with its triangular head as the center like a pendulum out of control. And the huge bite that should have been biting on its body missed.

Jim was facing Alpha’s head, blinking its big round eyes, and its vertical and horizontal two eyelids opened, leaving a cross shadow in Alpha’s puzzled eyes. The whole body of the expressionless creeping creature was covered in scarlet. At the end of the scarlet tail, a neat cross-section was lifted up, swinging slightly, as if to remind Alpha – look here.

There was confusion in Alpha’s eyes. It seemed to be still dealing with the scene in front of him. At this time, its body shook violently! When it was just about to scream, it suddenly felt a chill. The scarlet body climbed onto its head!

The vampire’s right hand tightly grasped the black hair, and the entire forearm of his left hand was already submerged in Alpha’s left shoulder!

The shapeshifter climbed onto Alpha’s head, and its upper body was already submerged in the hair on Alpha’s back, and its hind claws like sharp knives stuck in Alpha’s eye sockets, and tightened!

“Howl! !”

A roar that made everyone shudder erupt in Alpha’s mouth, and it instantly raised his body!

The only usable right forelimb grabbed in the direction of the vampire, and the ‘lizard’ on the head!

In the black, the scarlet was moving and Alpha’s forelimbs were just slapping itself constantly, giving the vampire time to go deeper!

The tail that was abandoned by Jim was already in tatters under Alpha’s footsteps, like a pile of rotten meat! The vampire struggled to attach to Alpha while trying to push his arm forward a little bit!

The vampire’s body suddenly tilted, the flipped world froze in an instant, and the sound of bone fracture sounded from Alpha and the vampire at the same time! But only Zach’s bones were broken! Zach’s body was squeezed between the ground and Alpha! The crimson in the eyes seemed to overflow the eyes and spread to the outside!

The crowd of walking corpses in the distance tightened suddenly, jamming the young vampire in the middle!

Zach’s neck dodged sharply. Alpha’s sharp teeth were deeply embedded in the ground on the side of his face! The stench of warm air spewed on the face of the vampire. Zach pushed Alpha with his right hand using full strength. The scarlet figure climbed down from Alpha to the ground like a snake. The short front paws pressed against Zach’s shoulders, snapped in, and pulled Zach out forcefully!


The vampire seemed to be inspired by the scarlet ‘Shougong’. With his right hand closed, he directly stabbed into his left shoulder! The blood pulled a red bloodstain between after the two separated.

rThe vampire’s body quickly turned over on the ground, stood up, and covered his left shoulder. Under the hair-raising sound, white bones and bright red muscles grew on the wound held by the vampire’s right hand. But Zach’s red eyes were fading.

The crowd of walking corpses in the distance tightened, even more!

“Don’t worry.” The cold skin of a certain walking corpse whispered into Ian’s ear, passing Papa Midnight words: “We are not here to create death…”

Papa Midnight was telling the truth.

Alpha’s huge body turned over on the ground, three sturdy limbs made it stand up again, and the brown eyes under the black-colored hair stared at the standing vampire and the scarlet ‘lizard’ half lying on the ground.

A new round of confrontation was about to begin.

“Stop wasting time!” A dry voice came from a group of walking corpses in the distance, “Get Ryan, and then we can leave this hapless city!”

Alpha’s gaze shifted away from the vampire.

Zach frowned, watching the black-colored Alpha use his only available forelimbs to paw the ground in the backyard of Grande.

This Alpha didn’t seem to be obsessed with crushing the vampire’s throat!

“Stop! “Stop! !” Ryan screamed in vain in the air, and a pile of soil had been piled up in front of Alpha!


“Stop!” The sound of the walking corpses sounded, and Alpha’s movements stopped.

Zach’s brows furrowed tighter, not because Spell walked out of the protective barrier of the Grande Funeral Home, but because this Alpha would actually obey orders!

What kind of leader would follow other people’s orders? There was no such leader! Even if it was the cursed Inan heroes in history, they obeyed their own will to protect their homeland, not Papa Midnight’s order!

Spell held a dagger in one hand and pointed against her wrinkled neck: “Papa Midnight, you want me, or Ryan! choose one! ”

“Oh! No! Spell! My Spell!” The walking corpse faithfully represented everything that Papa Midnight wanted to present. “You are my true blood, you are different from others, you are my true precious believer! Why do you want to give me such a difficult choice?”

The dagger that reflected the cold light was already on the skin, and Spell’s bloodshot eyes stared at the walking corpses in the distance: “You have already taken one of my sons! Now, Ryan or me, choose one!”

The walking corpses lowered their heads, like uncontrolled puppets.

The night breeze touched the heart of every creature, but someone who needed to make a choice seemed to have pressed the pause button at this time.

I’m not making a metaphor, Papa Midnight must temporarily put this thing aside.

Because the car he was driving was rolling in mid-air, the twisted braids on his head were swaying against the traction of gravity, fluttering in front of his eyes, and slapping his face, making his face hurt. The unsavory necklace of animal bones worn around the neck was flying in front of his face, colliding with each other and making a clattering noise, and it also kept hitting his front teeth. Huge dangling earrings were tugging his earlobes during the tumble.

When the flipped car flew across the sky, revealing the full moon in the sky, we can see that under the full moon, in the middle of the road, the brown eyes of the ‘bear-like beast’ that had dark-brown hair was staring at someone exposed in the driver’s seat window.

Papa Midnight’s body was pulled back by the seat belt during the tumble, he was like duckweed in the waves. His ribs were in pain from the pull, ‘ouch, they found me.’


The maroon car crashed into the trees on the side on the side of the Charles River, broke several trees, and stopped sideways in front of a tree with a slightly bigger tree trunk. The creaking of metal bending and scratching against the tree trunks was unusually clear in the night.

The Alpha, the real Alpha in the middle of the road was scratching the concrete ground with its sharp toenails. Amid the cold scratching sound, the chilling white scratch marks were left on the ground. The dark brown hair was pushed back against its skin in the rapid receding airflow as the Alpha rushed to the deformed car!

The maroon paint was cruelly scratched, and Alpha’s forelimbs directly grabbed on the door on the driver’s side. The sound of the metal being forcibly ripped off sounded, the concave and deformed car’s door spun in the air, and finally flew into the woods on the other side of the road and disappeared.

Amidst the babbling groaning, and the belt snapping sound, the left chest of the man in a maroon formal suit was bitten by Alpha’s clenched upper and lower jaws and thrown out. The poor man’s body seemed unable to withstand it anymore, the body that missed half of its left chest sprayed bright red blood and some lumps while in the air.

However, Alpha didn’t seem to be satisfied. Its hind limbs kicked up, and the forelimbs directly smacked the mop-like head!

It was still not enough! After landing, Alpha began to bite all the parts that could be bitten, limbs, torso, and head! Alpha would not be able to vent its anger if he didn’t do it.

Finally, when there were only splashes of blood and small pieces of meat on the gray road under the moonlight, Alpha raised his head and howled!

This long howl was greeted by an echo.

Alpha tilted his head and looked at the car that rolled over in the wood. In the trunk that had been knocked open, a head popped out, and its pale yellow hair was moved by the night wind.

The wolf that responded to Alpha’s howl struggled to roll out of the trunk, clumsily biting the seals wrapped around its body. Red spells that spread all over these seals made the eyes of the wolf that was larger than the ordinary wolf drowsy. If it hadn’t been awakened by Alpha’s howl, it would have been asleep through the full moon.

Alpha stood in the middle of the road and had no intention of helping the young wolf. It is a shame for its wolf pack that it could be captured, and now, the young wolf must break the seal that binds it by itself!

Finally, the wolf got rid of the seal around its body. Alpha’s breath sputtered on the cold and hard ground. It turned and entered the woods. The young wolf behind it followed behind with awe, anticipation, and a trace of confusion.

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